NES Member
Is there a battle going on in the market within the 6.5mm to 7mm cartridges? It seems like every year a manufacturer is coming out with a new high BC bullet that is supposed to be the flattest shooting and hardest hitting one ever invented.
They are definitely an improvement over the classics, offering less drop, more KE and in some cases less recoil. But does it really matter much at the end of the day?
As tempting as it would be to retire my 308 for one of these cartridges, I can't get past the issue of availability. Seems each bullet manufacturer has their own version so they are not going to want to produce a bullet of one of their competitors. Doesn't seem like a good deal for the consumer.
Few of the ones that come to mind are:
7mm backcountry
6.8 western
7mm prc
26 nosler
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28 nosler
Do you think all of these make it long term or only a couple survive, if any? 6.8 western is a great example. It ticks off all the boxes as a great hunter but ammo availability seems very limited.
They are definitely an improvement over the classics, offering less drop, more KE and in some cases less recoil. But does it really matter much at the end of the day?
As tempting as it would be to retire my 308 for one of these cartridges, I can't get past the issue of availability. Seems each bullet manufacturer has their own version so they are not going to want to produce a bullet of one of their competitors. Doesn't seem like a good deal for the consumer.
Few of the ones that come to mind are:
7mm backcountry
6.8 western
7mm prc
26 nosler
27 nosler
28 nosler
Do you think all of these make it long term or only a couple survive, if any? 6.8 western is a great example. It ticks off all the boxes as a great hunter but ammo availability seems very limited.