Conversation in a gun shop

Feb 22, 2008
Western Mass
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Yesterday. It went like this:

What's that, Dad?
That's a pre-ban Ruger Mini-14 with a folding stock.
Nice. Can I hold it?
Wow! This is nice!
Yeah. I'd sure like to have that bad boy.
Be nice for a zombie attack.
Yeah. Nice.
Can we buy it?
No. We're too broke.
What's the worst that could happen if we bought it?
We'd be broker.
Would we lose the house?
Mmmm ... no. Not any faster than we already are.
Well, let's buy it then.
That's our wood and oil money for the winter.
I could be cold for a gun like that.
It would be real cold, for a real long time.
I have sweatshirts.
You ever typed on the intertubes when you can see your breath?
You can wear gloves with the fingertips cut out.
You make a compelling argument.
So we can buy it?

We left emptyhanded.

Haha, didn't know they were that bad. Probably would have eventually picked one up...after a Garand, AR, Long-range, AK that is[laugh]
Pre-ban Ruger Mini-14
Advantages: Pre-ban
Disadvantages: Pre-redesign

Seriously, if pre-ban, it was made before Ruger figured out how to stop the POI wandering

If anyone wants to simulate its fire pattern, they can just buy an old Remington 740 in .223 and loosen the barrel nut.
Wow mini 14's are really that bad? I was looking at one a few years ago, glad I went with an AR instead!

Yes, I wanted one back in the late 1970s, but was advised by many that the accuracy was horrid and an AR would be a lot better gun to buy for accurate shooting. I never pursued the Mini-14 after that.
Wow mini 14's are really that bad? I was looking at one a few years ago, glad I went with an AR instead!

Yes, they are. Preban mags that work right are also a bitch to find. Most of the mags out there for the mini are pure junk. Ruger has started making 20s again I think (and maybe larger ones) but those are of little use to us in MA because they're posties.

You did the right thing. No good ever comes from buying a Ruger Mini-14.



Now if it were a pre-ban M1A, it'd be a completely different story.

Buying a gun is great (well, except a mini-14) and all but teaching fiscal responsibility is important also.
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