CCW in Cumberland


NES Member
Apr 27, 2005
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On the issue of gun permits, Police Chief John Desmarais said he's not happy about it but will follow the law and develop protocol for issuing permits for residents to carry concealed pistols and revolvers.

Until now, residents have been referred to the state Office of the Attorney General and Desmarais suggests residents continue to apply there. However, the law does provide for local communities to issue the permits through the Town Council, he noted.

Town Solicitor Thomas Hefner, who is working on the local legislation, said a Hadde Street resident, Mark Maria, is suing the department to force the locals to issue permits in town.

Councilors are asked to authorize the police department to create an application that asks why the concealed weapon is needed.

Applicants must be at least 21 years old.

This could be good news.
Excellent, I'll follow this. I believe that in RI the towns are shall issue and that a non-resident can apply to a town. My town borders Cumberland and I bike and travel through there a lot. We'll see if they restrict this to residents as the article implies.
Excellent, I'll follow this. I believe that in RI the towns are shall issue and that a non-resident can apply to a town. My town borders Cumberland and I bike and travel through there a lot. We'll see if they restrict this to residents as the article implies.

Excellent, I'll follow this. I believe that in RI the towns are shall issue and that a non-resident can apply to a town. My town borders Cumberland and I bike and travel through there a lot. We'll see if they restrict this to residents as the article implies.

Although 11-47-11 would allow you to apply to Cumberland if you hold a MA LTC, it is highly unlikely you would get an application. I don't know of any towns that are issuing to non-residents of the town who are not business owners, or have very strong ties to that town. Per 11-47-11 if you have an out of state permit to carry, you may apply to 'any town' , unfortunately we need to get them to issue to residents first.
Not too long ago, if you presented a couple of photo IDs of Benjamin Franklin in a sealed brown envelope, this was usually adequate to get any positive consideration from a Rhode Island government official. Now with the advent of computers and the attention of Federal Government, this fast track to approval is pretty much gone. Thankfully.
Although 11-47-11 would allow you to apply to Cumberland if you hold a MA LTC, it is highly unlikely you would get an application. I don't know of any towns that are issuing to non-residents of the town who are not business owners, or have very strong ties to that town. Per 11-47-11 if you have an out of state permit to carry, you may apply to 'any town' , unfortunately we need to get them to issue to residents first.

We need to get them to follow the rules of their own laws! This isn't about taking care of who should come first. The local police are breaking the law and need to comply or be punished.
We need to get them to follow the rules of their own laws! This isn't about taking care of who should come first. The local police are breaking the law and need to comply or be punished.

I absolutely agree, however we have case law for residents, and more need to be in the works. It is an agonizingly slow and painful process, as I am going through it myself, with the assistance of some mighty fine people, and hopefully our labor produces some fruit. However in RI if the statute is pushed to hard to fast, the statute may be reworded, as in general, the general assembly seems to be very anti. Hopefully we will be getting some help from SCOTUS any day now!
Not to bring back an old thread but... Last time I checked they are still saying go to the AG. If you do happen to go through them they make you take a $300 psyhc test [thinking]
Typeo I agree with you sentiments 100 per cent. The law is the law and it needs to be followed. The only way this will happen is if people collectively get together and pool their money to bring suit against one or two chiefs who refuse to follow the law. If the law is not being followed you have to bring suit to get the license and also for a violation of your civil rights. Once some of these towns start paying for violating your rights you will see things begin to change real fast. I just shake my head every time I read the posts in the CRAL site. Nothing is getting done. I am amazed how long people will put up with this "non performance". I see the same complaints night after night with nothing happening. One of the reasons nothing is happening is because of what plumber mentioned in the above post. The powers to be at CRAl have everyone convinced that if we make too many waves they will change the law on us. Even if that did happen would you be any worse off than you are now? "You can't get a license now" so what would happen if they changed the law? The worse that would happen is "you won't get a license then either" in either case you don't have a license. It's like anything else in life, if you are wronged you can either roll over, or you can fight to make it right. Naturally you have to pick your battles, but I submit to you this is a good battle to pick because the law is clearly on your side. All it takes is the money and the guts to fight it. If you don't take the initiative you will be talking about this next year and the year after. Take a look around you in the other states and see what is happening with CCW laws. There has never been a better time to tackle this issue.
Just an idea!

I assume that RI has an "Inspector General's Office"? If so, file a complaint with them wrt those chiefs not following the law. The IG's office responsibility is to ensure that local govts (as well as state govt) follow the laws and they will slap them down if they don't. Taxpayers already pay for this service, so no lawyers are needed to get that ball rolling.

Might be worth a try, no?
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