Can't sell/buy nightsticks on Ebay?

Nov 16, 2019
Western Mass
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I just picked up a bunch of "new old stock" nightsticks at a local estate sale and tried to sell a few on ebay and they got taken down, I guess they are not allowed. Anyone have any ideas as to where I might be able to sell these online

Maybe it’s just you… 🙄

Maybe it’s just you… 🙄

I was able to sell 2 before they flagged my listings, it was up for a day before it got taken down.
Be creative.
Sell them as coffee table legs.

Anyone looking to buy one would know what they are.
image (7).jpeg

My father carried this ^^^ in 1942, Waltham PD. Often walked a beat on Moody Street. When they had a car (open touring type) they'd grab a couple of milk cans and fill them with hot water from a boiler at the Waltham Watch Factory, put them on the floor between their legs to warm up in the winter.

This must be very high quality leather as it has held up for over 80 years.
View attachment 583285

My father carried this ^^^ in 1942, Waltham PD. Often walked a beat on Moody Street. When they had a car (open touring type) they'd grab a couple of milk cans and fill them with hot water from a boiler at the Waltham Watch Factory, put them on the floor between their legs to warm up in the winter.

This must be very high quality leather as it has held up for over 80 years.
I was issued one just like that when I joined the PD back in the late 1970s. I bought a Monadnock straight stick and carried that plus a 5-cell flashlight instead.
You can sell them but it has to be under a certain category. Search the recent SOLD listings for them and hit "Sell Similar". Hope this helps
2 of the sold ones are mine, those sold before Ebay could take down the listings.
Some a**h*** who is selling them or planning on selling something similar probably reported you to take away his or her competition. It happened to me a few times when I was selling gun accessories
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