Caveat Emptor

Heard from Killer127 (Ryan) this morning at 0630. Sounds very sincere about making this right. In the meantime I will take him at his word and return the ammo as soon as I can make it back up to Greenfield.

From all that's been mentioned about Trader John's in Winchester, NH, there may well be a snake in the woodpile. Had a similar experience last February while visiting #2 son in Charleston, SC. Bought some .40 cal Magtech's for plinking and discovered several beat up and reloaded rounds. He pleaded ignorance. Thought better of raising a ruckus being that I was the only non-redneck in the shop and the workers openly carrying. Not much surprises me anymore.

I guess most people don't reload and might not see any differences. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, I do reload and can pretty easily differentiate between reloads and factory.

I'll give Ryan the benefit of the doubt for the erstwhile.
I have noticed a lot of n00bs lately that seem to be here just to sell stuff. Just saying. Beware.

I've noticed the same thing. Perhaps Derrick should make a provision that before you can sell anything here you must be a GREEN member and have at least say, 50 posts. I've joined several other gun forums and that's a rule. Food for thought.
I've noticed the same thing. Perhaps Derrick should make a provision that before you can sell anything here you must be a GREEN member and have at least say, 50 posts. I've joined several other gun forums and that's a rule. Food for thought.

Derek doesn't need to make a rule, Just dont buy from non greenies with less than 50 posts. Problem solved...
My kid had a hockey game up in Keene this past March and when I asked the locals if there were any gun shops they pointed me to a sporting goods place in Keene and then they said Trader Johns, but the part after is what got me when a couple of the guys piped up and said to watch what you buy there, "he can be expensive and some of his ammo sucks". I just stayed away, it was off the route home for me and my boy so we hit a couple antique dealers after the sports shop, it was Sam's Dept store, that place has everything for the outdoors lovers and nice folks also.
Killer127, thanks for doing the right thing, no one like s a bad deal, always both parties want to walk feeling good about a transaction. And I agree to only deal with green folks, there's enough and more coming every day to support this community.
By the way, may have some rifles going up for sale, gotta pay for kids hockey and things are getting tough with a lack of projects to work on.
I am sorry to bust your chops here Killer, but I honestly don't know what is worse. That you bought reloads, or your user name. Killer? Really? That was the best you could come up with?
here are a couple pics I took of the different "factory" Winchester Q3131 ammo. It would seem even a novice could spot some severe differences!


The silver primers (obvious reloads) are stamped with a 08 date. The Winchester shipping carton has a date stamp of 07. The gold primers show a manufacture date of 07 as would be appropriate.
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Well, a total newb could certainly miss it. There was probably a time when I could have missed that.
We all learn from our mistakes. At least the seller is making it right and with these pix new people can now see what a reload looks like vs factory ammo. Also it may provide as a good example of what to look for
If I were to guess as to "Why" he would let the ATF know, I would say, Probably because Trader John's is going to tell him to piss off. The place is just plain shady.
The silver primers (obvious reloads) are stamped with a 08 date. The Winchester shipping carton has a date stamp of 07. The gold primers show a manufacture date of 07 as would be appropriate.

While I would have noticed the silver primers right away there are many people who wouldn't. I have seen reloads in shops where I know the dealer wasnt aware he had just bough ammo cans of reloads from a supplier. He was quite proud of what he had until I pointed out that military 30-06 all had brass colored primers. He pulled them and called his supplier.

Some manufacturers use silver primers, but I have only seen them in nickle cases.
I'm driving from the Cape to Greenfield this morning to meet with Ryan. Hopefully all will go smoothly. It would be much more effective for him to have the ammo in hand when dealing with Trader John. Somehow, from all who've mentioned Trader Johns, he seems to be a real first class sleazebag.
Done deal. Met with Ryan (Killer127) who graciously gave me the money back and apologized for any trouble caused. After speaking with him in person, I sincerely feel that he bought the reloads unknowingly. He's a clean cut nice young man and had a beautiful daughter in tow.

I consider myself a reasonable judge of character (at least in person that is) and my hope is that everyone will write this off as simply a learning experience for him. I believe him to be a good soul.
Done deal. Met with Ryan (Killer127) who graciously gave me the money back and apologized for any trouble caused. After speaking with him in person, I sincerely feel that he bought the reloads unknowingly. He's a clean cut nice young man and had a beautiful daughter in tow.

I consider myself a reasonable judge of character (at least in person that is) and my hope is that everyone will write this off as simply a learning experience for him. I believe him to be a good soul.

Awesome!! I'm really happy to hear that everything was worked out.
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