Carrs Sporting Goods Taunton, Ma

Jul 9, 2006
Taunton Ma
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ive been going to carrs sporting goods in taunton ma for years. its a nice place to check out. both the owner,walter. and al, who also works there are both pleasant to deal with. Carrs spoting goods.1452 sommerset ave,rt140.taunton ma 508-823-3218.

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re: Carr's

Thanks for the welcome.

Carr's doesn't have a website that I'm aware of. They have a far number of rifles and shootguns, more than Northeast Trading does, but not a lot of pistols. The place is a bit disorganized and cramped, but it's worth the visit if you're in the area.
It is south of the Taunton Green ,
Have bought several firearms there nice place to visit, never know what you will find there.
AL243, you told everyone about my secret gunshop. There is no forgiving this!

Welcome to the forum, but please don't tell any more Bristol County secrets.


C-Pher, don't make that road trip. You won't like it down there. Really, go see Ted at Northeast and save your time. Carrs' is so far away, almost in Dighton. It isn't worth the trip just for a few dusty old guns.
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Al, no Crystal Rose guns is not one of my secrets, but if you telll me where it is it might be!!!

I hope you know I was kidding Al. I wouldn't keep good information secret. I just wouldn't blast it all over the internet *smile* I like the variety at Carrs, and I like the mess. It gives me the feeling I might find some unnoticed treasure under the next stack of books or used holsters.

Their ammunition selection is excellent, especially if you like to collect old and odd stuff. I'd guess he has over a hundred rifles on display, many very nice ones, shotguns too.

They turn over handguns very quickly. One day I walked in and bought a like new S&W Mod 19, and went to the ATM to get some cash. Half an hour later when I got back to the shop they had taken in a S&W Mod 34 Nickle Kit Gun, and I bought that too. I don't think there has ever been a time I went in there and didn't find something I wanted to buy. The prices seem ok, and it's a long time family operation. Father, daughter and son in law.

Now tell me, where is Crystal Rose!!!!??


Oh, just thought of something. Is Crystal Rose that shop in the trailer behind an Auto Repair shop, kinda hidden by the chain link fence? I have been there, and it seemed to have a good selection, but it's never open when I go by.
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I checked out this shop today and while I found a few old milsurps that interested me, the prices were pretty much what you'd expect to see at a shop or show. I couldn't get the woman behind the counter to budge on a price for a well worn missmatched Portugese Mauser. There was a nice Swiss 96/11 that also looked a bit worn, but price, which was fair, was outa my league given what I've spent recently. A pretty nice 03 Springfield though for what looked like a fair price, I didn't check it though.
Depicts. Yes i knew you were joking,and yes it is the trailer in the fenced in area. just go into the auto shop and ask for Scott, he works in that shop.
Do tell! A decent supply of war rifles? [grin]
I'm still kicking myself. In or about 2003 I was in the shop and he had a M1 Carbine with mag pouches on the stock and the barrel dust cover. I even want to say the sling was there too. He had a $350 price on it. I did not buy it because I let another friends opinion of the cartridge sway me. Oh the painful world of coulda, shoulda, woulda.

I've bought and sold many guns there. Good folks to deal with. Only one bad experience and that was because of my ignorance and I did not ask questions. No deception on there part. I've learned from it.
I have been to Carr's several times, I just live down the street. It is a nice place and the owners are nice. But I still prefer Ted and Northeast.
Open sundays

Carr's sporting goods in taunton is now open sundays thru the hunting seasons. i am not sure of the hours,maybe 9-1pm. tel, 508-823-3218
Taunton Man Sentenced For Theft of 32 Guns

A Taunton man was sentenced today in federal court in connection with
the theft of thirty-two firearms from a licensed firearms dealer.
Un ited States Attorn ey Mi chael J . Sullivan ; Glenn N. An d erson, Special Agent in Charge
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in New England; Taunton Police
Chief Raymond O'Berg; and Bristol County District Attorney Samuel Sutter, announced today
that ALFRED PERRY, age 24, of 9 Creedway Lane in Taunton, Massachusetts, was sentenced
by U.S. District Judge George A. O'Toole to 8 years in prison, to be followed by 3 years of
supervised release, and restitution of more than $13,000. On November 1, 2006, PERRY
pleaded guilty to a one-count Indictment charging him with theft of firearms from a licensed
firearms dealer.
At the earlier plea hearing the prosecutor told the Court that, had the case proceeded to
trial, the evidence would have proven that on August 12, 2005, PERRY participated in the theft
of thirty-two firearms from a licensed firearms dealer located in Taunton. PERRY and several
others entered Carr's Sporting Goods, located at 1452 Somerset Avenue in Taunton by forcing
open a side door. Carr's is a federally-licensed firearms dealer. The resulting investigation by
state and federal authorities recovered some of the firearms in the aftermath of the break-in at
crime scenes throughout southeastern Massachusetts.
The case was investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,
and the Taunton Police Department. It was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Glenn A.
MacKinlay, Project Safe Neighborhoods and Anti-Gang Coordinator, in Sullivan's Major Crimes
Press Contact: Samantha Martin (617) 748-3139
I can't believe they plea bargianed with this dope, and they didn't even get him to flip on the other guys involved in this crime.

I think this dope should do more than 8 years for helping to put 32 illegal guns on the streets. No wonder there is no respect for the "toughest gun laws in the country."
depicts, keep in mind this was a FEDERAL charge, not MA.

I agree, much too lenient. MA legal gun owners with post-ban hi-cap mags can get more time in Walpole State Prison than this!! [frown] [rolleyes]
I had to go to Taunton, so I stopped in Carrs today I've never been there before.

The owner was behind the counter and He really is a great guy. I asked him if I could browse his reloading supplies and he said, Sure.

Normally that's not a big deal but his reloading stuff is behind a handgun counter and I didn't even realize that untill after I did it.

He has a lot of reloading gear, Lee Dies & molds, Hornady, RCBS and Dillon stuff. All sorts of rifles and shotguns, a little short on handguns compared to any where else but over all a wide range of things.

So I ended up with a lot of hard to find reloading stuff but I found that the one thing that made the whole trip worth while.

i heard for a good source this place is open but it is up forsale

i think they place is rented , but not sure .....if someone went in there and cleaned the place up and stocked a decent inventory ,being on 138 might not be bad but not sure
i heard for a good source this place is open but it is up forsale

i think they place is rented , but not sure .....if someone went in there and cleaned the place up and stocked a decent inventory ,being on 138 might not be bad but not sure

I used to talk to the father (Walter) occasionally and got the impression that way back in the day this was an awesome shop. They have always been very nice freindly people when I have gone in there.
I used to talk to the father (Walter) occasionally and got the impression that way back in the day this was an awesome shop. They have always been very nice freindly people when I have gone in there.

yes back years ago 90s and ealy 2000s when walter the old man was running it ...had a lot of guns and would order things , but things seem to change .

Walter was a nice guy
I have actually only dealt with Walter when I have been in there in past couple years. It is on my normal ride to work so I would swing by every now and then to look around or talk for a few mins. The daughter was often there to help as well. First few times I started going in there a few years ago there were always a few new hand guns (only ever recall new s&w, walther and ruger) and a few old used guns, many of the used never changed in years (think vintage high standard 22's) a few times I passed up some interesting used guns that I probably should have bought looking back now. Last couple times I stopped in there was minimal inventory other than the array of long guns that have looked the same basically since day one when I went in there. I cant say its a surprise that they are getting out of there, as shop always kind of felt like stepping into a time machine back 30+years, but thats what I kind of liked about it.

i have a friend who's dad used to go there as a kid to sell pelts and pick up ammo when he was a kid, I remember wen I told him I had bought something from Walter and he was like "can't believe he's still there" etc. also agree that it'd make a nice little shop if someone had the time to update the place and get some stock in there.

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