Cpl. Dakota Meyer to receive the MoH

Andy in NH

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NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Ambush survivor up for Medal of Honor

The Marine Corps has recommended that a former corporal receive the Medal of Honor for braving a hail of enemy fire in September 2009 to pull the bodies of four U.S. troops from a kill zone in eastern Afghanistan, Marine Corps Times has learned.

Dakota Meyer, 22, of Greensburg, Ky., was recommended for the nation’s highest award for valor, according to a source with knowledge of the process, speaking on condition of anonymity.

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Semper Fi, Cpl Meyer, I hope you get the recognition you deserve.
Good on him.

First MOH Obama presented was to Massachusetts native SFC Jared Monti, of Wareham. Narrative

"Seven U.S. service members have received the Medal of Honor in the wars against terrorism, all posthumously. The White House announced in September that an eighth service member, Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, would become the first living recipient of the medal since Vietnam."
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SSgt Giunta has several threads dedicated to his acts of valor.

Let's keep this one focused on the heroism and potential recognition of Cpl Meyer.
Marine Afghanistan Vet to Receive MoH

For the first time since the Vietnam War a living Marine will be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Former Cpl. Dakota Meyer will receive the nation's highest military award for actions on Sept. 8, 2008, in a small Afghan village near the border of Pakistan, according to a report July 19 on the website of Leatherneck, a publication of the Marine Corps Association.

Meyer, who left the Marine Corps in June 2010, was nominated for the medal after risking his life to race into the kill zone of a firefight to find three missing Marines and a Navy corpsman, Marine Corps Times reported earlier today after confirming the Leatherneck report.
This is what every living MoH recipient says:

"Meyer was unaware he has been recommended for the Medal of Honor, saying he does not feel like a hero"

One of the qualifications for being a hero.

God bless Cpl Meyer, God bless 'em all.
Read up on his citation, he was a one man wrecking ball who risked it all to save wounded and retrieve dead Americans and Afghans.

Amazing story. I have watched a few interviews with him, the day haunts him every day, and the fact that he lost Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson, Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, 1st Lt. Michael Johnson, and Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class James Layton makes accepting the award difficult for him.

Semper Fidelis Sgt Meyer
Official Citation: http://www.marines.mil/community/Pages/MedalofHonorSgtDakotaMeyer-Citation.aspx

The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pleasure in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR to


For service as set forth in the following

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Marine Embedded Training Team 2-8, Regional Corps Advisory Command 3-7, in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, on 8 September 2009. Corporal Meyer maintained security at a patrol rally point while other members of his team moved on foot with two platoons of Afghan National Army and Border Police into the village of Ganjgal for a pre-dawn meeting with village elders. Moving into the village, the patrol was ambushed by more than 50 enemy fighters firing rocket propelled grenades, mortars, and machine guns from houses and fortified positions on the slopes above. Hearing over the radio that four U.S. team members were cut off, Corporal Meyer seized the initiative. With a fellow Marine driving, Corporal Meyer took the exposed gunner’s position in a gun-truck as they drove down the steeply terraced terrain in a daring attempt to disrupt the enemy attack and locate the trapped U.S. team. Disregarding intense enemy fire now concentrated on their lone vehicle, Corporal Meyer killed a number of enemy fighters with the mounted machine guns and his rifle, some at near point blank range, as he and his driver made three solo trips into the ambush area. During the first two trips, he and his driver evacuated two dozen Afghan soldiers, many of whom were wounded. When one machine gun became inoperable, he directed a return to the rally point to switch to another gun-truck for a third trip into the ambush area where his accurate fire directly supported the remaining U.S. personnel and Afghan soldiers fighting their way out of the ambush. Despite a shrapnel wound to his arm, Corporal Meyer made two more trips into the ambush area in a third gun-truck accompanied by four other Afghan vehicles to recover more wounded Afghan soldiers and search for the missing U.S. team members. Still under heavy enemy fire, he dismounted the vehicle on the fifth trip and moved on foot to locate and recover the bodies of his team members. Corporal Meyer’s daring initiative and bold fighting spirit throughout the 6-hour battle significantly disrupted the enemy’s attack and inspired the members of the combined force to fight on. His unwavering courage and steadfast devotion to his U.S. and Afghan comrades in the face of almost certain death reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

The definition of Semper Fidelis. It makes me damn proud just to have worn the uniform.
Sgt. Meyer made repeated pleas for artillery support only to be denied as under the ROI, targets were supposedly too close to civilians.

Although Meyer pleaded and assured them that this was not the case, they refused to provide artillery.

Two army officers were formally reprimanded for being "inadequate and ineffective" with their actions "directly contributing to the loss of life."
I guess they can (and should) kiss their careers good bye.
God bless Sgt. Meyer and all the rest...
Guy's a true hero. I just wish that the general popluation could understand what teh MoH really means and what kind of men earn it.
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