Comm2A joins with other groups to challenge semi-auto ban

You are outright misstating facts, either willfully or through ignorance.

This case was filed, which attacks the removal of all semi-auto firearms from the FID scheme.

I already explained the two items below, but here we go again:

Assault Weapons - please see Snope. We need to wait for a disposition in that case. If we file now, the outcome of Snope will mean we have to start over. Waste of time and resources until we know how that turns out.

Magazines - please see Ocean State Tactical. We need to wait for a disposition in that case. If we file now, the outcome of Ocean State will mean we have to start over. Waste of time and resources until we know how that turns out.

As to the who cares? We do. Someone needs to. If we get the court to agree that 18-20 year olds are "The People" and semiautomatics are "In Common Use" AND there is no historical analog which prohibits 18 year olds from possessing arms dating back to the late 18th century, then we have to win. No two ways about it.

The way we win is by painting the judge into the corner, but allowing them to see there is one open door they can use, the one that forces them to side with us.
And this is why I stopped donating to you.
I think you should be reversing law that could put law abiding Massachusetts citizens in jail. Just like the asualt weapons ban you refer to, there is a 18-21 year old case further along. So why start this?
And this is why I stopped donating to you.
I think you should be reversing law that could put law abiding Massachusetts citizens in jail. Just like the asualt weapons ban you refer to, there is a 18-21 year old case further along. So why start this?
There is not an 18-21 case further along in the First Circuit with the potential to set up a circuit split which would make SCOTUS review more likely.

Snope is already at SCOTUS. If we add start a case on an AWB, anything that happens with Snope would force a re-do of the AWB case we file. We have one ready to go, but need Snope and or Ocean State Tactical to move first.
Cool, another pointless and inaccurate NRA bashing thread........

Can we go back to fighting over daylight savings time.......
I've renewed my nra subscription b4 due so many times it wont expire til around 2040 now. plus when i missed the instructor renewal they made me take the 3day class again , but that was the only time they would ever respond to anything I've ever tried talking to them about. I'm not saying not to support them, just saying comm2A is better if you're only going to support one place.
I've renewed my nra subscription b4 due so many times it wont expire til around 2040 now. plus when i missed the instructor renewal they made me take the 3day class again , but that was the only time they would ever respond to anything I've ever tried talking to them about. I'm not saying not to support them, just saying comm2A is better if you're only going to support one place.
Can you name three things comm2a have done in 5 years. 🤣
Really though when was the last time they did work in Massachusetts…….2018?
That’s like taking your money and throwing it in the trash bin. 🤣
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Can you name three things comm2a have done in 5 years. 🤣
Really though when was the last time they did work in Massachusetts…….2018?
That’s like taking your money and throwing it in the trash bin. 🤣
Robinson V Mawn - August 2024
White V Cox - ongoing for years, just had to be withdrawn since Boston played games
Morin v Lyver - Still ongoing.
This doesn't account for the dozens of things we do every week from application advice, to legal referrals, to coordination and plaintiff finding for federal cases.

You clearly have an axe to grind with Comm2A. I wish I knew what your malfunction was. We have done and continue to do work here in the Commonwealth. What we cannot do is wave a wand and get all laws repealed.

I know you got a bee in your bonnet because we asked your friend to do the administrative work needed to get his permit moving. This is what we are given for advice because you need to show you exhausted your administrative remedies before resorting to the legal system. I am truly sorry that following a process and making sure all the steps were documented is something outside your comprehension, but for the legal process to move forward, a showing of at least a minimum attempt at administrative action needs to be taken.
Robinson V Mawn - August 2024
White V Cox - ongoing for years, just had to be withdrawn since Boston played games
Morin v Lyver - Still ongoing.
This doesn't account for the dozens of things we do every week from application advice, to legal referrals, to coordination and plaintiff finding for federal cases.

You clearly have an axe to grind with Comm2A. I wish I knew what your malfunction was. We have done and continue to do work here in the Commonwealth. What we cannot do is wave a wand and get all laws repealed.

I know you got a bee in your bonnet because we asked your friend to do the administrative work needed to get his permit moving. This is what we are given for advice because you need to show you exhausted your administrative remedies before resorting to the legal system. I am truly sorry that following a process and making sure all the steps were documented is something outside your comprehension, but for the legal process to move forward, a showing of at least a minimum attempt at administrative action needs to be taken.
Thank You for planting your feet into the ground.
Robinson V Mawn - August 2024
White V Cox - ongoing for years, just had to be withdrawn since Boston played games
Morin v Lyver - Still ongoing.
This doesn't account for the dozens of things we do every week from application advice, to legal referrals, to coordination and plaintiff finding for federal cases.

You clearly have an axe to grind with Comm2A. I wish I knew what your malfunction was. We have done and continue to do work here in the Commonwealth. What we cannot do is wave a wand and get all laws repealed.

I know you got a bee in your bonnet because we asked your friend to do the administrative work needed to get his permit moving. This is what we are given for advice because you need to show you exhausted your administrative remedies before resorting to the legal system. I am truly sorry that following a process and making sure all the steps were documented is something outside your comprehension, but for the legal process to move forward, a showing of at least a minimum attempt at administrative action needs to be taken.
Didnt you guys also force the FLRB to do it's job back in 2021?

Also crazy morin v lyver is still a thing. Didn't he get denied in 2018? 8 years later sheeeesh. Funny how courts "go at their own pace" but will take up certain cases immediately.
Didnt you guys also force the FLRB to do it's job back in 2021?

Also crazy morin v lyver is still a thing. Didn't he get denied in 2018? 8 years later sheeeesh. Funny how courts "go at their own pace" but will take up certain cases immediately.
At each change of the law, the case basically needed to be re-heard/re-briefed. The Commonwealth fought us each step of the way. One of the interesting things they argued was that Dr. Morin had not exhausted all means to obtain a handgun, because someone could pass away and leave him one in their Last Will and Testament, thus he didn't have standing to argue that the Commonwealth prevented him from obtaining a handgun, and the court agreed.
At each change of the law, the case basically needed to be re-heard/re-briefed. The Commonwealth fought us each step of the way. One of the interesting things they argued was that Dr. Morin had not exhausted all means to obtain a handgun, because someone could pass away and leave him one in their Last Will and Testament, thus he didn't have standing to argue that the Commonwealth prevented him from obtaining a handgun, and the court agreed.
That's absolutely wild
except the Commonwealth is on the record stating that an FID is sufficient to keep a handgun in the home for the purpose of self-defense.
so you can't buy a handgun with a fid but supposedly you can have a handgun? I can't find that in the law, do you have the law # or section saying you may possess s handgun with only a fid? needing to pay money for a constitutional right is insane in the first place. its crazy how many people, even on nes, are brainwashed into being ok with paying money for a 'permit' for rights.
so you can't buy a handgun with a fid but supposedly you can have a handgun? I can't find that in the law, do you have the law # or section saying you may possess s handgun with only a fid? needing to pay money for a constitutional right is insane in the first place. its crazy how many people, even on nes, are brainwashed into being ok with paying money for a 'permit' for rights.
Technically, it was in the law before the changes last year. There was a permit to purchase scheme which allowed for an FID holder to possess a handgun at home or at a business, but they couldn't transport it anywhere.

The fact that the State argued this in the Morin case, and represented to the court that it was legal to have a handgun on an FID basically made it so.
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