CNN - Communist News Network is a Dumpster Fire

they dont get it, for that work you need followers that want to hear what you have to say.
I am quite sure that he believes a lot of people can’t live without his propaganda bs. Well, whatever. Let him find out.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic:

Then there's this:

He's right, journalists are not the enemy of the people, but they don't have any journalists at CNN, what they have are democrat party operatives with press passes. Ignoring the truth and always pushing the big lie.
CNN boss tells his "talent" to STFU and stop bashing Trump:

This sounds like good advice because he realizes that their ratings will never pick up until they get away from being a left-wing opinion network and go back to reporting the news.

A bit more info here:

CNN boss Mark Thompson on Thursday revealed sweeping changes to the network, including 200 layoffs in traditional TV production jobs as the company invests in new digital roles, according to a report.
After slashing staffers at its cable TV operation, CNN will be adding about 200 new digital positions, Thomson said in an interview Thursday. The network will also be releasing a new digital subscription product and moving around its television lineup.

If nobody is watching CNN now for free, how do they expect people to pay a subscription fee to watch their crappy product online ???
Remember CNN + and how that subscription service failed so horribly after only a month ???
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CNN is not a happy place in the first weeks of the new administration, we hear.

Insiders fume that execs are paying people to “kiss Trump’s ass” and fear the network — which lauds itself as “the most trusted name in news” — is veering right to bring in viewers.

Some bean counters over there must have figured out the phrase "Go Woke Go Broke" is actually based in reality.
Moving away from the far left and telling the truth is a good business strategy if you want to increase ratings.

We’re told that — under new boss Mark Thompson, who has been accused of pandering to the White House — it’s gotten so bad that some employees are ashamed to even work there.

CNN should be ashamed for not firing these people years ago because they are the very reason CNN is failing.
If CNN was really serious about turning things around, they should clean house of all these raving moonbats and get back to reporting the news in an unbiased manner.
CNN and other left media realized a bit too late that truly no one sane is still listening to what they spew out daily. Trump going to podcasts, social media was the smartest move he could have made. He resonated with a wider audience by simply curtailing MSM!
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