Costco or Sams Club?

Agree on the points that Costco tend to have better quality products (and meat quality as well), and treat their employees better. Their board is full of Obama-loving moonbats and they were on the headlines some time earlier:

Costco was also implicitly involved in the tragic death of a gun owner:

But my boycott-fu is weak, so I'm still buying from Costco.
I wouldn't be surprised that the proximity to bean-town had a major impact on your experiences.

I had a Sam's membership while they still had a location in Natick. They closed it down, so I didn't renew. Even though that location had been around for many years. So, I'm not confident in them keeping a location open. Which is why I'm very reluctant to get a new membership.

I also don't shop in places where snot-nosed kids are running around like wild animals. If the parents cannot control them, then they should be left at home (or in the car). Once they are old enough to walk, they're old enough to behave in public. Of course, these days, the parents are afraid of the kids (in those cases)...

When I worked for DEC in Maynard I shopped that Sam's Club on my way home frequently. Unsure why they closed almost all stores in MA but NH stores are going great guns and they have grown there. I also gas up at Sam's in Hudson (currently $3.11) when up that way and they are a lot cheaper than down here or on the DW.

I suspect that the "alleged parent" is an animal as well, that's why they don't care about their kids acting like an animal . . . runs in the family!
Just got back from BJ's in Chicopee. That place is always packed no matter what time I go. Don't these people have jobs?

$297 for 2 things of chicken, 2 steaks, fish, dish detergent and paper towels. Friggen prices seem to always be cheaper there but I'm still wondering why I can't ever escape there for under $250?????
Just got back from BJ's in Chicopee. That place is always packed no matter what time I go. Don't these people have jobs?

$297 for 2 things of chicken, 2 steaks, fish, dish detergent and paper towels. Friggen prices seem to always be cheaper there but I'm still wondering why I can't ever escape there for under $250?????

How big are the 'things of...'?? If you're talking cases, then I see why. [rofl2]

I enjoy going to Restaurant Depot for beef (and pork)... easily 1/2 the price you pay at the grocery store. Sometimes even less. Pretty good when you're getting a whole tenderloin, or boneless ribeye. Man, now I'm really hungry.
Just got back from BJ's in Chicopee. That place is always packed no matter what time I go. Don't these people have jobs?

No, that was the point I was trying to make. Never looked but suspect most sales are SNAP/EBT.
I love BJ's! Too! [rofl]

Seriously, grew up my folks had Sam's in Natick. Lived in Waltham I had Costco then BJ's. Live 20 minutes from the NH BJ's as well as the Stoneham BJ's... I go to NH.

They're all similar, but I prefer BJ's. A lot of people like the meat at Costco.

I like BJ's better than Sam's... The clubs too. [rofl2] Never been inside a Costco, so no idea there. Sam's and WM are both further away for me (over the bridge, in Hudson). Plus, I can get my propane tanks filled up for pretty cheap money at BJ's...
I like Costco - I like the quality of their products and their meats always seem to be very fresh and well priced compared to the grocery store.
I've been a member of both, but find more utility in Sam's Club.

Costco is high quality in some places Sam's isn't, but Sam's is always cheaper and not necessarily shoddier most of the time. Some things are just the same, particularly the things I buy. Plus, from a prep stand point, they have a better and cheaper selection.... particularly online. Can't beat their pricing on Augason Farm's stuff.

I use the stores rarely, even though Sam's is only 15 or so minutes away it is out of the way, maybe 2-3 big trips a year. Costco, when I had it, paid for itself in gasoline but I axed it once I no-longer drove by one. Going inside was hell, too busy and full of filth.

99% of things, nothing is cheaper than sale shopping Market Basket. But an electronics purchase every few years can pay for the membership... which is better depends on your shopping patterns.
I have both Costco & BJS membership. We spend most in Costco, so I'm a executive member earning cash back. Our cash back annually enough to cover the membership fee.

I only have regular membership to BJS due to several reason.
1. BJS at Woburn MA has propane refill station. $11 per refill. Cheapest around the area.
2. BJS has more clothing discount and selection. During close out time, their price is unbeatable.
3. BJS got several food items that we love.
4. BJS liquor got my fav IPA, Sierra Nevada.

As far as Costco, they are always preference.
1. $1.5 kosher beef hot dog + soda is the cheapest combo. $9.99 for a huge pizza (feed family of 5)
2. I shop all my vehicle tires here. The tires shop service is great. I can get to shop while the vehicle being service. Lifetime tires balance and rotate. Free flat repair. Great warranty.
3. purchase is great.
4. Cheap led light bulb (MA only)
5. Nashua Costco tax free shopping.
6. Cheap Gas @ Danver Costco.

Sent from my Tinfoil hat
Costco is a gun-free zone, or at least it's supposed to be [wink]. They have a corporate policy against carrying on their property.

And yet they sell a ton of gun safes and prepper supplies. Check the online site and you'll see what I mean. Even though the corporate board may be a bunch of fruits and nuts, they seem to have a bunch of people working for them that are liberty-minded.

Anyway, I'm with Costco. We've tried BJ's and Sam's, but ended up coming back to Costco for the quality of products and service.

We just buy as little as possible.
FWIW, I have not been too impressed with the meat from Costco in Nashua. Sam's in Hudson NH is better quality IMO. Also, I went to purchase a gun safe from Costco Nashua and asked them to hold it overnight for me to pick up the following day--I didn't have a proper vehicle to move it. They outright told me no. Sam's had a nicer safe for $20 more and held it overnight with no issues at all.

We shop Costco for our 2% back on our purchases. With the amount of k-cup coffee I drink (which Costco's pricing is fantastic) it's worth it [smile]
Costco does not sell Sprint in any NE stores. Disadvantage (for me). They do give you a rebate equal to the "activation fee" (ripoff) charged by the providers.

I learned last week the Nashua Costco sells Sprint phones. Picked up a new phone there last Saturday.
I learned last week the Nashua Costco sells Sprint phones. Picked up a new phone there last Saturday.

Damn! That's new. They still don't in the MA stores I've been to (3 in the past week).

I'm good however, Galaxy S4s for another ~1.5 years.
I too prefer BJs. They recently opened a new Sam's club within a mile from my house. I went to check it out and wasn't impressed with the products or the service, so I stuck with BJs.
I prefer Sam's for some stuff, BJ's for others. They closed down the Sam's that was close to me (<5min), which sucks as it adds 30 minutes or so round trip to get to the nearest Sam's and back. BJ's is nice because I can drive right by it on way home from work. There Isn't a Costco anywhere near me here in Central Mass.
Costco is generally higher quality stuff.

Location matters. We go to the SAMs Club in Manchvegas because that's where the office is and the only Costco in NH is in Nashua.
My wife has been a Costco employee for 18 years. They do pay very well considering the type of work it is. She makes just under $22 an hour as a cashier. You won't see that anywhere else. Unfortunately it's located right across the street from the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua. That means it's a serious pain to get to this time of year with all the traffic on Daniel Webster highway.
Personally I have a BJ's membership. I actually went through each of the big 3 and made a list of things they carry that I actually buy. I already knew what I paid for these items in other stores. You have to compare unit cost. Some times they play tricks and 2 items that are essentially the same will have different "units" for the unit cost. After I did this I sat down and figured out how much I would typically save at each store. If there was something I saved big on but only bought 1x per year it ultimately may not save me more than an item (like TP) that we use quite a bit of (or shampoo or whatever).

Just the savings on propane at BJ's is huge to us. I also use my membership to buy all the drinks (water and protein shakes) for the training studio. We hit big savings there. My goal was to have 1 large warehouse membership so I could earn back my fee and then some. Also, the meat at BJ's is good. Best prices by far over the grocery stores. And it gives me a reason to use the vacuum sealer that much more often. Plus if you buy meat by the case you get additional discounts. This comes in handy when I am canning meat. I get real good deals and am able to can more.
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