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So the natural response is to paint everyone who disagrees with your opinion with a broad brush as racists.Ironic you'd use him.
But let's not pretend like some people don't quote the daily stormer as their preferred media outlet.
Ok , you are a boot licker.No, I just can't see any other reason why this situation is somehow different from every other case where someone pushes forward when a gun is pointed at them."
"Why did he shoot her when there were two other Capitol police officers behind her that did not find a 120 lb woman to be a threat."
The two we can clearly see, with no obstructions? And when the shot happens, wasn't directly behind her anymore, because they have to come up the stairs to be in view?
Byrd is off to the left holding a 90 degree angle to point of entry. He can't see through the glass. When someone starts climbing through, he steps out to his left, and drops a single shot on the person walking through. I doubt he could identify gender as he shot, and you fools want to drum up her gender like it has any relevance here. Chivalry died with feminism, and you are white knighting for a dead fool. Save that for your wives, your girlfriends, and your lingerie models.
You guys make it sound like he should have waited till 3, 4, 5 people crawled through and then hoped he could arrest them all without any resistance.
Call me a statist boot licking sheep all you want with your benefit of hindsight and multiple camera angles from your keyboards. I'm going to not use my after the fact omniscience to shit on a guy who had none of it and an unruly mob in front of him, and members of Congress he had sworn to protect behind him.
You know what really is bullshit in all of this? That 5 tactically kitted Capitol Police officers had not one kit on them to prevent someone from bleeding out from a shoulder wound when they were on scene 5 seconds after she got shot.
I'm just having fun dude. The only mention of race I recall reading was MY comment about what would have happened if the colors were reversed. Tell me with a straight face that I’m wrong.
Race aside, it was an unnecessary shooting.
So the natural response is to paint everyone who disagrees with your opinion with a broad brush as racists.
10/10 on the irony scale.
Ok , you are a boot licker.
You either never watched the video or putting a boot licker spin on it.
She was hung up in the window half in and half out. trying to squirm out when murder boner stepped up and executed her.
There were cops standing right behind her and one of them damn near returned fire.
You sound like every other lib . "Who you going to believe , me or your lying eyes.?"
Says the guy who casually called everyone who disagreed with him racist. Victim much?I figured, which is why I switched gears along the same lines.
I will first admit it's a strange feeling to have that thrown at me, but at the very least, I'll elaborate.
So what's your point here? Dark skinned people should or shouldn't be shot more often than other people? Perhaps you should check out the protecting and serving thread and realize NES isn't the monolithic world view that you project on everyone.I've been lurking here since 2008 when I got my FID. The general sentiment from just about every thread where someone gets smoked by crossing a physical or implied line by a cop has been "too bad, so sad, next?". Most of them are dark skinned, because, the people who get shot the most are dark skinned. Just a reality of statistics. People love talking about Brockton and it's "people", how bad it is, but don't mention New Bedford which is just as bad but 95% white. And out east you guys don't even have it bad, Springfield and Holyoke beat out any city out east.
This is a sentiment that gets repeated thread after thread, snippets here and spit-balled comment there. It has left me with the feeling there's some closeted people in here. To the point the "this has become an out yourself thread" I thought was a reference to outing yourself as a racist at first. The noose in a tree and all the likes on post #13 are a pretty big red flag if you want a specific example.
So why the hard line change here?
Because she's a woman? Doubt it. The sentiment I get on here is guys respect their own woman when they are looking and in earshot, and everyone else by onlyfans subscription. "I'm just helping her through college!"
Are we talking about Qanon or NES?Because she's "one of us"? I don't know about all of you, but I wash my hands of people at qAnon. That place reminds me of flat earth society - a lightning rod made to draw in crackpots to share their crackpot ideas and for the trolls to stir them up from within. Babbitt was not "one of us" in terms of politics. She may share support for Trump with me and those of you who also voted for him, but you can have a lot of policy agreements and still be on two completely different wavelengths.
Because she was caught up in the moment, and just the front line tip of a mob? Yeah, maybe something to be said here, but on the flip side, she did 4 years working checkpoint security with the Air Force. She had to have some kind of knowledge of what crossing that precipice meant. And what having a drawn gun pointed at a chokepoint means.
Instead of painting all of NES with your racist brush perhaps you should individually call out these people."she wasn't a threat!". There are areas in the country where your mere presence in that area makes you a threat. A secured area of the capitol where a session of congress is occurring definitely counts among them. Make all the arguments about being "let in", but nobody let them into that barricaded section. People tried, and failed, to force their way through.
Which means I am running out of reasons to inform and motivate a particular stance save one. I'd like to think everyone on here, save for our daily stormer enthusiast, would take people at their individual merits and ignore race, ethnicity, gender, etc when applying standards, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
That's as stupid a take as any I've seen. Bootlicker spin by describing events as they occurred? Are we watching the same video? There are NO cops behind her when she is shot. How is it an execution when she got shot in the shoulder? The two you see next to her retreat down the stairs 10 seconds before the shot is fired. They see the gun and have the brain power to get out of the line of fire. When she hits the ground, zero capitol police around her. Did you just watch the jump cut ones and NOT notice the cuts? God I feel like a broken record.
And for the people, person, I can't recall, who was/were trying to imply she was pushed through the window, there are zero people in arm's reach of her, and had nothing stopping her from falling backwards as evidenced by the free fall to the floor she takes.
Here ya go
View: https://www.nbcnews.com/video/capitol-shooting-that-led-to-ashli-babbitt-s-death-captured-on-video-99180613572
EDIT: Here's a better question. How did a woman die by a shoulder shot when guys who should have med kits on them arrived within 5 seconds of her getting shot?
Says the guy who casually called everyone who disagreed with him racist. Victim much?
It's a first for me being on the other side of the accusation. Normally I'm one the getting called racist for pointing out basic crime statistics, and that its not a race thing, it's a culture and class issue. And I've converted a lot of non-classical liberals to Trump supporters by breaking down their association of all Trump supporters as racists - the broad brush point you mention.
So what's your point here? Dark skinned people should or shouldn't be shot more often than other people? Perhaps you should check out the protecting and serving thread and realize NES isn't the monolithic world view that you project on everyone.
All people should be shot less, but the majority of the time, the people who get shot were also ones in control of the actions that led them to be shot. The point is the norm is ambivalence. I'm familiar with the thread.
Which was clearly talking about hanging the cop who shot her. I took it as old school punishment... you know like the wild wild west.
Lynch mobs? Got it. Sounds accurate to the discussion here to - hot and quick to act when justice requires cooler heads. Given it's been 4 years, everyone knows he is black. Anyone with a lick of common sense would avoid that because of the historical contentions the reference would have. It was just the most recent and obvious example I could easily point to. If someone says their intention was not to reference hanging a black guy from a tree as mob justice, or approve of such a reference, I'll take them at their word.
So now all of NES are closeted incels who subscribe to onlyfans? Want a bigger shovel for that hole your digging?
All of NES? You don't have to be a closeted incel to subscribe to onlyfans or hit a strip club or engage with sex workers. I'm married and I used to bounce at a strip club and ran a porn shop. I had the ironic task of convincing strippers to spend money with me.
Are we talking about Qanon or NES?
I was talking about where lines are drawn at where I stop associating myself or aligning myself with someone. Kind of like how when you find out your neighbor is an kid diddler and you stop inviting him to the neighborhood cookouts.
So you think she knew he was drawing down on her from the other side of a wall? Also she doesn't have to be "one of us" for a lot of people to recognize what happened to her shouldn't have.
No one can know what she "knew". I can make educated guesses as to what experience was based on her professions and jobs. I can say for sure 6 different voices out called out "he's got a gun!". And before she stepped into the barrier, the police retreated from having their colleague's gun aimed in their vicinity. I don't know if she was just in a fog or high on success. No one here has said she deserved to die. I, and others have re-iterated, she bears the overwhelming responsibility for the fact she was shot.
Instead of painting all of NES with your racist brush perhaps you should individually call out these people.
Because there is only one example that is that flaunting of what they ascribe to, and everyone knows it's , and its a sentiment that is expressed consistently on this forum by it's users but only in half statements and allusions.
Quite frankly I find the argument that anyone who disagrees with me is a racist incredibly stupid.
Not the argument I was making.
Perhaps you should attend some meets and touch some grass.
I tried organizing one and it went to shit at the planning phase.
That video just confirmed everything I just said ,including the other cop raising his rifle towards murder boner.
Liberal tinted glasses must make things look funny.
Plus if you know anything about anatomy , an artery hit (which there are plenty of in the upper body) will bleed you out real quick.
No kit is going to save you.
You do you .What? Everything you said save the cop raising his rifle at the source of fire was wrong. Which is why I didn't correct it.
She was not "hung up" and there was no view of her "squirming" in the window. She was not executed. She was shot. An execution would be walking up and delivering a coup de grace. You are putting opinion and wholesale fiction forward as reality. Yeah, there are big veins and arteries in every section of the human body. She took a shot to the shoulder. Was it left or right? if her left, and an FMJ, that bullet may well have passed through her entire chest cavity. Still NOT an execution. Your inexplicable desire to castigate the cop and exonerate the fool is influencing everything you say down to your word choice.
I'll stick to cooch. Tastes better.You do you .
Keep licking that boot.
I just put "New Bedford" into the search engine and found out your were wrong about NES sentiments towards New Bedford.People love talking about Brockton and it's "people", how bad it is, but don't mention New Bedford which is just as bad but 95% white.
Are portagees white now? When did that happen?I just put "New Bedford" into the search engine and found out your were wrong about NES sentiments towards New Bedford.
Then, I went to the census page and found out you are wrong about the white percentage of New Bedford as well. It's 60% white, not 95% as you claimed.
Maybe you should check your feelings against facts before posting lies.
Like 1910 when they arrived from Europe?Are portagees white now? When did that happen?
Sure you doI'll stick to cooch. Tastes better.
European is Caucasian for purposes of demographics. So Portugeuse would be white. Brazilian would not.Are portagees white now? When did that happen?
That was a fat finger on the keypad. Honest mistake. My source said 65%I just put "New Bedford" into the search engine and found out your were wrong about NES sentiments towards New Bedford.
Then, I went to the census page and found out you are wrong about the white percentage of New Bedford as well. It's 60% white, not 95% as you claimed.
Maybe you should check your feelings against facts before posting lies.
Not sure if serious. I’d say the government arresting people, and imprisoning them for years in order to achieve some political end, is a pretty worthwhile hill to die on. And that’s not even getting into the possibility it was instigated by fed plants intentionally.Jan 6 is such a silly hill to die on. I would definitely agree there can be differing “takes,” but some of you are living in an alternate reality pretending it was some peaceful silent walk through. There are thousands of pictures and videos.
Not to mention some of the people were put in jail by prosecution (federal employee) witnesses that perjured themselves, as later documented by video evidence. Add in the made up federal charges to get extra long sentences and the fake show trial circus with Cheney colluding with witnesses during the J6 committee and this debacle is definitely a hill to die on. On the plus side, this BS did help Trump get elected, IMO. I look forward to the pardons.Not sure if serious. I’d say the government arresting people, and imprisoning them for years in order to achieve some political end, is a pretty worthwhile hill to die on. And that’s not even getting into the possibility it was instigated by fed plants intentionally.
Again, there were definitely some people there that committed crimes. But the majority of the hype was artificially generated to suppress political dissent while also trying to frame as an “Insurrection” in order to legally prevent Trump from running, if not imprisoning him.
So yeah, pretty big deal if you are a serious person.
After the Hunter Biden pardon, he better f***in pardon anyone on J6 that didn’t commit a violent crime, as well as Ross Ulbricht.Not to mention some of the people were put in jail by prosecution (federal employee) witnesses that perjured themselves, as later documented by video evidence. Add in the made up federal charges to get extra long sentences and the fake show trial circus with Cheney colluding with witnesses during the J6 committee and this debacle is definitely a hill to die on. On the plus side, this BS did help Trump get elected, IMO. I look forward to the pardons.
My list also includes Snowden and Assange, but I'm not holding my breathAfter the Hunter Biden pardon, he better f***in pardon anyone on J6 that didn’t commit a violent crime, as well as Ross Ulbricht.
I’d be ok with seeing Snowdens sentence commuted, but the guy is definitely a double agent. The Russia thing is too damning.My list also includes Snowden and Assange, but I'm not holding my breath
The Obama administration annulled his passport. He was in Hong Kong and seeking asylum in Ecuador. The US gov basically forced him to flee to Moscow if you listen to him in his own words. Media accounts from 2013 back up his claims.I’d be ok with seeing Snowdens sentence commuted, but the guy is definitely a double agent. The Russia thing is too damning.
This.The Obama administration annulled his passport. He was in Hong Kong and seeking asylum in Ecuador. The US gov basically forced him to flee to Moscow if you listen to him in his own words. Media accounts from 2013 back up his claims.
Hey come on. She was armed with a backpack....Not me. Murdering an unarmed 5’4” 120lb woman for the heinous crime of trespassing is not my cup of tea.
But let's not pretend like some people don't quote the daily stormer as their preferred media outlet.