CMMG Banshee/ MP10 clones in MA


NES Member
Apr 9, 2012
Feedback: 21 / 0 / 0
Bit by the 10MM bug and would love a cool little carbine. Most look pretty ghey. Other options start off as pistols. Ive seen PTR MP5 clones with 16" barrels but no 10MM versions that I know of, just pistols by other manufacturers. (Omega, Century)

Find a dealer willing to order
File form 1. Gun sits in dealers shop while paperwork works its way through
Dealer modifies stock and muzzle device during the wait.
Paper work comes through, pistol is now an SBR, Dealer transfers to me?
After a multi-month PITA, $1500 gun is now a $2200 gun :( BUT... 10 MM SBR 😍

Is there anything Im missing?
The $1500 to $2200 mass inflation is a little much though even including the fed extortion fee
gun- $1500 +$150 (MA inflation)= 1650 (?)
+ sales tax= 1753
+ tax stamp= 1953
+ rifle stock/labor for pin and weld on stock/muzzle device= 2060 (?)

Yeah, maybe my math was a bit off. Is the above scenario doable though, assuming a willing dealer who's not afflicted by a chronic case of Massprudence? No issues with turning something that started life as a pistol into a rifle? I seem to recall an issue with that or is it the other way around? Rifle to pistol is NG?
Finding a dealer to do it maybe a problem.
I home the court throw out a lot of this nonsense, but they’ll just right more stupid laws
I did a little looking into this when I got bit by the roller lock bug and bought an MP5 clone. Started looking at guys who build MP5 clones in .40, 45 & 10 but one of the issues other than money was mags that I would be able to obtain in this state. Trying to find 40 or 10mm mags for an MP5 were far and few between.

ETA: probably not a problem as I just double checked and the CMMG take glock mags. So time to just find a dealer I guess.
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