Carry Gun; Still looking

Aug 17, 2009
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Any comments on this as a carry during the summer months?
Can't seem to find just the right fit of size,and weight.

SIG P232

Caliber .380ACP
Triger Pull DA/SA 10.0 lbs/ 4.5 lbs
Overall Length 6.60"
Overall Height 4.70"
Overall Width 1.20"
Barrel Length 3.60"
Sight Radius 4.70"
Sights SIGLITE® Night Sights
Weight w/Mag 17.6oz
Mag Capacity 7 Rounds
Grips Black Polymer Factory Grips
I like the 232, the downside is the mag release and expensive ammo. It's big for a .380, but it's very accurate.

If you're considering the P232, why not give the 239 in 9mm a look? Pretty much the same size but + 1 in the mag, cheaper ammo for practice, and a push button mag release.
I have the P239 and love it. Not the lightest carry gun out there, but that wasn't a big concern of mine.

I also considered a Glock 26 and a Kahr PM9. I could not find a good deal on the Glock and the Kahr was backorder everywhere. I don't regret the decision.

My choice is a 38 snubby with a shrouded hammer in an IWB holster. You can also carry it in a pocket. The revolver is the only gun you can fire from a pocket more than once.
The revolver is the only gun you can fire from a pocket more than once.

Any comments on this as a carry during the summer months?
Can't seem to find just the right fit of size,and weight.

SIG P232

Caliber .380ACP
Triger Pull DA/SA 10.0 lbs/ 4.5 lbs
Overall Length 6.60"
Overall Height 4.70"
Overall Width 1.20"
Barrel Length 3.60"
Sight Radius 4.70"
Sights SIGLITE® Night Sights
Weight w/Mag 17.6oz
Mag Capacity 7 Rounds
Grips Black Polymer Factory Grips

I've used a friend's 232 - nice pistol. Big for a 380, ammo is scarce in my neighborhood right now, but a very nice shooter.

SIG 239

Caliber 9mm
Trigger Pull DA/SA 10.0 lbs/ 4.4 lbs
Overall Length 6.6 in
Overall Height 5.1 in
Overall Width 1.2 in
Barrel Length 3.6 in
Sight Radius 5.2 in
Weight w/Mag 29.5 oz
Mag Capacity 8 Rounds (9mm)

My 239 is in 357 Sig, not 9mm, but I'd recommend 9mm for ammo price and availability reasons. I didn't like the Sig plastic grips on the 239. Tried the Hogue rubber ones, which shot great but annoyed me while carrying with a shirt over the pistol, and ended up with the Hogue wood grips, which have been great. The 239 is heavier, so it would need a good belt and holster. It is probably too heavy to be a good pocket pistol, if that's what you're thinking.
My choice is a 38 snubby with a shrouded hammer in an IWB holster. You can also carry it in a pocket. The revolver is the only gun you can fire from a pocket more than once.

I have the Ruger LCR and love it. I bought it for summer carry because of it's small size and light weight.
I carry a Sig 229 year round without any issues (not a light pistol and I'm not a big guy). A good holster and gun belt are a must.
I don't see the point of a Sig 232. It's a wimpy cartridge. It's too big for pocket carry. If you can conceal that on your belt, you can conceal a P239, which is a serious caliber (9mm+). Or a Kahr K9, which has the same capacity but is thinner and 9mm.
I would go with a subcompact glock or M&P.

The subcompact glocks are still too bulky/heavy to carry easily & comfortably in the hot weather. I know, I have one and it's a pain in the tits in the summer. I would end up leaving it in the safe when it was 90 degrees out because you could see it though my shirt or it was too heavy and would pull on the waist band of my shorts. I love my glock and would never part with it. However, it is not doing me any good as a CCW if it is locked in a safe in the summer. I carry the glock when I'm wearing clothing that is suitable so concealment isn't an issue.
I was initially having a hard time shopping for a summer gun because I wanted something a lot smaller and lighter than the glock but I still expected it to look like it had a huge set of balls.[smile] A friend of mine finally said "so you would rather go unarmed than carry a smaller caliber? even a .22 pistol in your pocket would be better than nothing." [rolleyes] He was right. I bought the LCR and I can carry it without any issue of concealment.
The subcompact glocks are still too bulky/heavy to carry easily & comfortably in the hot weather. I know, I have one and it's a pain in the tits in the summer. I would end up leaving it in the safe when it was 90 degrees out because you could see it though my shirt or it was too heavy and would pull on the waist band of my shorts. I love my glock and would never part with it. However, it is not doing me any good as a CCW if it is locked in a safe in the summer. I carry the glock when I'm wearing clothing that is suitable so concealment isn't an issue.
I was initially having a hard time shopping for a summer gun because I wanted something a lot smaller and lighter than the glock but I still expected it to look like it had a huge set of balls.[smile] A friend of mine finally said "so you would rather go unarmed than carry a smaller caliber? even a .22 pistol in your pocket would be better than nothing." [rolleyes] He was right. I bought the LCR and I can carry it without any issue of concealment.

I carry a G33 year round, I also carry it in the apendix position and conceals fine for me but, To each their own.
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The subcompact glocks are still too bulky/heavy to carry easily & comfortably in the hot weather. I know, I have one and it's a pain in the tits in the summer. I would end up leaving it in the safe when it was 90 degrees out because you could see it though my shirt or it was too heavy and would pull on the waist band of my shorts.

It sounds like you're not using a quality belt (designed to support the weight of a gun and spare ammo) or quality holster, or quality shorts [laugh]. I carry Glocks & extra mags regularly down here in the Florida summer heat wearing shorts & a T-shirt. I'm aware that women often have different carry issues than men, but if you start with a quality belt/holster combo you'll have a lot fewer issues with carrying IMO. I read all the posts chanting about a sturdy belt and never believed them until I started using one. It's much more comfortable and easy to conceal when you use one.
It sounds like you're not using a quality belt (designed to support the weight of a gun and spare ammo) or quality holster, or quality shorts [laugh]. I carry Glocks & extra mags regularly down here in the Florida summer heat wearing shorts & a T-shirt. I'm aware that women often have different carry issues than men, but if you start with a quality belt/holster combo you'll have a lot fewer issues with carrying IMO. I read all the posts chanting about a sturdy belt and never believed them until I started using one. It's much more comfortable and easy to conceal when you use one.

Oh yes absolutely a good belt & holster I agree. But what I meant is in the summer not all clothing women wear is designed for a belt. Some of the shorts/skirts don't even have belt loops and the material is light & minimal. The glock is to heavy to wear with an outfit like that. A lightweight pocket gun works best. Men have it easier when it comes to concealment.[wink]
I carry a G21sf in a nice ross leather shoulder rig during fall, winter, and spring... but I'm not comfortable with open carry. I'm considering a G36 and using a IWB holster for the summer. I'm a big guy so hiding a large frame pistol on me is easy.
Oh yes absolutely a good belt & holster I agree. But what I meant is in the summer not all clothing women wear is designed for a belt. Some of the shorts/skirts don't even have belt loops and the material is light & minimal. The glock is to heavy to wear with an outfit like that. A lightweight pocket gun works best. Men have it easier when it comes to concealment.[wink]

+1 for the P239. I have 2, a .40/.357 Sig, and a new Tactical in 9mm. The first has ns and CTC grips and is scary accurate, albeit a little on the heavy side as was already stated. Funny a good belt was mentioned as I just got a new one yesterday from Hogue!

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