CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

Have any of you keyboard commanders been to a movie theater??? If yes, thing to the time when movie was over and everyone at once were exiting the theater. Can you see it? Can you remember the noise level? Good. Now imagine the similar in the dark, with some gas (tear gas or smoke grenade your choice), with noise level x10 because some people are screaming in terror and people are pushing, running and trampling others because they are desperate to get out. Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops. And I have not even yet mentioned the adrenaline rush - with your mind going a mile per second, your hands shaking uncontrollably and your legs turning to jelly.

Now that hopefully you got at least the vague notion of being in that theater – STFU!!!!

Now imagine you see some guy with a gun. You shoot and kill him. Just to later learn he was another CCW trying to hunt the real shooter. Or worse yet, it was not a real gun, but in panic and darkness you made a mistake. Or it is you who gets shot by a mistake by another CCW or cops.

I'm with you on the rest, but seriously, are you f'ing kidding me? This is the same pants-shitting-histeria spewed out by the anti's. You have NO evidence or even statistics to back up the bolded statement. If you're having trouble identifying the BODY ARMOR CLAD bad guy, then don't get involved. If you're that worried about shooting or being shot by another ccw'er, then study up on shootings of off-duty officers by on-duty officers. Chances are (as pointed out through STATISTICS) that this won't even come up as in issue. So you can take your own advice and STFU. Thanks [grin]
[crying] If only we had banned gas masks, this would never have happened!!
I may have to use this on my lib friends when they start bleating about "guns BAD!!!".

We obviously need to ban rifles, batman, theaters, masks, skittles, puppies, smoke, fried chicken, darkness, and people. We should also consider a ban on oxygen, because if there was no oxygen, liberals wouldn't have to worry about any tragedies occurring.
You keep your hands OFF of my fried chicken, brother!

Bloomberg is a shameless political whore capitalizing on innocent people's deaths to disarm people with the violence of government while he keeps his armed body guards.
You're being insulting to whores. Whores provide a useful service; I've yet to see Bloomie doing anything useful.

The comments on CNN are always infuriating. They aren't even worth reading. If you post something there using facts, logic, statistics, or anything else besides liberal propaganda, you are attacked, berated, and trolled into oblivion. Besides, only a liberal could possibly say that someone having a hard life or being out of work is justification for mass murder. Anyone who has ever had any type of firearms training will know that the second arguement is complete BS as well. That little rule about knowing your target before pulling the trigger isn't just something to consider at the range. They tried to pull that arguement at the Arizona shooting as well, when one CCWer held a second at gunpoint for 5 seconds until the confusion was cleared up and then helped keep the shooter subdued.

All that being said, there are huge differences between this guy and the more common mass shooters. Most mass shooters commit their atrocity with the intention of being killed in the process. This guy didn't seem like he wanted to die or get caught, as he was wearing heavy body armor and from some accounts had a well thought out escape plan. What was this guy's motivation? Did he have some cause that he was pursuing with his actions? If so, what was it and how would killing these people have supported that cause?

I refuse to look at the comments on CNN - the level of ignorance, bias & sheer vitriol (not to mention second grade-level grammar & spelling) would send my BP into the stratosphere... and I'm not normally susceptible to high blood pressure.

Thank you for pointing out that those of use who do have some training know the importance of being on target and knowing what's behind it. I'd like to think that I wouldn't go all spray & pray in such a situation.

As for his motivation... that's going to be interesting. It sounds like he took a good long time to plan this out - he had to get the guns, the body armor, HE HAD TO HAVE SEEN AN EARLIER SHOW of Dark Knight so he could time it... and I'll bet we'll find that he was in that theater earlier yesterday so he could block the door open, or put something on the latch so he could get the door open. This was planned very carefully.
Dwarven... The is a dark side to whores. They spread disease and can represent the enslavement of people who are forced to perform that service. Those are where Bloomberg comes in.
This guy was wearing a complete set of armor, full apron, groin, shoulder, leg pieces and helmet, similar to what those two guys wore in that LA shootout some years back. Why he was wearing this stuff and he did not engage police is weird. If your going to spend that type of money, suit up and then just throw your hands in the air doesn't make sense. Of course, this type of mentality doesn't make sense.

Did noone notice this much armor on a guy as he walked in?
Did noone notice this much armor on a guy as he walked in?

Apparently people dress up in costumes when they go to the movies now. People probably just thought he was a another Comic-Con type weirdo and not a psycho killer. Thats why when I see people in costumes, I run run run, run away.
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Did noone notice this much armor on a guy as he walked in?

From the link in the OP:

Officials said suspect purchased a ticket for the show and once inside the theater propped open an emergency exit door, which he later entered after retrieving four weapons and a tear gas canister

He probably put the armor on when he went out for the guns and gas.
Thats what someone i work with said also that he propped the door open ahead of time........if this is true, isnt there suppose to be alarms on emergency exits

There ought to be a law...

I don't think the exits by the screen are necessarily emergency exits. I know I have used them before in the past at theaters and you end up right in the parking lot. No alarm. I am guessing it depends on the theater.
Fox News is saying he does not have a CCW permit, or hunting license
Mother of god... He is going to get the horns thumbing his nose at fish and game like that.... [thinking]

Sounds like more 24/7 news cycle inanity, but I guess better than the alternative... [sad2]
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There ought to be a law...

I don't think the exits by the screen are necessarily emergency exits. I know I have used them before in the past at theaters and you end up right in the parking lot. No alarm. I am guessing it depends on the theater.

For some reason i just picture those emergency doors with the big metal bar that has the warning "alarm will sound when opened".... maybe im thinking of school buses
There ought to be a law...

I don't think the exits by the screen are necessarily emergency exits. I know I have used them before in the past at theaters and you end up right in the parking lot. No alarm. I am guessing it depends on the theater.

I'd be surprised if that's the case for a lot of theaters. It would make it very very easy to sneak a bunch of friends in without having to buy tickets.
I'd be surprised if that's the case for a lot of theaters. It would make it very very easy to sneak a bunch of friends in without having to buy tickets.

It may have changed from what I remember. I would be surprised too.
I'd be surprised if that's the case for a lot of theaters. It would make it very very easy to sneak a bunch of friends in without having to buy tickets.
Contrary to bloomingidiootberg's assumptions and legislative agenda, most of humanity behaves themselves, so you will find, if you look hard enough that the vast majority of social systems are riddled with lack of iron clad security and are subject to numerous compromises of this sort.

Traffic lights don't have automated machine gun turrets and rapid deployment tire spikes (yet anyway) to stop offenders, because most of the time people behave themselves.

You'd never know it from how politics and the media describe things, but that is the truth. If you open your eyes you will see that the vast majority of our society is based on nothing more than trust in your fellow man to basically do the right thing, much more often than not.

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Cnn reporting: 2 glocks, shotgun and AR-15 type ".223" "assault weapon"
Given that it's CNN, we can rule out Glock and AR15 from the actual weapons used then.
This guy was wearing a complete set of armor, full apron, groin, shoulder, leg pieces and helmet, similar to what those two guys wore in that LA shootout some years back. Why he was wearing this stuff and he did not engage police is weird. If your going to spend that type of money, suit up and then just throw your hands in the air doesn't make sense. Of course, this type of mentality doesn't make sense.

Such a tragedy, thoughts and prayers to all those injured/deceased I wish the prick ran out of ammo a lot sooner......
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Thats what someone i work with said also that he propped the door open ahead of time........if this is true, isnt there suppose to be alarms on emergency exits

Given that this was a midnight show, I'd bet that it was the last show of the night... and many theaters dump you right out into the parking lot when you leave. Speeds up people handling.
Contrary to bloomingidiootberg's assumptions and legislative agenda, most of humanity behaves themselves, so you will find, if you look hard enough that the vast majority of social systems are riddled with lack of iron clad security and are subject to numerous compromises of this sort.

Traffic lights don't have automated machine gun turrets and rapid deployment tire spikes (yet anyway) to stop offenders, because most of the time people behave themselves.

You'd never know it from how politics and the media describe things, but that is the truth. If you open your eyes you will see that the vast majority of our society is based on nothing more than trust in your fellow man to basically do the right thing, much more often than not.

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Given that it's CNN, we can rule out Glock and AR15 from the actual weapons used then.

I should have added: the CNN anchor said "for those who know guns" then rattled off the names. Said that's what local PD released.
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Found this already from OBIE!!!!
The president vowed whoever is responsible “for this heinous crime” would be brought to justice and said the government would take “every step possible” to ensure the safety of all Americans.
This line is his opportunity to never let a disaster go by without using it for his agenda!!!
I feel sorry for those shot, but OBIE will surely use this one!!!
bullseye said:
This guy was wearing a complete set of armor, full apron, groin, shoulder, leg pieces and helmet, similar to what those two guys wore in that LA shootout some years back. Why he was wearing this stuff and he did not engage police is weird. If your going to spend that type of money, suit up and then just throw your hands in the air doesn't make sense. Of course, this type of mentality doesn't make sense.

makes perfect sense to me, going shooting a bunch of plastic guns (glocks, ARs), you better cover up, dude!
Trying to understand or justify a senseless act is a waste of time and those who claim to understand what happened are more dangerous than the person committing the crime.

Anyone with committing a "reasonable" (meaning you could identify an actual casual relationship) act would hunt down people who directly wronged them in some fashion. This dude made a plan to get decked out and shoot up a room of random people and then surrender when confronted by force. There will be no logical explanation for such behavior.
I'm with you on the rest, but seriously, are you f'ing kidding me? This is the same pants-shitting-histeria spewed out by the anti's. You have NO evidence or even statistics to back up the bolded statement. If you're having trouble identifying the BODY ARMOR CLAD bad guy, then don't get involved. If you're that worried about shooting or being shot by another ccw'er, then study up on shootings of off-duty officers by on-duty officers. Chances are (as pointed out through STATISTICS) that this won't even come up as in issue. So you can take your own advice and STFU. Thanks [grin]

Thank you for perfect illustration of a keyboard warrior. I am sure all of the CCWs in that theater got the next day CNN news coverage with the detail description of the shooter courtesy of Marty McFly. Who knows he might even delivered them detailed diagrams of the shooters position and movements, which are likely to be available in a few days to the rest of us. I unfortunately failed to befriend Marty and thus simply would have had no idea how many real shooters are engaged in the act and likely wouldn’t have had the time to properly discern friend from foe. And neither would other CCW what it comes to shooting you by a mistake.

The point that too many here were trying to make was that CCW or few CCWs would have turned the situation around. And that is just an internet fantasy. Chances are that if you tried to move you would be surrounded by people on all sides and pressed like canned sardines. Never mind seeing the shooter or being able to point the gun.

If you have ability to get out – you gtfo. If you do not, you hanker down behind some barriers, preferably with some angular line of sight to where the shooting noise is coming from, which might be incredibly difficult to determine with batman playing on the background and people screaming. If you see flashes or at least saw them before people started to run, it might be easier to determine at least the starting point of the shooter. But remember, he/she/they are likely on the move. If the shooter is near – you engage. I nearly ALWAYS carry. So for me it probably would have been a gun. By that time it would hopefully had been in my hand covered by empty cup, baseball cap, shirt or anything else. I do not want anyone to know I am holding a weapon. In this situation, if I am engaging, chances are this db is feet from me. So likely the best strategy is to fire while closing the distance and then work the knife and open hands. Don’t have a gun, see above minus the gun. No gun or knife – see above minus the gun and knife. Regardless, if you were forced to engage, you simply had no other choice and in this case probably getting seriously hurt or killed. None of us have any idea of how many of the dead and wounded attempted to engage that scumbag. My point is that is not about having a weapon, but rather having right people ready, willing and capable of doing the right thing next to the shooter. And even then the odds are not in their favor. Hence the usual result of lots of dead and wounded people. Yes, in some mass-shootings, a well trained CCW could and has made a difference. This is not one of those scenarios. So we can indulge in fantasy world of Monday morning superheroes that would have saved the day if it wasn’t for the evil government, or we can act like adults, respect the dead and discuss potential training drills and action tips we can implement to prepare for similar tragedy. I for one much rather do the latter. So if anyone in the knowhow would like to suggest training drills – I am all ears.
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