Carbine classes

No restrictions on ammo sales. As long as you meet Federal requirements. Which I believe are just age requirements of 18 for long gun and 21 for hand gun ammo. (Honest, I'm using the 9mm in my rifle!! - stupid)

No you can't transport a hand gun to the range in CT without a permit.
If you go back to my citation of CGS 29-35 on the previous page you will see all of the exceptions. Including, transporting it into the state when you first move here, to or from a place where it is being repaired, to or from a place of work (if you own the business) for the purpose of keeping it at that business. You can't carry it back and forth every day. It must be unloaded. Last is To or from a dealer to sell it. Plus a few other items.

The botom line is you can keep a handgun with little hassle without a permit, but you really can't take it with you anywhere.

We also have a single tier pistol permit. One permit for everything from range use to hi-cap concealed carry.
We do have an eligibility certificate, which allows you to purchase only. But it has the same training requirements and costs as a "Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers" so nobody gets one.

Jar, you've got to be more explicit, or your post means nothing.

Are you talking abut handguns or long guns?

My comment above applied only to permitless transport of a handgun. For long guns the only restriction is that it not be loaded in a MV.
Jar, you've got to be more explicit, or your post means nothing.

Are you talking abut handguns or long guns?

My comment above applied only to permitless transport of a handgun. For long guns the only restriction is that it not be loaded in a MV.

I mean handguns. You said repeatedly that 'Maine is just like CT', while this may be true for rifles, it isn't for handguns. Sorry if I didn't say that clearly enough or if I missed that you were specifically talking about long guns.
Jar, you've got to be more explicit, or your post means nothing.

Are you talking abut handguns or long guns?

My comment above applied only to permitless transport of a handgun. For long guns the only restriction is that it not be loaded in a MV.

Most states do not regulate permit-less transport of an unloaded handgun, only the "dirty half dozen or so" do. NH, VT, and ME do not regulate it at all, and in VT you get loaded + concealed carry for free.

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