Anti-2A Men Have Smaller Dicks

This thing is written oddly.

It basically finds that:

If you are dissatisfied with your penis size, you're less likely to own a gun.
If you have a monster and you like it. You're more likely to own a gun.
If you have a micro penis and you like it, you're more likely to own a gun.

Pretty simple- the more you hate your dick size (small or large), the less likely you are to own a firearm- except the 60+ group- they have more.
Honestly, this is a correlation =/= causation study, but the best part in my book is some anti-gun group funded the study to get the data they wanted and it backfired.
I'll summarize it for the NES team:

If you're happy and you know it, buy a gun!
If you're happy and you know it, buy a gun!
If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you're happy and you know it, buy a gun!

.. statistically.

Trust the science, from a study funded by an anti-2A group.

“ We find that men who are more dissatisfied with the size of their penises are less likely to personally own guns across outcomes, including any gun ownership, military-style rifle ownership, and total number of guns owned. The inverse association between penis size dissatisfaction and gun ownership is linear”
For clarity your title is inaccurate. What the study looked at was penis size SATISFACTION vs gun ownership. So people w/o guns are MORE dissatisfied with their penis size than people with guns. This dissatisfaction might correlate to actual size, or those without guns might have larger penises but be dissatisfied because their spouses all sleep with porn stars.
For clarity your title is inaccurate. What the study looked at was penis size SATISFACTION vs gun ownership. So people w/o guns are MORE dissatisfied with their penis size than people with guns. This dissatisfaction might correlate to actual size, or those without guns might have larger penises but be dissatisfied because their spouses all sleep with porn stars.

Understood. The title is a joke. I’d hope anybody would actually at least read the abstract instead of taking the word of an NES thread title.

The point is that it throws out the whole psycho-sexual/compensation claim that anti-gunners like to use.
Understood. The title is a joke. I’d hope anybody would actually at least read the abstract instead of taking the word of an NES thread title.

The point is that it throws out the whole psycho-sexual/compensation claim that anti-gunners like to use.
Wait a second. You expect NESers to click the link and actually read the source material? Did you steal this account because no way you have been around since 31 Mar 2012 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
For clarity your title is inaccurate. What the study looked at was penis size SATISFACTION vs gun ownership. So people w/o guns are MORE dissatisfied with their penis size than people with guns. This dissatisfaction might correlate to actual size, or those without guns might have larger penises but be dissatisfied because their spouses all sleep with porn stars.
So are you saying someone with an 8" gun could still be dissatisfied because it's not a 9"gun? [laugh]
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