Congrats on our newest President's 100 shooters

Going back to 600, Cali is tied with AMU, and Ill. Is behind by 2 points in the Nat. Trophy Team match. This is going to be interesting.

Coalinga has some HARD guns on that team.

Also: something screwy is going on with the P100 scores. Seven of the top 100 were pulled (including Sgt. Gallagher's). Everybody took a jump up.
And speaking of hard guns, take a look through the P100, NTI, and Hearst Doubles scores alphabetically under Hirtle or Pietrowicz. Each score is excellent, but taken all together over the three days; those are some impressive performances against the top shooters in the world.
Huge Congradulations to Jeff, Pat and Mike for the P100 and Verne for legging out!

Taking the picture that Pat posted of Pat, Mike and Jeff for the P100 was the best shot I fired all week... LOL
Thanks guys was a great week. Wheels fell off for the NTT (shooting offhand a full rev off on windage should have been my first clue...luckily caught it before sitting, and managed to clean it with 5x's). Took me out of the top 10 for overall aggregate. Still pumped though. We're on our way back as I type this....on Jason's MiFi with the iPad, just past buffalo ny. I'll try to set up a photo album when I get a few hundred pictures between 4 cameras, and a couple of cool videos of us shooting rattle battle (man that was fun). I think we're gonna start soliciting for donations/funding for a state rattle battle team for next year....stay tuned for details.
Jeff, we should have a New England six man championship at one of the state Service Rifle Championships instead of a leg match.

NH would be a good central location! [smile]

PatMcD said:
Coalinga has some HARD guns on that team.

Also: something screwy is going on with the P100 scores. Seven of the top 100 were pulled (including Sgt. Gallagher's). Everybody took a jump up.

It wouldn't be Perry without the drama. Seven shooters were DQ'ed because they didn't report to the line in time for the shoot-off. Not sure where in the rule book it says that you forfeit the entire match if you miss your call to the line for one stage (maybe it is in there somewhere but I just got home and I'm too tired to look it up right this minute,) but it seems like the rules are always a bit different at Perry. (For example the sighters that some shooters got in last year's President's match, an advantage that likely cost Jeff a spot above the line.)

Speaking of drama, after I get some sleep I might tell the story about me and Jeff vs. four doggie MPs in front of our huts in dog patch. (We won.) [grin]
derek said:
I haven't seen Mike in ages. [thinking] I really need to take a trip to Reading and catch up with the crew.

Yeah you do. We still have matches scheduled at Reading and Nashua.
It wouldn't be Perry without the drama. Seven shooters were DQ'ed because they didn't report to the line in time for the shoot-off. Not sure where in the rule book it says that you forfeit the entire match if you miss your call to the line for one stage (maybe it is in there somewhere but I just got home and I'm too tired to look it up right this minute,) but it seems like the rules are always a bit different at Perry. (For example the sighters that some shooters got in last year's President's match, an advantage that likely cost Jeff a spot above the line.)

Speaking of drama, after I get some sleep I might tell the story about me and Jeff vs. four doggie MPs in front of our huts in dog patch. (We won.) [grin]
I need to hear this.....
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