CLEO Notification: Better to address to CLEO or Department Firearms Designee


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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An approved Form 1 requires a CLEO notification.
Should I address the envelope to the Chief or his firearms designee?
I suspect the Chief would not want to be bothered with this and could not care less.
I'm thinking I should address the letter to the department firearms designee since he is the official who would have the time to file this paperwork (or throw it out if he chose).

Do they actually keep this paperwork anyway?
entirely different but here's my story on notifying the chief. i got word thru my local departments civilian firearms clerk that i did not notify the chief in writing as directed when i applied, or renewed, i forget, my c&r ffl. i did send him a copy and a cover letter but not via registered mail so i had no proof. i guess batfe notified him when they approved it which is how this came to his attention. after that i make sure he gets copies of pertinent documents, if required, via registered mail to keep peace in the family. i actually send two copies down, the other goes to the clerk.
Certified mail, not registered. Registered is for valuable items and is secured all the way along the route to its destination. Certified makes someone sign for it and gets you a receipt with their signature.
Certified mail, not registered. Registered is for valuable items and is secured all the way along the route to its destination. Certified makes someone sign for it and gets you a receipt with their signature.
Where does it say that it has to be sent certified? Don't complicate this. ATF only cares that you check off the box. They don't give a shit, much less follow up to see that you did it. Jack.
Where does it say that it has to be sent certified? Don't complicate this. ATF only cares that you check off the box. They don't give a shit, much less follow up to see that you did it. Jack.

PD doesn't give a shit so regular first class for them. Even better, just drop it off at the station so you don't have to pay for a stamp. I do certified mail with the prints package to the ATF, but that's only so that I know when to start the clock on the process.
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