CCW... a little experiment...

Nov 2, 2005
North Central MA
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OK, so I got my NH permit to carry (eventhough I don't have my MA one [thinking]), but I'm a little nervous about actually doing it. I'm afraid I'll do something stupid and accidentally reveal my gun (I've got a Sig226, so it's not exactly easy to conceal).

So I've decided to try a little experiment: How long can I carry around the house without my wife realizing it? I'm (2) days in now without her noticing a thing.

I bought a (relatively) cheap Bianchi OWB holster for this experiment, and I'm sure I'll add something else as the experiment goes on. I did not tell her about this purchase as part of the experiment. This way, I can try different dress, positions, cant, etc. without the risk of being arrested for flashing my gun.

Now, I come from the semiconductor industry, and "accelerated testing" (they put computer chips in hot ovens with high humidity and drive them hard) is used to find faults quickly. This is kind of the same thing.

As all of the married men know, wives can find any (new) imperfection nearly instantaniously. Any new nose or ear hair (I'm talking individual hairs here, not general growth), any microscopic bugger somewhere in the depths of your sinus cavity, any ever so slight stain on a shirt that is only 0.05mm in diameter and 1/2 a shade off, can be spotted by them without effort and from across a crowded room. (This is a skill passed to them by their mothers in a secret cerimony which occurs right before the walk down the aisle. This is as much as any man knows about this mystical gift. It's a deeply held secret among women.)

So I figure if I can go a week or two without her noticing, I figure I'm good to go on the street!![wink]

Any suggestions about how to keep this going are appreciated!
(not sure if this was the best forum for this, so mods should feel free to move if needed.)


(PS. Lest anyone should wonder, I love my wife dearly and this "gift" is mentioned only in jest!)
I think, if you have already gone a couple of days without your wife(the person who knows you more intimately than anyone else) noticing, you are good to go!

Still interested in knowing how long you can go though...

Once as an experiment I was in the office/gun room in my house. Kim was siting on the couch, so I loaded up myself with 3 handguns, and somewhere in the way of 100 rounds of ammo all loaded into magazines. I concealed them all on my body, and walked out into the living room. I sat down beside her for about 10 minutes, and then helped her make dinner. We ate, then as I was cleaning up the dishes. She was standing in the kitchen talking to me as nothing was different or out of the ordinary, so I asked her if she noticed weather or not I looked different. She said no, so after I faked crying about how she doesn't notice anything I do, and we had a good laugh, I started to pull the mags out from the holders and my pockets. She gave me "the look". You know the one that's like, "what the hell are you up to now dumb ass". So I took out all the mags, then 2 of the guns, and I asked her if she thought I had them on me... She said she didn't think I had any other than my usual one, but she didn't even notice that one. Then I pulled out the third gun, and a few more mags. I told her I just wanted to see if I could pull off carrying a bunch of stuff, and not get noticed. She looked at me (lovingly as always) and said with a bright smile, "you're an idiot" then kissed me and walked away..

I KNOW deep down inside she was utterly impressed!

Yea, I was thinking about the 'hugging' too. Then again, perhaps you've already perfected the 'force 'em high' method. Congrats!

Soon, you'll take your first outing to Wal-Mart or Home Depot.

(ever notice that when you hear someone going out for the first time carrying it's to Wal-Mart or Home-Depot? Never 'the bank' or 'the Kwik-E Mart' or 'Tiffanys') (^_^)
So you're going to be carrying in NH then? Let me know how it goes. I never wear the type of clothes that allows me to wear a larger gun, or maybe I'm just not sure about doing it.

I have my Kel-Tech P-32 in a pocket holster that I have in my front pocket at all times. I know if falls into the "it's better to have something then nothing category", but lately I've been thinking of getting something a tad bit bigger.

As for showing the gun... Not a big deal in NH as open carry is allowed too. It's MASS that you need to practice for. Worst case, you may get questioned as if you have a concealed weapons permit, but that would be it up here.
Adam_MA said:
She looked at me (lovingly as always) and said with a bright smile, "you're an idiot" then kissed me and walked away...
Thank God for wives with a sense of humor! [laugh] This sounds like my wife too!

Regarding hugging, I've been getting away with the "one armed, sidways" hug when I'm carrying so far. That's the thing that will give me away, I know it But hey, that's worth the price of admission![wink]

matt said:
Regarding hugging, I've been getting away with the "one armed, sidways" hug when I'm carrying so far.

You can also try the "over-under" hug too... If you are carrying on your right side, while approaching for the hug, you put your right arm under her left arm, and your left arm over her right arm.

This way works good!

OK, so I got my NH permit to carry (eventhough I don't have my MA one ),

Matt, am I to assume that you have a "Restricted LTC" in MA as opposed to NO LTC?
Lynne said:
Glad to see I'm not the only one who picked up on that. [smile]
He's not the only one who picked up on that, but I remembered Matt's post with the great big WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as the topic...

That's why I posted the link when questioned!
Adam_MA said:
He's not the only one who picked up on that, but I remembered Matt's post with the great big WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as the topic...

That's why I posted the link when questioned!

Now that you mention that....yes, I remember now too. [smile]
Isn't it interesting that NH trusts you and doesn't even know you but your own town doesn't. Great place we live in isn't it?

BTW, one day my wife and I were out and about and ran into a scary situation with some guys who seemed to be stalking us. After quite a while, we gave them the slip, my wife said that she bet I was wishing I had a baseball bat with me. I told her I didn't need a bat. She looked at me with astonishment and said, 'are you carying a gun?". I said yup, nearly every day for almost 6 years ! She had no idea.

So you CAN get away with it. If I can use modified hugs for that long, you can too!
i've just recently started carrying (outside the house that is) already made a trip to hannafords and couple smaller stores without a hitch.

if your like me(paranoid),you might feel like people are noticing that your carrying.i found that most people aren't aware cause they don't know what to look for.

plus some people are so caught up in their everyday life that they don't really pay to anyone around them.

congrats on going a week before getting busted by the wife.i didn't bother trying the experiment.
beretta92d said:
i've just recently started carrying (outside the house that is) already made a trip to hannafords and couple smaller stores without a hitch.

if your like me(paranoid),you might feel like people are noticing that your carrying.i found that most people aren't aware cause they don't know what to look for.

plus some people are so caught up in their everyday life that they don't really pay to anyone around them.

I was the same way when Ed and I started carrying. I thought everyone could see the imprint and know I had a gun on me. That didn't last long tho. You're also correct about everyone being so caught up they don't see what's around them. Good example of that is the two women who walked into the Methuen Market Basket, right past the BG with the AR. Never saw him. [rolleyes]
matt said:
Any suggestions about how to keep this going are appreciated!
(not sure if this was the best forum for this, so mods should feel free to move if needed.)

I dunno, but how 'bout giving her diamonds? She won't see a thing for weeks!
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I've continued the experiment and done quite well. Haven't got "caught" again! I've tried several carry styles. It's really a pretty usefull exercise if you haven't carried before. I'd recommend trying it if you are new to CCW like me.


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