Charlie Baker on 2A

A possible scenario if charlie gets in:

Phone rings:

Hello Charlie Baker speaking
Hi charlie it's mike bloomberg. congratulations on your victory

Thank you mike and thanks for your endorsement. I owe you.

Speaking of owing me I am going to make some calls and get some gun control legislation introduced and all you will have to do is sign it when it comes across your desk.

Mike that sounds good to me. Bye.
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A possible scenario if charlie gets in:

Phone rings:

Hello Charlie Baker speaking
Hi charlie it's mike bloomberg. congratulations on your victory
Thank you mike and thanks for your endorsement. I owe you.

Not too horribly worried about this. Repubs don't win in this state without support of people like us. Just ask Scott Brown and Gabe Gomez.

If he somehow wins tomorrow, he will have an uphill battle against any halfway decent Dem regardless of how much money Bloomturd throws at him.

There was a good bit of speculation that Romney ran for POTUS b/c he knew he was going to get his a$$ kicked in 2006 had he run for re-election.
Actually the polls show him ahead so he could get in and the scenario could play out.

Not too horribly worried about this. Repubs don't win in this state without support of people like us. Just ask Scott Brown and Gabe Gomez.

If he somehow wins tomorrow, he will have an uphill battle against any halfway decent Dem regardless of how much money Bloomturd throws at him.

There was a good bit of speculation that Romney ran for POTUS b/c he knew he was going to get his a$$ kicked in 2006 had he run for re-election.
I'm still voting for him because I feel he is much better for the Massachusetts economy than Coakley. He may be better, he may be worse than Coakley when it comes to 2a rights here. I guess time will tell. Either way, gaining back our gun rights is a lost cause in MA through legislation. The only way we will ever get our rights back is through the courts.

True that Baker would be better for the MA economy, he's run a business and knows how that works . . . where a chief persecutor never has to deal with that skillset.

Also agree that Fed Court (Comm2A) is the only way we will ever really gain any ground in MA.

I will be voting Baker, b/c Marsha has no idea how to create jobs and improve the economy and has proven to be a stooge when it comes to political corruption.

Yup, and not to be ignored is her track record on cover-ups. She started with the Fells Acre Day Care fiasco that cost people their lives by destroying them in every way possible even when it was proven that the "evidence" used to persecute them was bogus.

I'm not a Baker fan, but publicly opposing an AWB would be a political suicide. That's MA, for 90% of the population assault weapons=machine guns, something that was used to kill children in CT. I'm pretty sure that Baker doesn't really care about 2A issues, he's just saying whatever's expedient. AFAIK we have a choice between someone who doesn't care about our guns and someone who wants to take our guns away.

Also true. To the unwashed masses of MA voters, we go to gun shows and trade guns for cash in the parking lots and aisles with no LTCs or background checks. They truly believe that and thus any pro-gun campaign is doomed to failure in MA.

I don't know if I'd go that far. You don't get endorsed by Bloomberg without being an anti, at some level or another. That's a pretty dangerous sign. Coakley is definitely dangerous but Baker could POTENTIALLY be a lot worse due to the fact that there's no institutional built-in hatred of him yet by the legislature. That's one of the few things that saved us from Uhaul Patrick rolling all over us; the legislature ****ing hated him, basically since he took office. that made it very difficult for him to champion his own anti gun agendas and get external support. He brought up OGAM like 3 times and the legislature shit all over it because they didn't like the notion of "taking marching orders" from Deval. Baker is probably going to win regardless of whatever any of us here vote (because Martha sucks so badly at politics) so best thing to do is prepare to apply pressure after he gets in.


I disagree, as Croakley would be a "tag team" match with Healey, her protégé! This would guarantee dual angles of screwing us for 8 years.

Romney was no friend of ours, but legistraitors actually kept a running tally of the number of votes against his vetoes (almost all were over-turned) as a "badge of courage". Their hatred for everything with a "R" stamp on it goes much deeper than you would every imagine. Baker likely will get nothing passed that he wants during his tenure . . . not unless both houses are R controlled and that isn't about to happen in MA.
A possible scenario if charlie gets in:

Phone rings:

Hello Charlie Baker speaking
Hi charlie it's mike bloomberg. congratulations on your victory

Thank you mike and thanks for your endorsement. I owe you.

Speaking of owing me I am going to make some calls and get some gun control legislation introduced and all you will have to do is sign it when it comes across your desk.

Mike that sounds good to me. Bye.

Have you noticed no one is asking or investigating how much money is Coakley getting from anti-2A billionaires and supporters. Is there any doubt she has received many times more than Baker?
I don't know if I'd go that far. You don't get endorsed by Bloomberg without being an anti, at some level or another. That's a pretty dangerous sign. Coakley is definitely dangerous but Baker could POTENTIALLY be a lot worse due to the fact that there's no institutional built-in hatred of him yet by the legislature. That's one of the few things that saved us from Uhaul Patrick rolling all over us; the legislature ****ing hated him, basically since he took office. that made it very difficult for him to champion his own anti gun agendas and get external support. He brought up OGAM like 3 times and the legislature shit all over it because they didn't like the notion of "taking marching orders" from Deval. Baker is probably going to win regardless of whatever any of us here vote (because Martha sucks so badly at politics) so best thing to do is prepare to apply pressure after he gets in.


Well, except that Baker's a Republican, which is default hate.

On the other hand, the anti side would get to say "look, even a Republican is in favor of gun control".

This election is a big s**t sandwich.
" I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of Michael Bloomberg" Well, he said it himself.
This election is a big s**t sandwich.

The gubernatorial and most statewide elections are to be sure. The good news is there are some very good candidates running for House and Senate, we need to ensure they get elected, then keep them on the right track --> cultivate them for higher office.
Those who want to vote for Baker because.. well ,F*ck Martha. should go for it.
She's put it to us for far too long.

You are however kidding yourself if you think that Baker wouldn't stick it to 2A rights in this state just as hard and dry as she would if it got him something.
He said it himself that He was "Proud" to get Mikey the gun grabbers endorsement.
No one here made that up.
Those who want to vote for Baker because.. well ,F*ck Martha. should go for it.
She's put it to us for far too long.

You are however kidding yourself if you think that Baker wouldn't stick it to 2A rights in this state just as hard and dry as she would if it got him something.
He said it himself that He was "Proud" to get Mikey the gun grabbers endorsement.
No one here made that up.

And yet it still pales in comparison to Coakley who actually has a long record of gun control, banning legal guns and ammunition, and harassing and prosecuting legal gun owners.
And yet it still pales in comparison to Coakley who actually has a long record of gun control, banning legal guns and ammunition, and harassing and prosecuting legal gun owners.

I'm very aware of Martha's record.
Painfully so.
Some of the things she's done that aren't even 2A related have earned her an E ticket ride straight to hell.
If Baker does win, I'm not going to pop the cork and celebrate any too quick either.
I'm pretty sure he's smarter than she is, and no friend of ours.
If there's anything for him to gain from boning us, Grabbist thine ankles.
I'm sure she's getting lots of money but not so sure if it's from billionaires. If it was the papers probably would have endorsed her and bloomberg would have endorsed her also.
Maybe just maybe they are endorsing charlie because they feel they actually have a better chance of screwing us over with him.
It may not be the case but with his stance it's a definite possibility.
We have seen that with obama even many dems. have gotten sick of him, the same may happen with martha and she would actually have a harder time getting things done.

Have you noticed no one is asking or investigating how much money is Coakley getting from anti-2A billionaires and supporters. Is there any doubt she has received many times more than Baker?
The gubernatorial and most statewide elections are to be sure. The good news is there are some very good candidates running for House and Senate, we need to ensure they get elected, then keep them on the right track --> cultivate them for higher office.

This bears repeating.

The state representatives and senators are the ones who make the laws, and move up to higher office.
Unfortunately, each election the worst anti-2A democrats keep getting into office and they increasingly dominate MA politics. If you want more conservative Republicans and a two party system in MA, you have to first vote the Democrats out and vote Republicans into office.

The election is still close. We don’t know whose going to win. Only Democrats dismiss or discount your vote. Other Republicans running for state offices, besides Baker, need our vote too if we are ever going to hold Democrats accountable for political corruption, fiscal irresponsibility and election fraud.

Karyn E. Polito for Lt. Governor
John Miller for Attorney General
David D’Arcangelo for Secretary of State
Patria S. Saint Aubin for Auditor
Mark James Heffernan for Treasurer
Brian Herr for US Senator
And your local pro-2A candidates
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Single issue voting hurts the country and all of us. You need to look at wholistic picture and make your decision.

I know that I would cause flames: is it possible some posts here who prompted "punishing" Republican are actually from anti 2A group? All posts here are almost anonymous.
"Do you really think Baker is getting more from anti-2A billionaires and supporters than Coakley? "

I don't know. Baker was openly endorsed by Bloomberg, Coakley or Bloomberg have not said if they have a deal.
Unfortunately, each election the worst anti-2A democrats keep getting into office and they increasingly dominate MA politics. If you want more conservative Republicans and a two party system in MA, you have to first vote the Democrats out and vote Republicans into office.

The election is still close. We don’t know whose going to win. Only Democrats dismiss or discount your vote. Other Republicans running for state offices, besides Baker, need our vote too if we are ever going to hold Democrats accountable for political corruption, fiscal irresponsibility and election fraud.

Karyn E. Polito for Lt. Governor
John Miller for Attorney General
David D’Arcangelo for Secretary of State
Patria S. Saint Aubin for Auditor
Mark James Heffernan for Treasurer
Brian Herr for US Senator
And your local pro-2A candidates

miller is getting my vote, along with the rest.
While I can understand the vote of fear of what could be worse if Coakley wins, there is no argument that Baker "deserves our vote".

There have been many gifted administrators of tyranny. Their managerial skills did not cancel their evil.

Well put!
To do that we need to take over the party apparatus from the ground up and kick out all the reach around the aisle give them a handjob cocktail party *******s which are more than happy to keep eating table scraps and allow an ungodly amount uncontested races.

Understood, believe me... I was present at the presidential caucuses where they invalidated the vote we took in that room.

There are too many people clinging to close second as a win or a win against an "even worse" candidate, so cancerous tumor of a "party" we have in this state lives on because the host isn't willing to cut it out.

We are too afraid of losing to win.

Are you guys talking about the caucus in Sutton or Douglas a couple Mays ago?

And yet it still pales in comparison to Coakley who actually has a long record of gun control, banning legal guns and ammunition, and harassing and prosecuting legal gun owners. It's telling and interesting how you, Coyote and Cekim don't seem to hold Coakley to the same standards.

Perhaps you'd be of better service to gun owners if you go to anti-2A and Democrat forums and push them to vote for Baker.
And yet it still pales in comparison to Coakley who actually has a long record of gun control, banning legal guns and ammunition, and harassing and prosecuting legal gun owners. It's telling and interesting how you, Coyote and Cekim don't seem to hold Coakley to the same standards.

Perhaps you'd be of better service to gun owners if you go to anti-2A and Democrat forums and push them to vote for Baker.

Add Jason Flare to that list.

I pulled up a couple sites that compare all 5 candidates - they all suck.

They each seem to have the theory that the gov't can do better than individuals, they don't seem to want to listen to the people. Immigration, Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/Climate Disruption, 2A, Taxes.

They all have things I agree with and things I consider a poison pill.

No, no decision made yet.

It's all a bunch of tradeoffs. Do you want what's best? To get that, you need more people to vote your way. Two ways of getting there:
1) Field a candidate who supports your idea and other popular ideas
2) Motivate more people to vote your candidate, either in general or by a surprise vote
Baker supports current gun laws and Coakley wants more gun control. Baker is against illegal guns and Coakley is against legal guns. Martha Coakley has banned legal guns and ammunition sales and has abused her office to turn legal gun owners into criminals i.e. gun storage prosecution.
It's obvious who's the greater threat to the 2A.

Definitely positively absolutely without question vote for the RINO... and not for the see-you-next-Tuesday.

Its Baker tomorrow. Theres nonother choice until we help grow a candidate that can capture.more than 1 %. So Baker is getting my vote

Sent from the blind
Just saw a commercial. Said Baker supports a ban on assault weapons. That would exp;ain why Bloomberg endorsed baker. I do not support a ban on any weapons...
Just saw a commercial. Said Baker supports a ban on assault weapons. That would exp;ain why Bloomberg endorsed baker. I do not support a ban on any weapons...

Voting for baker has nothing to donwith banning aw. That's ingrained in evey pol in mass so its more voting for who you can get to delay that insane need to ban

Sent from the blind
Voting for baker has nothing to donwith banning aw. That's ingrained in evey pol in mass so its more voting for who you can get to delay that insane need to ban

Sent from the blind

I know. But if it came up he could veto it and now we know he won't.
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