Cheap ...errr....FRUGAL Yaankee tips

Just did my own front disc brakes for about $80 in parts, and two hours time. I didn't even mind doing it.

I have gotten over 100k miles on each set of pads/rotors on my honda civic, cheapest car in the world to maintain.

The laundry soap comment by Another_David is true, I own two laundromats, people always use too much soap.

Oh, and you guys would be jealous of the beautiful Walker-Turner drill press from the 1940's I just got for $30 :-).
Buy a $20 set of clippers. Learn to like the way you look with a "buzz cut" and never pay for a haircut again....
I have gotten over 100k miles on each set of pads/rotors on my honda civic, cheapest car in the world to maintain.


I had a manual Acura about 3 years ago that I got 130K miles out of the original brakes on (pads, rotors, everything). One of the many perks about have a manual car and knowing how to drive it properly...[grin]
Learn plumbing and the national electrical code.

Originally went to trade school (Worcester Voke) for plumbing 15 years ago. I decided to go to college instead of doing my apprenticeship and getting my license.
I kick myself to this day for not pursuing it. Young, stupid, yup....
I am making and canning pickles this year. i have never had so many cucumbers come out out of my garden, everyday i'm picking 2-4 of them. i'm actually really getting sick of eating them so pickles were a natural choice. i will also can salsa and green tomato salsa when the growing season ends.
mow your own damn grass, you probably need the exercise anyway.

The fall is the best time to find busted lawn mowers in the swap area of your dump. Most people are stupid and throw out good mowers. Give the cord a good pull to make sure the engine isn't seized and there is compression. Most of the time it is stupid stuff like clogged fuel lines or bad plug. Get your file out and sharpen the blades a couple times per season
I had a manual Acura about 3 years ago that I got 130K miles out of the original brakes on (pads, rotors, everything). One of the many perks about have a manual car and knowing how to drive it properly...[grin]

Life is to short to drive 20mph while saving a couple hundred bucks.
Life is to short to drive 20mph while saving a couple hundred bucks.

It was due to 90% highway driving and knowing how to properly downshift.
Manuals are a pain in the arse in traffic but they have several benefits over automatics, ability to downshift is one of them.
136 posts and no one said "use both sides of a cleaning patch" for gun cleaning. Though to be fair, I stopped doing that because it sometimes spreads crap rather than cleans. Works fine for oiling a clean and dry gun though.

Forgo underpants
Ride a motorcycle from March to November to commute, especially one that can use cheap gas
Save your brass and shotshells
If you want good shotshells or brass, like the old Winchester AAs, go dumpster diving when no one else is around
Sneak around the edges of a golf club to get balls that flew off course
Nature is God's supermarket - go forth and hunt and fish and grow plants
Grow out your facial hair to reduce the use of shavers - I haven't bought shavers in four years and get about two or three haircuts a year
If you like buzzcuts, have the wife/mom/girlfriend buzz you unless she's a pro
Master the art of duct tape
Dress simply and humbly with functionality in mind
Don't drink alcohol or use any "substances", including cigarettes or cigars
Shop around carefully when buying a house to ensure the best tax rates and carry permit issuance policies
Furniture should be cheap and well-worn - my grandfather once made his own couch
Turn off the lights when you leave the room
Open the windows rather than use AC
Bundle up inside your house in October, November and early December
Walk everywhere possible rather than drive there
Print documents on both sides of the paper if possible and if it would be acceptable
"Find" pens and pencils - keep your eyes on the ground
If you see money on the ground, pick it up, no matter if it's a penny or a $20
Eat at home rather than eating out

That about covers it that I can think of right now.
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