Corrosive ammo clean up post?


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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A while back I posted in a thread and gave my methods for cleaning up after shooting corrosive ammo. I included pictures of a funnel and tubing I use for pouring water down the bore, etc. and other posters gave their coments and methods on clean up too. I've been reading posts from first time milsurp buyers lately and rather than go into detail again on clean up, I figured i'd post the link to that thread. Problem is I looked for the post and can't find it. Can one of the moderators locate it and make it a sticky? I feel proper clean up info is just as important as headpace, the CMP process, etc. and don't want to see a young and eager milsurp buyer go through the shock of pulling a rifle out of his safe only to find the bore has frosted with orange rust because it wasn't properly cleaned.
Much thanks JonJ. Just think... if we save one milsurp shooter from the [shocked] of seeing orange goblins in their bore thats one piece of history saved from neglect and one shooter spared some grief. [smile]
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