It's not a slope since the right to keep and bear arms is an unalienable right endowed by our creator, protected from infringement by the government, not a privilege of citizenship as voting is...".
For your statement to be true, then one must first believe in a creator. We can talk about natural law, Rosseau, Hegel, Locke etc. but no where in my casual perusal of the constitution do I see any reference to inalienable rights, nor do I see any reference to inalienable rights in the Bill of Rights (but then I am not the astute constitutional scholar that some profess to be). As far as voting being a privilege: the 14th Amendment pretty much affirms it as a right.
if we follow the "natural rights" line of thinking, then it really becomes a lot more difficult to justify how the detainees at Gitmo are being treated especially with regard to due process etc. not to mention extreme interrogation techniques. If we are going to be consistent, then we must be intellectually consistent in all things, I am sure you would agree.
I can see no good coming of this in our present society. Before this is over I can envision a scenario where illegal aliens can purchase and own machine guns unrestricted, legal aliens can own .22 rifles and .410 shotguns and citizens of the United States can own air soft guns provided that they pay a $500 dollar licensing fee, a $1000 dollar purchase permit and fill out a 250 page application in triplicate.
![Grin [grin] [grin]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/041.gif)
Citizenship should confer certain perks or rights not enjoyed by others whether they be here legally or illegally. Of course the Mass Gun Laws are really screwed up, no disagreement there.
Mark L.
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