Charlie Baker on 2A

"I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of Michael Bloomberg who’s one of the most significant gun control advocates in the United States," he continued."

Posted in the other Baker thread, but I thought this quote would help end debate on Baker.
"I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of Michael Bloomberg who’s one of the most significant gun control advocates in the United States," he continued."

Posted in the other Baker thread, but I thought this quote would help end debate on Baker.

I guess Baker thinks we're insignificant.
Just saw an anti baker commercial on TV. They said he had a 94% rating from the state NRA (GOAL?), if I heard the ad correctly.
Have any of you had the opportunity to meet Charlie Baker and engage him in a conversation?

I have, and was bitterly disappointed.

A condescending elitist is what he projects....He is smarter and better than you are.

Hard to believe that Mass. has so many really bad politicians.
Have any of you had the opportunity to meet Charlie Baker and engage him in a conversation?

I have, and was bitterly disappointed.

A condescending elitist is what he projects....He is smarter and better than you are.

Hard to believe that Mass. has so many really bad politicians.

Not that hard to believe, really. I thought that Kerry and Kennedy were the worst Senate duo possible in human kind. Clearly, I have been proven wrong as those two have actually been beaten on the suck-o-meter by Granny Warren and the Ice Cream man, Malarky. Go figure!
I want to barf every time my union endorses a candidate.... and I'm not alone.

ONLY the union bosses endorse candidates. Regardless of what union is involved, the rank and file don't have any say in who the union bosses endorse (in their name)!! Sad but that is reality.
Well, here's the other three to choose from. Gawd knows I won't be voting for the anti-gun R or the anti-gun D

Scott Lively. He thinks he's God's candidate.

My Postion on the Second Amendment

The more guns in the hands of responsible citizens, the safer we will all be both from criminals and from any power, foreign or domestic, who would seek to subjugate us.

Jeff McCormick. Sounds like a do-it-all kinda guy.

No stance on 2A on his site. Chief issue is jobs. I just sent them a quick question regarding his stance on the 2A.

Evan Falchuk. Another go-getter.

Gun Laws

You have a 2nd amendment right to own a gun. Our government is able to regulate that. The important question is, where do we draw the line? The important actions for our state’s government are to help ensure the safety of people in Massachusetts, both gun owners and non-gun owners alike, and to protect the rights of lawful gun owners. Doing more to see that young people find different, constructive paths for their lives should be a greater priority than more regulations on firearms kept in a safe or used by a licensed sportsman.

Quickly scanning the other issues, he seems like he could be a left-leaning liberty guy, but he also could be just a regular old leftie in disguise.

There you go.
You're gonna be pissed, but, you can't let one issue control your vote. If you do, there will never be a candidate that will meet your expectation.
I get a feeling old Charlie has signed a deal with the Devil.
Bloomie is only going to support the most anti gun candidate.
So if Martha isn't Moonbatty enough, What the hell could Baker be signing on for?
You're gonna be pissed, but, you can't let one issue control your vote. If you do, there will never be a candidate that will meet your expectation.

True dat. Look at the moonbats. They still vote dem no matter how much their candidate screws them over. We, OTOH, have principles. We just won't vote thereby giving the moonbats a 2 fer 1.
tl;dr thread

I keep seeing the attack ad on tv against Baker and it says he has "a 98% approval rating with the state NRA". And then I think about the money he took from Bloomberg...

tl;dr thread

I keep seeing the attack ad on tv against Baker and it says he has "a 98% approval rating with the state NRA". And then I think about the money he took from Bloomberg...


Heh, heh. Baker is a sleeper for the NRA. He fooled Blumberg into sending money to him only to be back stabbed by Baker after he becomes gubener. Secret agent, undercover, Baker.
Heh, heh. Baker is a sleeper for the NRA. He fooled Blumberg into sending money to him only to be back stabbed by Baker after he becomes gubener. Secret agent, undercover, Baker.

Well I guess we can have a nice fantasy world to live in until one of these clowns gets into office.
So whats the play here? Dont vote for either [sad2]

Somehow on this forum there's never any reason good enough to support or vote for a Republican. That somehow Charlie Baker, who doesn't meet our ideals as a super conservative, is worse for gun owners than anti-2A ultra liberal Martha Coakley, who uses her state office to enforce her own arbitrary gun ban.

The wise forum posters advise withholding our vote to punish the Republicans every election and so we help the worst Democrats gain and stay in office. Then we wind up spending all our time and money fighting their anti-2A actions. That's how we got Obama over Romney (and McCain) and Granny Warren over Scott Brown and, of course, the fabulous Deval Patrick. It should be clear by now we are not punishing the Republicans, we are only punishing ourselves.
Somehow on this forum there's never any reason good enough to support or vote for a Republican. That somehow Charlie Baker, who doesn't meet our ideals as a super conservative, is worse for gun owners than anti-2A ultra liberal Martha Coakley, who uses her state office to enforce her own arbitrary gun ban.

The wise forum posters advise withholding our vote to punish the Republicans every election and so we help the worst Democrats gain and stay in office. Then we wind up spending all our time and money fighting their anti-2A actions. That's how we got Obama over Romney (and McCain) and Granny Warren over Scott Brown and, of course, the fabulous Deval Patrick. It should be clear by now we are not punishing the Republicans, we are only punishing ourselves.

Well put, I agree.
Somehow on this forum there's never any reason good enough to support or vote for a Republican. That somehow Charlie Baker, who doesn't meet our ideals as a super conservative, is worse for gun owners than anti-2A ultra liberal Martha Coakley, who uses her state office to enforce her own arbitrary gun ban.

The wise forum posters advise withholding our vote to punish the Republicans every election and so we help the worst Democrats gain and stay in office. Then we wind up spending all our time and money fighting their anti-2A actions. That's how we got Obama over Romney (and McCain) and Granny Warren over Scott Brown and, of course, the fabulous Deval Patrick. It should be clear by now we are not punishing the Republicans, we are only punishing ourselves.

10 years ago i would have agreed with you whole-heartedly. but i'm getting tired of voting for lesser of two evils. maybe it's my age showing. i'm coming around to the idea of saying "screw you" to rinos. either run on true conservative principles or gtfo of the race.

i know, it's mass, but charlie baker makes bill weld look like ronald reagan. i'm stuck in a personal dilemma right now. i just honestly don't know if i can pull the lever for baker. even worse for the n.h. neser's. do they hold their nose and vote for brown??? stay away?? or shaheen god forbid???

not intimating i have all the answers, maybe things have to down the toilet before we get the candidates we need

and it scares the HELL out of me that bloomburg endorsed him

Caokley vs Baker. I can't friggin believe that there are any people in the gun community that aren't doing everything in their power to defeat Coakley! I am constantly amazed by this effing state. Its almost like some of you love living in a libtard infested, socialist tax hole just so you can have something to complain about!
Please tell me that each and every member of this site is voting for Baker. Because if you people allow her to become governor like you allowed Warren to become senator then you deserver every single anti gun law that comes.
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