Charlie Baker on 2A

but realistically, i just can not stand that bag marsha's face on tv. I just hope she loses and goes away...forever. Even if it means having a fudd like baker.
While neither candidate is emphasizing 2A issues I am voting for Baker for the following reasons:

1. Baker put GOAL rated A+ pro-2A Karyn Polito on his ticket for Lt. Governor. During his campaign, Baker has emphasized Polito as his team partner and the importance of her positions and skills. Baker will be more receptive to GOAL and gun owners concerns and interests. Like Deval Patrick, Coakley never has and never will.

2. Coakley is worse than Baker. Baker supports current gun laws and Coakley wants more gun control. Baker is against illegal guns, Coakley is against legal guns. Aggressively anti-2A Martha Coakley, who already uses her Attorney general state office to enforce an arbitrary gun ban, has a record of more gun control for legal guns and gun owners.

While Baker has made a few statements supporting the AWB (which we already have in MA) and against "illegal" guns he hasn't made any statements or positions to support more gun control even though Bloomberg donated to his campaign. Bloomberg has made lots of mistakes in his attempts to influence politics and his support for Baker doesn't seem to primarily involve gun control.

"Bloomberg chose to endorse Baker, the former chief executive of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, because he admired his work in rescuing the insurer from bankruptcy and his earlier commitment to modernizing state government as a member of two Republican administrations."

The Globe and other democrat media and politicians are supporting Baker for pretty much the same reasons. While no one is talking about it, I am sure Coakley has received much more money from anti-2A billionaires and supporters.

3. If Republicans Baker and Miller (Attorney General) get into office we have at least some chance of getting rid of the Attorney General's arbitrary gun ban. If Democrats Coakley and Healey win - no chance.

4. In order to send a message to the Democrat party that constantly infringing on our 2A civil rights is unacceptable and their candidates deserve to lose. Coakley is clearly a bigger threat to the RKBA than Baker.

In addition to this, MA is a ONE PARTY system and that means that Dems would rather fall on their swords (with dull blades, it's for the children) than give in to the wishes of anyone with an R beside their name. Baker stands no chance of pushing anti-gun legislation since the gov'r really only gets to accept or veto laws AND if he's for it the Dems on Bacon Hill will be against it just on general principle (see prior sentence).

This makes Baker the less dangerous of two dangerous people.
Cekim, My friend, can I call you my friend? I hope so, because your a regular here. I visit frequently. I have a inordinate fear of clowns, please modify your Avatar and sig line, your scaring the children too! [wink] <-thats a wink&nod!(I'm joshing) kinda. On your reply above, I agree, however Charlie Baker has the best odds to beat Marthaa Coakley, better than anyone else thats for sure. If we can assist him in keeping "HER" out of the .governors office, well why not! Hopefully, "options for future representation" will be addressed later, lets hold the line where it is now.

First you want him to be your friend, then you call Beaker a clown?

You're not doing yourself any favors.
If Baker didn't have an R next to his name this thread would have ended with "supports AWB"
"supports existing and expanded AWB"
"takes bloombergs money"
"supports expansion of infringements on 2A rights with DeLeo's first bill"
"supports making already onerous civil penalties for trivial violations of MGL gun regulations, criminal"
"supports criminalizing the sale or lending of firearms between family and friends without a dealer"
"supports confiscation of heirloom firearms rather than transfer (see dealer requirement) on death"
"supports abolishing the very concept of private property (see dealer requirement)"

His support of DeLeo's draft bill without all the crap that GOAL pulled out of it speaks volumes and is damning... It also matches up with everything he's said in the past and recently. He is a gun-bigot. He, like so many MA politicians, sees gun owners as a dwindling and insignificant annoyance to be marginalized.

Now maybe he couldn't be bothered to read the thing before they passed it to understand this, but again, remember where his supporters are asking that go - to the highest office in the state. I don't think its too much to ask that he read it.

Frankly though, I think this is a BS excuse for the fact that he's a gun-grabbing MA progressive at heart.

Will his Lt Governor "soften" his views? If so, shouldn't we have seen that already? Again, making excuses...

SHOW ME THE MONEY (i.e. come out and prove me wrong, because everything you've said speaks volumes as a threat to civil rights in this state). I am willing to listen. I am open to changing my mind, but Baker has done NOTHING to attempt to change my mind - quite the opposite.

The MA GOP needs a good metaphorical slap across the face after what they did to us with the presidential elections (invalidate, VALID, caucus elections to run the Romtard against Obama - see how well that worked?)

As I said, this goes much deeper than the gubernatorial election that we have already lost this round - we are going to get an ant-gun lunatic one way or the other, so the only question is what happens 4 years from now?

Devoid has proved that the governor does not decide what gets passed, so we need to look at the bigger picture here.
Baker vs. Coakely? Not even a question

I'm voting for Baker. Period.

Coakley has a proven track record, and we all know what the power hunger beast has done to our Rights. Its proven and repetitive. She is a given. I would trust her completely... to continue to push her brain dead libtard agenda, forsaking all else to win her point, as any good ambulance chaser would, with all the might and force of her demonic prowess. (Was that over the top? I don't want to appear biased...)

Baker may or may not do the same, but the jury is still out. Will he pull a "Brown" and stick it to us after we get him in. Maybe, maybe not. Nobody can say for sure, and if they say they can, then ask them for the winning Powerball number while they're at it. Hey, Charlie ain't no dummy. If I was in his shoes, trying to take the helm of this Dem controlled Socialist State, I'd shut the F up about a whole lot of things that I believe in as well.

We have a pretty good idea of what Chuck can do as an Administrator, heading up a large company. That is something where old Martha would fail miserably. We have a glimpse of his ability to be successful in the political arena. However, its only unsubstantiated conjecture at this point what Baker will or won't do once in the Governor's office. Its a coin toss, but I will sure as hell will take 50/50 odds any day of the week over the Coakley 100% sure thing.
I'm voting for Baker. Period.

Coakley has a proven track record, and we all know what the power hunger beast has done to our Rights. Its proven and repetitive. She is a given. I would trust her completely... to continue to push her brain dead libtard agenda, forsaking all else to win her point, as any good ambulance chaser would, with all the might and force of her demonic prowess. (Was that over the top? I don't want to appear biased...)

Baker may or may not do the same, but the jury is still out. Will he pull a "Brown" and stick it to us after we get him in. Maybe, maybe not. Nobody can say for sure,
Well, to be fair to Baker, he hasn't said tried to conceal his position as a gun-bigot (people have just tried to ignore it because Coakley has such a winning personality), so he can't Brown-swipe us...

He's anti-gun now, he'll be anti-gun then...

As for his prowess as an admin, well good luck with that - until we stop sending speakers to the Big-House as the preferred retirement program, I don't see "business as usual" changing...
so we need to look at the bigger picture here.

Bigger picture is what we have to consider: Dem in MA are beyond wishful thinking (almost all anyways), and we need to teach the GOP lessons so they stop putting anti-2A candidates in front of us. If we as a voting block wobbles on our principle, we can't blame people for ignoring us.
If you guys think that anyone is going to come out swinging against the gun grabbers when they know M. Crackly has been one of the worst as AG you are wrong. Even if they are passive about the subject because this ain't TN or TX. //
The politicians aren't idiots.

Baker just has to be to the right of Coakley to get lawful gun owner votes. The next election, we'll vote for someone to the right of Baker. In the end you always have to hold your nose and vote, and the vituperation in this thread demonstrates why it's so hard to have desirable candidates.

I think by Baker's choice of LT Governor he is asking you to read between the lines. Sitting at home bitching at this thread does nothing. Lests show Coakley you can't win against us.
The politicians aren't idiots.

Baker just has to be to the right of Coakley to get lawful gun owner votes. The next election, we'll vote for someone to the right of Baker. In the end you always have to hold your nose and vote, and the vituperation in this thread demonstrates why it's so hard to have desirable candidates.

I think by Baker's choice of LT Governor he is asking you to read between the lines. Sitting at home bitching at this thread does nothing. Lests show Coakley you can't win against us.

Another thing to consider:

How dangerous do you think the relationship will be between a gov'r Croakley and her former employee AG Healey?? [shocked] That is a marriage made in HELL for us! That buddy-buddy system will likely cause us more harm in the next 8 years than either one alone. [thinking]

Just something to chew on! [rolleyes]
Another thing to consider:

How dangerous do you think the relationship will be between a gov'r Croakley and her former employee AG Healey?? [shocked] That is a marriage made in HELL for us! That buddy-buddy system will likely cause us more harm in the next 8 years than either one alone. [thinking]

Just something to chew on! [rolleyes]

Great point. What could go wrong? I've already voted absentee and cast my vote for Baker.
Another thing to consider:

How dangerous do you think the relationship will be between a gov'r Croakley and her former employee AG Healey?? [shocked] That is a marriage made in HELL for us! That buddy-buddy system will likely cause us more harm in the next 8 years than either one alone. [thinking]

Just something to chew on! [rolleyes]

That is a very good argument Len.
Healey will be the AG on the "granny warren" model. She won't get into too much controversy. She will work to appeal to everybody.
She is next in line for Governor on the Dem side
Another thing to consider:
How dangerous do you think the relationship will be between a gov'r Croakley and her former employee AG Healey?? [shocked] That is a marriage made in HELL for us! That buddy-buddy system will likely cause us more harm in the next 8 years than either one alone. [thinking]

If Coakley and Healy get elected they will:

1. Legitimize and expand the democrat Attorney General's powers to ban more guns and ammo.

2. Incorporate the Attorney General's arbitrary gun and ammo bans into state law.
If Coakley and Healy get elected they will:

1. Legitimize and expand the democrat Attorney General's powers to ban more guns and ammo.

2. Incorporate the Attorney General's arbitrary gun and ammo bans into state law.
What exactly do you think they need to do to "expand" the AG's powers? The SJC has already written them a blank check repeatedly. There's nothing holding them back now and Baker hasn't offered to tackle that either.

Frankly the activist AG doesn't rank on anyone's "todo" list in this state. People don't seem to mind that the Feds have to swoop in every 3 years and indict everyone.

See my prior posts - Devoid has proven that the governor does not decide if that sort of crap gets through. The speaker does, until he gets arrested.
James Timilty for Senate and Shawn Dooley for Rep. are on our side.

I've met Timilty, shook his hand , looked into his eyes and had a long conversation with him. He passed the "handshake and eyeball" test with me, menaing that yes, I know he's a politician but he seems - in my gut - to be shooting straight when talking to me. Even told me a few things I did NOT want to hear regarding other issues, and he agreed that we disagree, but on gun laws, I honestly get the feeling his handshake was a man's handshake....valid. That's harder and harder to come by these days, but....he seems to be a straight shooter.
GOAL helped us gather volunteers to do a phone bank for Pro gun Candidates. We made some calls. Thank you to those who helped, If anyone else is interested in helping at the next one PM me.
This makes Baker the less dangerous of two dangerous people.

This 100%

I lurk here mostly and do not engage much but am very active on reading posts. If some actually think they are gonna see a pro 2A person run in this state that is 100% committedto saving our rights you are living in a dream world.

I am so sick and tired of reading all these threads. Yes I know I do not have too.

Everything in life is a risk. Choose the calculated risk that makes sense to you and live with it. Martha is just flat out evil. Charlie aint much better but IS better. Hold your breath to not smell the crap and make your vote. If you vote for anyone other than Charlie than you give a vote to Martha.

Like it? No I do not. Accept it Yes I do.
If Coakley and Healy get elected they will:

1. Legitimize and expand the democrat Attorney General's powers to ban more guns and ammo.

2. Incorporate the Attorney General's arbitrary gun and ammo bans into state law.
Nothing compared to what will happen to the business climate.
Maura Healey, the Democratic candidate for Massachusetts attorney general, said she believes the Supreme Court went too far in establishing an individual right to bear arms. "I think the Supreme Court went too far. I don't think that was original intent of the Second Amendment," Healey said.

Healey made her comments on gun rights during a televised debate with her Republican opponent John Miller moderated by NECN's Jim Braude.

Braude followed up, "That there's not an individual right to bear arms under the Second Amendment?"
"That's what I'm saying," Healey said.

Miller disagreed, saying, "There is a right to bear arms. It's in our Constitution, the Massachusetts Constitution as well."

Healey, throughout her campaign, has been a proponent of stronger gun laws. She would consider requiring "microstamping" of firearms, in which a mark is made on a gun's firing pin allowing the police to trace the source of a bullet. She wants to require live firing exercises for anyone applying for a gun license. She would also support legislation to require smart gun technology, like fingerprint trigger locks.

Miller has said he would enforce existing gun laws but would not advocate for new ones.

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