Carbine Suggestions?

I had the Ruger PC9 carbine (9mm), but it's trigger pull was just too weird for me, and I sold it. It's built really well, and weighs a ton, so you might consider
that if you can find one (they are pretty rare now in 9mm).

If I were to get a 9mm carbine, I'd go for Hi-Point, I've heard nothing but good things about them.
If they were not illegal in CT I would definitely get one of those. As it is I have a SW5 (MP 5 clone by Special weapons) that I love, but the glock Mech-Tech looks intriguing, especially since a G17 or 34 is bound to make it into my collection soon.
M1 Carbine:
Pros: Cool history, cool rifle.
Cons: Unless you get a real one, it is poor quality & usually does not funtion well. Ammo is expensive. No options for optic mounting.

Um... there were 6 million of the real ones made, which is an order of magnitude more than the number of commercial variants out there - plus the IJ and Plainfield guns were plenty reliable/functional. Ammo is pretty reasonable at today's ammo prices, and there are multiple ways to mount optics.
Thanks for all the great suggestions and discussion. I do have a G17, which I wildly overpaid for thanks to MA, so that is an interesting option.
+1 cheap and fun to shoot, and with the aftermarket stock ($50), looks very similar to a Beretta CX4...


And for the cost of the Beretta you could buy Hi Point's in 9mm and .40S&W and equip them with aftermarket stocks and budget optics and have $$$ left over for ammo. I have watched a side by side review of the Hi Point vs CX4, and while the CX4 was a bit more accurate, (2" 10 shot vs 3" 10 shot @50yds) the Hi Point was just as reliable over 1,000 rounds and I believe weighs a bit less. They also said the Hi Point had a reasonably crisp 4# trigger pull with no creep. Basically, they both do the same thing, only the CX4 costs 4x more and is not 4x better. The CX4 is better, but not enough better to justify 4x the price.
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