Courts let cops violate 4th Amendment, murder people in their own home

I just love the hypocrisy. They do this at 0430 without announcing who they are before entering specifically so that the occupant is confused and disoriented, yet when they kill him claim there is no way he could not have known they were police. Yep, totally legit.

Exactly right. They can't have it both ways -- to claim they are clearly identifiable and announced, while entering at a time chosen to provide the most surprise and confusion.
not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, they kill people laying on the ground, admit they were innocent and complying and stay on the job and still employ the same practices... so really all this argument is moot
Yep. Very true.

Dustin Theoharis, who survived the wounds, was shot 16 times in his bed by Deputy Aaron Thompson and corrections Officer Kristopher Rongen on Feb. 11, 2012, after law-enforcement officers went to an Auburn-area home and took into custody another man sought for violating his community supervision.

The Prosecutor’s Office declined in 2012 to bring criminal charges against Rongen and Thompson, citing in part the refusals of the officers and Theoharis to provide statements at the time.
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