CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

Nothin like illegal firearm sales (assuming it was illegal.) Operation Fast & Furious anyone? Should be interesting to see what example is made, and it should be a prime one, but nowadays in America you just never know.
We may never know if an armed citizen could have prevented or at least minimized it, but we know for certain the outcome of his going unopposed.
The movie is rated PG-13. What were babies and small children doing there? Condolences to the families and may the perp rot in hell.
Wow - T&P to the families of the victims. That's a terrible thing. :/

Bloomberg and his ilk can spew out all the panty-wetting rhetoric that they want. They can propose law after law proclaiming the illegality of assault weapons, shoulder things that go up, high capacity super clips, cop killer bullets, gun show loopholes, bayonets, semi automatic death machines, and whatever other liberal nightmare shit they can think of.

First of all, the nation (outside of MA, CA, and HI) has swung over to a very gun friendly culture. CCW laws have been expanded greatly over the last fifteen years or so, Castle Doctrine laws are rolling right along, and the country as a whole is much more favorably positioned legally than it was - and the trend shows no signs of slowing. Can you picture a national CCW reciprocity bill - as faulty as it is - reaching the floor for a vote a decade or two ago? For all the unconstitutional, anti-freedom BS that the privileged politicos are slinging around, one thing that's been trending the right way is gun laws.

Further, and more importantly, even if they do pass some of this wacky stuff they're proposing, something tells me that it's not going to affect the ones they need to worry about storming the castle one iota.
Heard Braude excoriate a caller saying there was no way a gun owner could defend carrying a semi automatic and that there was no way a gun owner could have stopped the guy because he used gas.

Either way, I think Im going to keep my .38 on me. Maybe time to get off my ass and get a hi-cap.

World's gone full-tard. And that's not an over reaction.
Aurora police just had a press conference and said it could take hours or even days to disarm the booby traps in his apartment. They said it looks pretty sophisticated.
They are saying he was carrying an "AK type weapon" right now on CNN. I wish to anything holy they would just shoot this prick in the public square. Eye for an Eye.
i say his hands shoiuld be cut off and coward tatooed to his face and let him free to the public.
They are now saying this info is incorrect. There is a different James Holmes that ran the Colorado tea party

Gee I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that ABC would jump to report that it was the head of the Colorado tea party before checking to see if it's true.
Tear gas won't instantly disperse throughout the theater. I've been hit by CS countless times in the Army while training and you can still function. Some better than others.

Went through Basic in 96 with a guy from LA. CS had no effect on him.

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Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!
Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!

I have mad skillz...
Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!
Reread the posts, genius. No one said they would be a Rambo. Only that a response was possible.
Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!

I get what you're saying and I agree but I ccw at the movie theatre and i don't imagine i could just curl into a ball because of the mistakes i might make... if you don't attempt to help, you would have just been another victim!

I'd probably try to storm out of there with the sheep if i could but if a clear line of sight opened up between myself and the gunman... I'd pull, engage him, and go down in a hail of gunfire most likely...

Not an internet commando, just somebody trying to imagine himself in a horrible situation
Response is possible without a gun too.
Never go with the masses, only more trouble brewing.
This incident will bring calls for bans and other rhetorical crap and it will be just that. There are nuts among us, its just that they usually don't go high profile like this. When they do, it doesn't matter if there were no guns, they will find a way to commit carnage, there are many other non firearm methods to utilize, over the top is over the top.
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