Chicago Passes New Handgun Restrictions

Well, looks like Chicago decided to say 'f*ck you' to the Supreme Court by passing their new handgun restrictions. I was planning on moving out there to be with my gf, but this new turn of events has me sticking here in NE for a while longer.


Quick outline of new Chicago restrictions:

Only allowed to register 1 handgun per month

Residents prohibited from having more than one handgun in operating order at a time

Gun ranges in Chicago are no longer open to public, LEO use only

Gun stores are prohibited from Chicago

Residents can no longer exit house with handgun (not even in garage or porch/yard

WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO????? (or more precisely, what has Chicago come to?)[frown]

How were gun ranges open to the public and are now closed to the public when guns were outlawed to begin with?
So let me get this straight. Simply stated, they have begrudgingly allowed for the right to keep arms but are denying the right the bear arms. [angry]

Not to mention that, since they had a chance at ginning up some new rules, adding a few lines to assuage things that made them nervous -- things they saw in Hollywood blockbusters.

How these new regulations would look if they were applied to the 1st amendment instead of the second--

You have the freedom to any religion you would like,, provided you do so in your own home. In 'own home' means NO holy book reading, singing. listening to recorded holy music, displaying of holy symbols, on your porch, yard or garage. Said holy book, symbols or music can not leave your domicile. Unless being transported to an approved church, etc... Churches mosques, synagogues and other holy buildings are not allowed within city limits. Any violations of these laws will result in a fine or imprisonment.

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