Costco or Sams Club?

Feb 17, 2013
FEMA region I
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Are there any advantages / disadvantages to either one . And are there prices comparable . I have a Costco close by . But a Sams club is about 30 min farther away . What is everyones opinion ?
I've been a member of both since ~1995.

They both have some very good deals, not the same but similar. Pricing on some things are cheaper at one than the other.

Sadly Sam's closed all but 2 stores in MA so I rarely shop there anymore.

Some differences:

Sam's has most coupon/specials only for their Sam's Plus membership ($100/yr) and not for their standard membership. Disadvantage.

Costco has coupon books for everyone who is a member regardless of level of membership. Lots of stores in E. MA. Advantage.

Sam's sells phones for all the major cell carriers. Advantage.

Costco does not sell Sprint in any NE stores. Disadvantage (for me). They do give you a rebate equal to the "activation fee" (ripoff) charged by the providers.

Costco doubles the mfr warranty on most electronics (phones, computers, TVs, etc.) with Concierge service for no charge. And the one time I used their Concierge service for a TV they were awesome, even followed up that the problem was indeed fixed.

Costco issues a free Amex card to be used in the store and as your membership card. Also you can use it anywhere Amex is accepted. They give cash rebates for what you spend in the store and what you charge on your Amex card (might just be for Executive members - $110/yr, better check). Between the two rebates (which you can use or cash only in a Costco store) I usually get back ~2x the cost of Executive membership each year.

Take a 1 day pass (just go to the membership counter) at each and trot thru the store looking at stuff that interests you and make a choice.
Costco has 1L Grey goose for $32, and 750mL Patron Silver for $40.

They're also the biggest wine purchaser in the country, and something like #5 for hard booze.
Costco has a photo developing / printing area.

The Costco in Waltham sits atop it's parking garage, so there's a ramp from the entrance down to that parking area. That's a huge advantage if you have kids and like to coast down the ramp. Or when your kids aren't with you and you like to zoom.

Tony P.
Costco treats their workers much better than walmart.

Costco may not have the cheapest "Type" or thing you're looking for but what is available there is typically a better deal than other places.
Costco treats their workers much better than walmart.

This in spades!

I know many of the employees at Costco in 3 stores. Whenever they see me in the store they always greet me and I likewise (usually by name), this is even true if they are merely shopping that day and not working. One that I became friendly with told me that she was paid $20/hr as a cashier, she was ~5 year employee and loved her job. When she moved to CA due to her BF having (allegedly) better job opportunities (he wants to be an actor), she lobbied very hard to get a position in Costco out there. They have very little turnover in help and cross-train employees to do almost any job in the store.

I was approached a few years ago by an employee in a Sam's Club who asked me if I knew of any job opportunities as he was making $7/hr (IIRC) as a "specialist" in the computers/electronics area. One day I was shopping in one of the MetroWest Sam's Club stores (before they closed all of them) and witnessed a manager rip apart an employee right there on the floor, right in front of customers . . . very bad management style. Lots of turnover in their stores.
From what I can see, Costco has better quality merchandise for pretty much everything they sell. That said, I haven't been into a Sam's Club in a few years.

Also, Len mentioned that Costco doubles the warranty on electronics which is true, but they also have very easy returns on everything else. I returned a cordless phone system more than a year after I bought it and had no hassle whatsoever. Costco is also a very good place to buy tires, though they'll only mount the original size.
The HP laptop I'm typing on now, to replace a POS Dell that I paid over $2000 for, cost me less than $600 at Costco. It's a basic machine, but it does all I need, and is faster, and performs much better than the crappy Dell! Windows 8 sucks though.
Here's Sam's Club return/refund policy:

and here are the exceptions:

Here's Costco return/refund policy:

and info on Costco Concierge service and 2nd year warranty (free):

Additionally Amex adds another year if you use that card to make your purchases. Unsure if it is only with the Costco/Amex card (free) or any Amex card . . . also unsure if it applies to other than Executive Membership, so ask.
I like BJ's better than Sam's... The clubs too. [rofl2] Never been inside a Costco, so no idea there. Sam's and WM are both further away for me (over the bridge, in Hudson). Plus, I can get my propane tanks filled up for pretty cheap money at BJ's...
When you sign up/renew at Costco, you get a second "household" card -- "A free Household Card is available to a primary or add-on cardholder's spouse, domestic partner, or immediate family member over the age of 18 and living at the same address. Household Cardholders will be asked to present proof that they live at the same address as either the primary or add-on cardholder.". When I asked for a second card for a family member (with the same last name), that person person didn't have to be present nor provide proof of address.

LenS said:
Costco issues a free Amex card to be used in the store and as your membership card. Also you can use it anywhere Amex is accepted. They give cash rebates for what you spend in the store and what you charge on your Amex card (might just be for Executive members - $110/yr, better check). Between the two rebates (which you can use or cash only in a Costco store) I usually get back ~2x the cost of Executive membership each year.
Correct -- 2% rebate only with the Executive Membership. As the rebate includes everything the person on your second 'household' card buys, if you choose your second cardholder wisely, it pays for itself :)

From what I can see, Costco has better quality merchandise for pretty much everything they sell. That said, I haven't been into a Sam's Club in a few years.

Also, Len mentioned that Costco doubles the warranty on electronics which is true, but they also have very easy returns on everything else. I returned a cordless phone system more than a year after I bought it and had no hassle whatsoever. Costco is also a very good place to buy tires, though they'll only mount the original size. also has good prices, and stuff not found in the stores. Return anything from the website to a store for a full refund, including shipping

Costco's incredible return/refund policy is part of why they have better quality merchandise -- when a product line exceeds an acceptable amount of returns, they stop carrying it.

I like BJ's better than Sam's... The clubs too. [rofl2] Never been inside a Costco, so no idea there. Sam's and WM are both further away for me (over the bridge, in Hudson). Plus, I can get my propane tanks filled up for pretty cheap money at BJ's...

I've never been a paid member of BJs, but have taken them up on their free 90 day memberships probably 15 times over the years.

My reflections on BJs:

- Cater to large families. Thus lots of wild kids running loose in the stores - skateboarding, throwing basketballs, riding bikes, etc. I've almost been killed any number of times in their stores (Weymouth, Stoughton, Dedham, Framingham, etc.). It is COMPANY POLICY NOT to say anything to the "alleged parents" or kids!
- If kids start running wild, riding, throwing things in a Costco, an employee WILL speak with them and the "alleged parent"! That is their company policy!
- When I was in the computer biz, their prices were higher than Costco on many items ($1 or $2 on sticks of Duracell batteries in particular) and fewer items that I could resell competitively. I found both computer hardware and software cheaper at Costco than thru my distributors back in the late 1990s-early 2000s.
- Sam's and Costco cater more to the business crowd.
- I rarely could spend more than $25 over that 90 day free period at BJ's. Meanwhile I probably spend closer to $50/week at Costco (much of it food).
- The layout of where things are is more haphazard at BJ's than the other 2.
- Warranties/Return Policy: Fuzzy to me at BJ's. Bought their own brand of brushes for an electric toothbrush. Gears seized up on 2 of them (never a problem with factory brushes), cost ~$18 for the package. NOWHERE could I find any mention of a "satisfaction guaranteed" policy on product or website. Costco will take anything back for any reason, no questions asked.
I don't go into BJ's when kids are running around. I don't think I've been in there over a weekend yet. I've already saved the cost of membership just in what I've saved on soda and coffee beans.

IMO, you have to shop smart no matter where you go. I look around when I'm thinking about getting something. IF the cost makes sense to me, then I make the purchase.

BTW, I've never been inside a BJ's in MA. Only one I've gone into is the one in Nashua. At this point, I doubt Sam's has anything I really need. Or at a rate that makes the membership worth it.
I don't go into BJ's when kids are running around. I don't think I've been in there over a weekend yet. I've already saved the cost of membership just in what I've saved on soda and coffee beans.

IMO, you have to shop smart no matter where you go. I look around when I'm thinking about getting something. IF the cost makes sense to me, then I make the purchase.

BTW, I've never been inside a BJ's in MA. Only one I've gone into is the one in Nashua. At this point, I doubt Sam's has anything I really need. Or at a rate that makes the membership worth it.

I think this is a very good point. Costco does not always have the best price though the prices are usually quite good. Also, Costco, or any of these clubs, usually means you're buying in bulk so when doing price comparisons, make sure you figure in the fact that it can mean making less trips to the store.
I think this is a very good point. Costco does not always have the best price though the prices are usually quite good. Also, Costco, or any of these clubs, usually means you're buying in bulk so when doing price comparisons, make sure you figure in the fact that it can mean making less trips to the store.

I've yet to see whole coffee beans (Columbian Supreme) for even close to what I get it for at BJ's. Comes out to $4.80/# (2.5# bags) normally. I had an extra $3 off coupon for the last bag, so it was even cheaper ($3.60/#)... Same coffee will run you over $8/# at the grocery store. I'm not going to get the k-cups since that would require a new machine, which I really don't want to have to purchase.

I've looked at other things they sell, but can't say I've bought much else.

I did just check and there's a Costco just this side of the MA/NH border (in Nashua)... I might check it out, but it's probably going to have to wait until after the holidays are done. With it being THAT close to the mall, I'm not going anywhere near it.
I don't go into BJ's when kids are running around. I don't think I've been in there over a weekend yet. I've already saved the cost of membership just in what I've saved on soda and coffee beans.

IMO, you have to shop smart no matter where you go. I look around when I'm thinking about getting something. IF the cost makes sense to me, then I make the purchase.

BTW, I've never been inside a BJ's in MA. Only one I've gone into is the one in Nashua. At this point, I doubt Sam's has anything I really need. Or at a rate that makes the membership worth it.

When I was a member of South Shore Chamber of Commerce, I would drop by the Weymouth or Stoughton BJ's after one of our meetings (usually 10:30AM or so) during the week. What I referred to above was not experienced on weekends!

Maybe the proximity to Boston brings a different clientèle? I don't know. Just expressing my personal experiences.

I've only been in the Nashua BJ's a couple of times and don't recall much of significance one way or another.
When I was a member of South Shore Chamber of Commerce, I would drop by the Weymouth or Stoughton BJ's after one of our meetings (usually 10:30AM or so) during the week. What I referred to above was not experienced on weekends!

Maybe the proximity to Boston brings a different clientèle? I don't know. Just expressing my personal experiences.

I've only been in the Nashua BJ's a couple of times and don't recall much of significance one way or another.

I wouldn't be surprised that the proximity to bean-town had a major impact on your experiences.

I had a Sam's membership while they still had a location in Natick. They closed it down, so I didn't renew. Even though that location had been around for many years. So, I'm not confident in them keeping a location open. Which is why I'm very reluctant to get a new membership.

I also don't shop in places where snot-nosed kids are running around like wild animals. If the parents cannot control them, then they should be left at home (or in the car). Once they are old enough to walk, they're old enough to behave in public. Of course, these days, the parents are afraid of the kids (in those cases)...
The only advantage I've noticed that BJs has over Costco is that there are many items you can get smaller portions, in smaller packaging. Of course the reason many people shop these warehouse stores is to by in bulk, but there are many items where it doesn't make sense to have a 3 year supply.
I've yet to see whole coffee beans (Columbian Supreme) for even close to what I get it for at BJ's. Comes out to $4.80/# (2.5# bags) normally. I had an extra $3 off coupon for the last bag, so it was even cheaper ($3.60/#)... Same coffee will run you over $8/# at the grocery store. I'm not going to get the k-cups since that would require a new machine, which I really don't want to have to purchase.

I've looked at other things they sell, but can't say I've bought much else.

I did just check and there's a Costco just this side of the MA/NH border (in Nashua)... I might check it out, but it's probably going to have to wait until after the holidays are done. With it being THAT close to the mall, I'm not going anywhere near it.

For coffee, I don't doubt that Costco will be hard to beat. I also buy whole bean coffee there. Trader Joe's is also a good place to get coffee.

There are other items, like dishwasher or laundry, where my wife says she does better elsewhere. However, she uses coupons to accomplish that.

Oh, screw k-cubs.
I'm single, living alone, so even one package of laundry or dishwasher detergent would probably last me years (from either place). I'm looking to keep my whole bean coffee cost to under $5/pound. Not even sure where there's a Trader Joe's in this area.

After the new year, I'll check out costco... If nothing else to see the difference.
I'm single, living alone, so even one package of laundry or dishwasher detergent would probably last me years (from either place). I'm looking to keep my whole bean coffee cost to under $5/pound. Not even sure where there's a Trader Joe's in this area.

After the new year, I'll check out costco... If nothing else to see the difference.

There's a Trader Joe's on the other side of the DW Highway from Costco and BJ's. It's in the same plaza as Toys R Us, Guitar Center, etc.

They'll still be more $ than Costco but the prices are good. They also have a good beer selection.
Trader Joe's is right by Nashua's Costco

I'm single, living alone, so even one package of laundry or dishwasher detergent would probably last me years (from either place). I'm looking to keep my whole bean coffee cost to under $5/pound. Not even sure where there's a Trader Joe's in this area. After the new year, I'll check out costco... If nothing else to see the difference.
Trader Joe's moved to Nashua (was in MA), it's across the road from Costco now.
There's a Trader Joe's on the other side of the DW Highway from Costco and BJ's. It's in the same plaza as Toys R Us, Guitar Center, etc.

They'll still be more $ than Costco but the prices are good. They also have a good beer selection.

I'll check them out when the holiday stupidity passes...

As for beer, I've not bought any in over 3 years now. I just make my own and put the kegs into my brew fridge. Cost, and quality, can't be matched by them.

I've yet to see whole coffee beans (Columbian Supreme) for even close to what I get it for at BJ's. Comes out to $4.80/# (2.5# bags) normally. I had an extra $3 off coupon for the last bag, so it was even cheaper ($3.60/#)... Same coffee will run you over $8/# at the grocery store. I'm not going to get the k-cups since that would require a new machine, which I really don't want to have to purchase.

I've looked at other things they sell, but can't say I've bought much else.

I did just check and there's a Costco just this side of the MA/NH border (in Nashua)... I might check it out, but it's probably going to have to wait until after the holidays are done. With it being THAT close to the mall, I'm not going anywhere near it.

I also buy coffee beans at Sam's Club and Costco and recall paying $4.70-4.95/# very recently.

Yes the DW can be a bear!
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