Caveat Emptor

[/QUOTE Ztargetshooter If someone is too cheap to fork over $21.00 " You don't have to pay ebay to join but I bet you still buy stuff from it. Feedback is what counts.

Been green and don't miss it. The gun raffles are enticing tho... Maybe that's why no one wants to buy my radio?[/QUOTE]
Noticed your feedback is zero and that you're too cheap to fork over the $21. You'll probably stay a zero too in more ways than one.
sent the OP a PM telling him I am getting ahold of the Dealer as well a a full refund as soon as the AMMO is back in greenfield..have not heard back from yet

but keep all the hate comming it keeps me warm...LOL

I will be driving to Trader Johns on the days off with all my info i used to buy this ammo and will be getting to the bottom of this
sent the OP a PM telling him I am getting ahold of the Dealer as well a a full refund as soon as the AMMO is back in greenfield..have not heard back from yet

but keep all the hate comming it keeps me warm...LOL

I will be driving to Trader Johns on the days off with all my info i used to buy this ammo and will be getting to the bottom of this

Lighten up Francis.......just make things right thats all. People here and most other places don't like being taken, and I'm sure you don't either. As long as you're working on it and being honorable, thats all anyone can ask. Most guys here would give you the shirt of their back if you needed it.....just don't piss down our back and tell us its raining.
[/QUOTE Ztargetshooter If someone is too cheap to fork over $21.00 " You don't have to pay ebay to join but I bet you still buy stuff from it. Feedback is what counts.

Been green and don't miss it. The gun raffles are enticing tho... Maybe that's why no one wants to buy my radio?
Noticed your feedback is zero and that you're too cheap to fork over the $21. You'll probably stay a zero too in more ways than one.[/QUOTE]

Hey Ztargetshooter, thanks for the neg reps. I actually sent you a buch of positive ones because you really need them. Enjoy!
People here and most other places don't like being taken, and I'm sure you don't either.

well you right there my friend...and i did get taken...for about 430.00...cuz thats what i paid for it when i got it from Trader John is NH....I will be going up there....i still cant belive they sold me reloads...i feel for Dave as he thought he was getting new did I
sent the OP a PM telling him I am getting ahold of the Dealer as well a a full refund as soon as the AMMO is back in greenfield..have not heard back from yet

but keep all the hate comming it keeps me warm...LOL

I will be driving to Trader Johns on the days off with all my info i used to buy this ammo and will be getting to the bottom of this

I'm glad you replied here. Hopefully this will be solved to everyone's satisfaction. By everyone I mean you and the op.
People here and most other places don't like being taken, and I'm sure you don't either.

well you right there my friend...and i did get taken...for about 430.00...cuz thats what i paid for it when i got it from Trader John is NH....I will be going up there....i still cant belive they sold me reloads...i feel for Dave as he thought he was getting new did I

Here's wishing you well on that journey. Tell Trader John's that 10,000 pair of eyes at NES are watching to see how he handles this.
the guy can be a real prick..has been OK with each time i went up there...i got this AMMO back when it was going crazy and not realy sure whats going to happen up there...I had 3 of my buddies with me when i went...I do not know much about ammo and do not reload..there are guys that I work with on here that can tell you the for any of you guys that think I reloaded it are crazy....wish this never happened
the guy can be a real prick..has been OK with each time i went up there...i got this AMMO back when it was going crazy and not realy sure whats going to happen up there...I had 3 of my buddies with me when i went...I do not know much about ammo and do not reload..there are guys that I work with on here that can tell you the for any of you guys that think I reloaded it are crazy....wish this never happened

Just make it right with the OP and it will all be water under the bridge.
I'm here at work with Killer right now, and I told him today when he came in about this thread.

I know that he does not reload, and was surprised when I saw the link to the original thread and saw his name. Right from that time, I was 100% positive he did not intentionally pass off reloads as factory ammo, and had no doubt he would make it right.

I had an "experience" with Trader John's before, and will never set foot in the place again, but that's another story.
SO it ok for me to get screwed right??? I said i was going to do a refound....but no one gives a shit if i got bent over

I see how it is

No, no one wants to get screwed. I think what they're saying is you're doing the right thing by refunding the OP. And you're going to try to have Trader John's do the right thing (which is why another poster mentioned you should tell TJs that everyone on NES is aware that they screwed you over).
SO it ok for me to get screwed right??? I said i was going to do a refound....but no one gives a shit if i got bent over

I see how it is

and just because you got a screwing initially because you did not know any better does not make it right to pass that screwing on to someone else. The right thing to do is take it back and deal with who screwed you in the first place.
Stop being a whiny little bitch and just give him his money back and man up and take care of your own issue. Plain and simple. Boo hoo people are picking on you and don't care if you got screwed...that is not what is happening here if you ACTUALLY read the posts. People do give a shit if you got screwed and want you to post your efforts with TJ so it may be addressed here that maybe a member (or members) may be able to help.
You should clarify however, that you did not buy this from a green member. I only deal with paid members on any transaction, (buying or selling)...If someone is too cheap to fork over $21.00 and/or is using this site exclusively for sales - I pass.

I'll go green as soon as I can find a freakin job - I promise (Too broke even for $21, but a GOAL member nonetheless.)

PS_ I haven't posted anything for sale here, just for this reason.
SO it ok for me to get screwed right??? I said i was going to do a refound....but no one gives a shit if i got bent over

I see how it is

Dude, it's not like that. The way it is...if You make a bad deal here You will be called out, no more, no less. Make it right and move on.
Ill post all info as it comes in with OP and things will be made right with him FIRST as I have said..the rest is going to be a crap shoot

You're doing the right thing, and believe me, everyone notices. Good luck to you.

Dude, it's not like that. The way it is...if You make a bad deal here You will be called out, no more, no less. Make it right and move on.

Yup, this group pulls no punches.
I just dont know how its going to go....I dont even remember when i got the stuff. It has to have been around late 2008 or just in to later then April..first step is to get the info from the bank..god knows i dont do very well with Receipts and i looked on my online banking and it only would go back to 1 year befor and was not on there....any one know of any law that this would be under???

any help would be great

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You might want to call winchester and let them know that the dealer is misrepresenting reloads as winchester factory loads.
I was thinking the same thing myself...Ill be going up there on SAT sometime..even thought about letting the ATF know...but ill let him try to make it right first...then ill call the AG of NH and then Winchester let them know like you said....well see
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