Cory Atkins and H.4102


NES Member
Mar 1, 2009
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Recently one of my co-workers contacted his State Rep regarding H.4102. This is the letter he received back from her:

Dear Horrible's co-worker,

Thank you for contacting me about H.4102, An Act Relative to Reducing Firearms Violence. I understand your concerns about this bill, and I appreciate your advocacy on this issue.

I support the bill because allowing individuals to purchase more guns increases homicides, suicides, and other gun-related injuries. This legislation is something that law officials requested because of the number of kids getting killed in cities, and it will help protect our children by reducing the number of illegal guns on our streets. I believe that this bill does not unduly burden legal gun owners. I also believe that legal gun owners can demonstrate responsible gun ownership by standing up against gun violence in cities and supporting measures to prevent people from acquiring guns illegally.

Higher household gun ownership directly correlates to higher rates of homicides, suicides, and accidental injuries. According to a 2003 study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 percent of gun related homicides would not occur under the same circumstances if guns had not been present. Additionally, guns in homes are used 72 percent of the time in accidental killings and injuries. Among gun-owning parents who stated that their children had never handled their guns, 22 percent of the children stated they had.

I believe if we reduce the number of firearms that a person can purchase within one year to twelve, we can help reduce the number of injuries, homicides, and suicides that occur in the commonwealth. This legislation is designed to reduce gun trafficking by “straw purchasers” who purchase firearms for convicted felons or other prohibited buyers. Sadly, 40 percent of gun acquisitions occur on the secondary market through straw purchasers or other individuals who resell their weapons. In these situations background check are not required, allowing people who should not be in possession of firearms to acquire them lawfully.

In addition, this bill would require private sales of firearms to be recorded at a dealer location so that the record of the sale will be included in the Massachusetts Instant Record Checking System. This system will track guns sales across the state to ensure that criminals cannot buy them.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns about this bill. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office again.


State Representative
14th Middlesex District

My co-worker wanted to send this letter refuting all of the crap in it to the Herald or another local newspaper. Anything that you can add that directly refutes what Rep. Atkins is saying here would be most helpful. I can think of about 20 things myself, but want to help my co-worker get the most succinct argument possible.
That reply letter is chock full of FAIL and outright BS.

Don't these idiots actually read any of the laws that are currently on the books?

Even Boston Police Commissioner Davis admitted at the 2259 hearings that the current laws punish all 351 cities and towns in MA for the wrongdoing of a half dozen or less in the City of Boston. I know someone was recording the hearing on some big TV cameras, but don't know who.
I'm having a very hard time forming a coherent thought right now. [angry2]

I just don't understand how someone could write a letter like that and not realize how asinine it sounds. "...41 percent of gun related homicides would not occur under the same circumstances if guns had not been present." REALLY?!? That's like saying, "All things being equal, MLBers would hit fewer homeruns without a bat."

It's unbelievable that this guy can dig up a statistic like that to support H.4102. What's his response to the fact that violent crime has increased DRAMATICALLY since the 1998 regulations.

Why do the gun-control dummies not understand that these laws (or any laws) don't work? CRIMINALS DON'T CARE ABOUT THE LAW.....THAT'S WHY THEY'RE CRIMINALS!!!! Law enforcement cannot do what these people expect. The only thing that criminals are really scared of is armed, conscientious citizens who are prepared to defend their own rights and the rights of the public at large.
Wow, there is so much wrong I don't even know where to start and keep my head from exploding.

She should have just said "Listen, I'm against guns, I don't want any one to have guns and I don't give a damn what the laws say. GFY and have a nice day"

At least it would have been honest at that point.

I wish I could live in fantasticalville like these loons. How nice it would be if every thing was unicorns and rainbows just cause you wished it.
That reply letter is chock full of FAIL and outright BS.

Don't these idiots actually read any of the laws that are currently on the books?

Naw, too much trouble and it would just muddy the waters. Sounds like they are just toting the party line and regurgitating what Deval fed them.

Unfortunately, most people don't have any idea how bad the current state laws are let alone that Federal regulations already exist that cover many of these issues. They show zero concerned that the current laws aren't being enforced.
Dear Horrible's co-worker,

Thank you for contacting me about H.4102, An Act Relative to Reducing Firearms Violence. I understand your concerns about this bill, and I appreciate your advocacy on this issue.

I support the bill because allowing individuals to purchase more guns increases homicides, suicides, and other gun-related injuries. This legislation is something that law officials requested because of the number of kids getting killed in cities, and it will help protect our children by reducing the number of illegal guns on our streets.
No, it reduced the number of legal guns in the possession of honest citizens
I believe that this bill does not unduly burden legal gun owners.
obv. not a gun owner
I also believe that legal gun owners can demonstrate responsible gun ownership by standing up against gun violence in cities and supporting measures to prevent people from acquiring guns illegally.
We do, measures that actually work though, not this absurd drivel

Higher household gun ownership directly correlates to higher rates of homicides, suicides, and accidental injuries. According to a 2003 study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 percent of gun related homicides would not occur under the same circumstances if guns had not been present.
No shit Sherlock. Logic dictates that if you change the scenario the circumstances will not be the same. Pretty tough to have a gun homicide without a gun, isn't it? Does your study say how many of these homicides would have been prevented if the victim was armed? How many would have been committed with other weapons? How can ANY respectable study definitively say what WOULD have happened? Your 'study' is full of fail.
Additionally, guns in homes are used 72 percent of the time in accidental killings and injuries.
As are knives, household cleaners. staircases, unfastened rugs, pets and pools. If I pinch my finger in the slide of my 1911 after cleaning it, is this now an "in-home gun related injury"?
Among gun-owning parents who stated that their children had never handled their guns, 22 percent of the children stated they had.
This the same 22% of children also believe that a winged waif puts money under their pillow when a tooth falls out and a purple dinosaur loves them?
I believe if we reduce the number of firearms that a person can purchase within one year to twelve, we can help reduce the number of injuries, homicides, and suicides that occur in the commonwealth.
Real facts to back up this assumption? Like, maybe stats from states that have and have not effected such a change?
This legislation is designed to reduce gun trafficking by “straw purchasers” who purchase firearms for convicted felons or other prohibited buyers.
Already very illegal. Again, how many licensed gun owners in MA have been charged and/or convicted of being straw buyers vs. the number of licensed gun owners in MA? Your "Straw purchase" argument is only a "straw man" argument.
Sadly, 40 percent of gun acquisitions occur on the secondary market through straw purchasers or other individuals who resell their weapons.
You fail to specify if this is ALL gun acquisitions or just unlawful ones. Does this mean that 39.999% of acquisitions are lawful FTF sales with no criminal intent or activity and 0.001% are your phantom "straw purchases"? Again, if this is a fact, where are the prosecutions? Why are these known "straw purchases" allowed to occur uninvestigated?
In these situations background check are not required, allowing people who should not be in possession of firearms to acquire them lawfully.
Ah, the "gun show loophole"...which is not an issue in MA, due to the requirement of license possession and FA-10 notification, laws with serious penalties against those who violate them. Once more I ask, how often are licensed gun owners charged with such transactions? Also, how can you argue that people "who should not be in possession of firearms" are acquiring them "lawfully"? A crime is being committed...and your argument makes no sense.

In addition, this bill would require private sales of firearms to be recorded at a dealer location so that the record of the sale will be included in the Massachusetts Instant Record Checking System. This system will track guns sales across the state to ensure that criminals cannot buy them.
Recording of private transactions is already required (see FA-10 above) How will this prevent transactions between thugs?

Thank you again for expressing your concerns about this bill. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office again.


State Representative
14th Middlesex District
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An Idiot said:
Dear Horrible's co-worker,

Thank you for contacting me about H.4102, An Act Relative to Reducing Firearms Violence. [STRIKE]I understand your concerns about this bill, and I appreciate your advocacy on this issue.[/STRIKE]Your opinion has been heard, and ignored.

I support the bill because allowing individuals to purchase more guns increases homicides, suicides, and other gun-related injuries. This legislation is something that law officials requested because of the number of kids getting killed in cities, and it will help protect our children by reducing the number of illegal guns on our streets. Actually, it won't. In order to reduce the number of illegal guns, actual LEOs will have to make actual arrests. Which they could do now, without any new law, since straw purchases are illegal. I believe that this bill does not unduly burden legal gun owners.I have not read the bill, and have no idea why lawful gun owners would object to being limited to one gun or magazine a month, and being refused permission to sell their own property. I also believe that legal gun owners can demonstrate responsible gun ownership by standing up against gun violence in cities and supporting measures to prevent people from acquiring guns illegally.I have heard of H2259, but have not read it. Deval Patrick told me it would allow people to openly carry anti-tank rifles around Boston, shoot machine guns in their back yards, and turn the state house into a gun store, and I believe anything he says without question.

Higher household gun ownership directly correlates to higher rates of homicides, suicides, and accidental injuries.Except in Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Finland, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and a bunch of red states that I know very little about. According to a 2003 study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 percent of gun related homicides would not occur under the same circumstances if guns had not been present.In related news, 100% of all drownings would not have been drownings had water not been present. According to this study, 59% of all gun deaths would still have been gun deaths with a gun not present. I see no problem with this theory. Additionally, guns in homes are used 72 percent of the time in accidental killings and injuries. I just made this number up. Among gun-owning parents who stated that their children had never handled their guns, 22 percent of the children stated they had.Those parents probably also thought their kids didn't swear, would never cut class, and had never been offered a joint.

I believe if we reduce the number of firearms that a person can purchase within one year to twelve, we can help reduce the number of injuries, homicides, and suicides that occur in the commonwealth.I have no actual basis or research for this at all. This legislation is designed to reduce gun trafficking by “straw purchasers” who purchase firearms for convicted felons or other prohibited buyers.Because the fact that making a "Straw Purchase" is already a federal felony does nothing to discourage the average law abiding citizen. Sadly, 40 percent of gun acquisitions occur on the secondary market through straw purchasersI have just admitted that I, or someone I know, is an accessory to several counts of a federal felony. or other individuals who resell their weapons.Gun owners sell each other guns all the time. Just like car owners sell each other cars, except with more paperwork. I consider this a bad thing, because I do not respect property rights. In these situations background check are not requiredbecause the buyer and seller must both have a photo ID, issued by the state, with indicates that they have already passed a much more thorough background check, allowing people who should not be in possession of firearms to acquire them lawfully.It never occurred to me that it's not, in fact, a lawful acquisition if one of the parties is prohibited from owning firearms, because I am wholly ignorant of existing gun control laws.

In addition, this bill would require private sales of firearms to be recorded at a dealer locationIf were supporting a law requiring that all car sales be processed through a car dealership, to ensure that buyer and seller both had a valid drivers license, you would laugh me out of office, but I can get away with it as long as I use the word 'gun'. so that the record of the sale will be included in the Massachusetts Instant Record Checking System.Once again, I demonstrate that I am ignorant of the fact that all legal private gun sales are already recorded in this fashion. This system will track guns sales across the state to ensure that criminals cannot buy them.Since what I regard as the most important portion of the bill is wholly redundant, I clearly have not been honest about my reasons for supporting it, or I am clearly mentally deficient and should not be allowed to serve as your representative.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns about this bill. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office again.Go piss up a rope.


State Representative
14th Middlesex District

My comments in red.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns about this bill. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office again so I may spew more liberal bullshit that accomplishes nothing yet pushing us further towards reset.


Freedom stealing Communist
14th Middlesex District
I've seen this exact letter before. Did someone else post one on here? If so, was it from the same Rep, or is this the letter they all send out to "supporters"?

Must be a template. My co-worker showed it to me last week at work. I couldn't believe the lack of solid fact and pie-in-the-sky logic she laid out. Whoever wrote it up, doesn't know very much. I suggested to my co-worker to write a letter to the editor of all the newspapers in the area refuting the crap in this letter.
According to a 2003 study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 percent of gun related homicides would not occur under the same circumstances if guns had not been present.

And if Al Gore were elected president in 2000, it would be 10 degrees cooler today than it is...
Send her a note back and tell him your respect her view and when someone runs against her you will pledge a grand to their winning and support them in every way you can! Let her know it's because his past decisions are based on faulty assumptions and poorly done research that attempt to control people that obey laws and not criminals or misfits.

Tell her to back away from the twinkies as well!
Just saw her Web site
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