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Colorado laws only effect Colorado
you mean this?
Colorado Senate committee advances bill to ban guns that accept detachable magazines • Colorado Newsline
A Colorado bill to prohibit most firearms with detachable magazines passed its first Senate committee hearing on a party-line vote.coloradonewsline.com
I would think this would go against the already existing decision on common use guns. How would you enforce a blanket law like this for one thing when millions of these types of guns already exist in your state.
Dude you live in mass
You know the answer to these questions already
The other states passed laws that they would follow the CARB regulations.Tell that to the numerous (talking to you mASSachusetts!) states that follow CARB and other California "green" initiatives.
Hell, California buys so many products that CARB compliant products are the standard, not a specialty item.
But for guns - FU Colorado.