Castle Doctrine case upheld in Fla


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Man said he killed two attackers in self-defense


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

WEST PALM BEACH — Norman Borden became the first defendant in Palm Beach County to beat murder charges under the state's Castle Doctrine law, which expands an individual's right to self-defense, when a jury acquitted him of all charges Monday in connection with a double slaying.

Friends and family of the two men he shot to death cried and covered their faces with their hands as the court clerk read the verdicts: Not guilty. Not guilty. Not guilty. Not guilty.

Borden, 44, also was teary-eyed as he whispered thanks to his attorney, Public Defender Carey Haughwout. "He's very relieved," Haughwout said later. "I think he always had faith they would do the right thing."

At least 20 sheriff's deputies, including three undercover agents, ringed the courtroom when the jury returned with its verdict. A half-dozen deputies hovered near Borden, probably to protect him more than to prevent an escape.

Borden received death threats, Haughwout said, and security throughout the trial was increased dramatically out of fears of street gang retribution against him or jurors.

On Oct. 8, Borden fired 14 shots from his 9mm handgun at three men in a Jeep who he said shouted threats at him and tried to run him over as he walked his four dogs in the Westgate neighborhood near West Palm Beach at about 2:30 a.m. Killed were Christopher Araujo, 19, and Saul Trejo, 21. Juan Mendez, now 21, was wounded.

Borden said he feared for his life and acted in self-defense.

Borden had reason to believe the men in the car were violent, Haughwout told jurors. Araujo once told Borden that he carried two guns and had held a weapon to a woman's head, according to trial testimony. Trejo was a local leader of Sur 13, a violent street gang, according to authorities. A baseball bat and a makeshift weapon were found in the Jeep, but no guns.

Neither Haughwout nor prosecutor Craig Williams thought the verdicts had implications for future defendants claiming self-defense under the Castle Doctrine law, which has been in effect less than two years.

"This case kind of stands on its own," Williams said. "They were bringing a lot of violence to this defendant. I don't think the new law made any difference. The truth hurt me in this case."

The law broadens a person's right to self-defense to include shooting in his own home or vehicle or in a public place. It states that a law-abiding citizen has "no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she believes it necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another."

Last month, a Central Florida man was acquitted of second-degree murder in the shooting death of his live-in girlfriend in another Castle Doctrine case. The dead woman's friends allegedly threatened to kill him, and he fired as they broke into his mobile home, killing her. He said he didn't know his girlfriend was at the door when he fired.

Borden was acquitted of two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted first-degree murder and one count of shooting into an occupied vehicle by the jury of 11 women and one man. Another felony charge was dropped by the prosecution.

Williams conceded that Borden acted in self-defense when he fired the first five shots. But when he moved from the front of the Jeep to the driver's side and fired nine more rounds, it became murder, he argued.

"There was no threat" after the first five shots, Williams said in closing arguments. He said that, although the danger to Borden was real, he had time to reassess the situation after firing the initial shots because the Jeep had come to a stop after slamming into a fence post.

"He knew what was going on," Williams told the jury. "He knew what he was doing."

Borden told investigators that, even after he fired the initial shots, he saw movement inside the vehicle and still felt he was in danger.

Haughwout urged jurors to view the incident through Borden's eyes.

"The car is not the danger," she said in her closing argument. "It's the people in the car that are the danger. How do you reassess when you're in that spot with people that ... want to kill you? You do what you have to do to survive. There is no time for thought. There is no chance for reassessment."

After two hours of deliberations, the jury returned its verdict agreeing with her.

Araujo's fiancée, Anastasia Bocanegra, 20, wept as the verdicts were read and was incredulous afterward.

"He got away with killing two people," she said. "The car was stopped. Norman was not in fear for his life. These were not bad guys. They were babies."

Instead of spending life in prison if he had been convicted as charged, Borden gained his freedom at 8:13 p.m. after more than eight months in jail. Haughwout declined to say what Borden's plans are now, because of fears for his safety.

Williams said he also worries about threats against Borden. "I pray nothing happens to him. Am I worried? Sure. Look what they did to his house."

Two days after the shootings, Borden's house was set on fire, presumably in retaliation.

Compounding his troubles, his four pit bulls were euthanized while he was incarcerated.

"His story is very tragic," Haughwout said. "He's lost everything. He has no home to go home to. He's been in a grieving process ever since this happened."

Borden's instinctual response to the threat to his safety was "more rational" and "courageous" than would be expected of most people, she said. He has always regretted that he killed Araujo and Trejo, she said.

"There's nothing about this that Norman is proud of," Haughwout said.
Araujo's fiancée, Anastasia Bocanegra, 20, wept as the verdicts were read and was incredulous afterward.

"He got away with killing two people," she said. "The car was stopped. Norman was not in fear for his life. These were not bad guys. They were babies."


Two dead babies... [rofl2]
They got what they deserved. Tough shit.
Maybe we should mail a box of 9mm from NES to Mr. Bordon so he can reload.
One hell of a group... [smile]
Araujo's fiancée, Anastasia Bocanegra, 20, wept as the verdicts were read and was incredulous afterward.

"He got away with killing two people," she said. "The car was stopped. Norman was not in fear for his life. These were not bad guys. They were babies."
Do these people actually believe the BS that they spout? These 3 guys were gangbangers plain and simple, not choir boys.

I for one am thrilled to see Mr. Borden go free. I hope this a sign that society is sick of being pushed around by thugs without having any recourse.

Hopefully more states will follow suit, and by the time my grandkids are carrying, maybe Ma. laws will almost start to make sense. I don't want to be over optimistic though.[rolleyes]
Do these people actually believe the BS that they spout? These 3 guys were gangbangers plain and simple, not choir boys.

I for one am thrilled to see Mr. Borden go free. I hope this a sign that society is sick of being pushed around by thugs without having any recourse.

Hopefully more states will follow suit, and by the time my grandkids are carrying, maybe Ma. laws will almost start to make sense. I don't want to be over optimistic though.[rolleyes]

New Self-Defense Laws Cause Confusion

Anyone see this? (Here's the link )

New Self-Defense Laws Cause Confusion
By BRIAN SKOLOFF, Associated Press Writer

52 minutes ago

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Norman Borden fought back twice _ once against three assailants on the street, then again in a courtroom where he was charged with murder for killing two of them.

Borden, 44, was walking his dogs last year when three men in a Jeep tried to run him down. He pulled a gun and shot five times through the windshield, then moved to the side of the vehicle and fired nine more rounds.

He thought the shooting was self-defense, but a prosecutor put him on trial in the deaths, despite a new Florida law that grants wide latitude to people using deadly force to protect themselves.

The case highlights the confusion surrounding so-called "stand-your-ground" laws, which have been adopted in at least 14 states. The laws have perplexed judges and prosecutors, and, in some cases, forced attorneys to change the way they review evidence.

In Borden's case, a prosecutor filed charges against him, even though he privately thought Borden might have been correct to open fire. In Kentucky, a man suspected of murder was offered a plea agreement because the law was too difficult to explain to jurors.

Florida was the first state to enact such a law in 2005, removing the requirement that people who think they are in immediate peril must first try to retreat from the confrontation before using deadly force. Prior to passage of the law, only people defending themselves in their own homes, for the most part, could use deadly force without first trying to flee.

Most states let authorities determine whether deadly force was reasonable, even inside the home. But the new laws create an automatic presumption that a person is justified in using deadly force to ward off an attacker in just about any public place.

"We believe that self-defense is an innate human right and the law should never put the innocent victim of a crime in a position of having to second-guess themselves," said Ashley Varner, a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, which pushed for the laws.

For defense attorneys, the laws offer protection to clients who have struck back at assailants.

"The more defenses the better," said Jack King, spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He added: "Most people would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six," referring to juries and pallbearers.

Gun-control groups worry that the laws will embolden shooters to pull the trigger first rather than as a last resort.

"If you are protecting yourself or your family in self defense, that's a basic legal right anyway," said Elizabeth Haile, an attorney for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

At least 14 states have revised their laws to ensure that people don't have to retreat from an attacker. Those states are: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas, according to the NRA.

There is no way to tell exactly how many times the law has been used as a defense because the statutes are still too new to collect statistics.

In Kentucky, prosecutors offered a plea deal to a man they accused of murder because the statute was too confusing to explain to jurors.

Judge Sheila Isaac, who presided over the case, said the law apparently "went right through the Legislature without a single attorney looking at it."

She said the law was addressing a problem that didn't exist, a sentiment shared by law enforcement officials across the country.

"You just don't see cases where people are prosecuted when they are defending themselves," Isaac said.

Former Republican state Rep. Dennis Baxley, who sponsored Florida's bill, argues that the law was needed to empower citizens.

"Our judicial system tries to be so careful to protect the criminal's rights, we have neglected the right of the common citizen to protect themselves," Baxley said.

In West Palm Beach, Borden faced up to life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted of murder and attempted murder.

One of his would-be attackers, 21-year-old Juan Mendez, admitted in testimony at Borden's trial that the three men in the Jeep planned to "rough him up." A baseball bat was also found in the vehicle.

Prosecutor Craig Williams argued that Borden exceeded justified force when he continued firing after shooting the driver and stopping the Jeep. But Borden's defense argued that he did not have to retreat, citing the new law.

Williams said he pursued the charges because he thought a jury needed to decide the case. But he privately wondered how he would have behaved in the same situation. When Borden was acquitted, the prosecutor was almost relieved.

The assailants "were bringing an arsenal," Williams conceded after the trial. "It was pretty clear what the right thing to do was here."
Stupid article. If you actually read it you'll see that the only confusion is on the part of prosecutors who want to prosecute in self-defense cases but aren't sure they're allowed to. It is ludicrous to claim that the Castle Doctrine laws somehow forced the FL and KY prosecutors to bring charges against their better judgment.
"If you are protecting yourself or your family in self defense, that's a basic legal right anyway," said Elizabeth Haile, an attorney for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

As long as you using nothing more useful then a rolling pin you gun grabbing b***.

Sorry, that attempt at spin got to me.

-= chuck
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