Crappy day hunting today

Jul 11, 2006
surrounded by freedom (and Mormons)
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I took the day off to hunt today. (actually I worked from home for most of the day-but you get the idea) To start the morning off, I overslept. We lost power sometime last night , the next thing I knew it was 6:00am- so scratch the morning hunt.

So it's pretty windy out and I've decided it's not going to be a great hunting day anyways. So at 2:15 I leave the house and drive to the woods.

I change, and I'm in my stand at 3:05. I'm nice and comfy, temp is perfect, and I'm thinking that this is why I enjoy hunting. The peace and quiet, just me and nature.

3:30 and a kid goes by on his quad. no biggie, maybe he'll kick something up 3:40 and there's now 4 kids less than 100 yards away on quads. They don't seem to be leaving so i decide to move.

By 4:00 I'm in a new spot. No stand, just leaning on a rock good trails, nice signs, but no deer.

5:00 I leave the woods and walk back to my car. What's waiting for me when i get there?

Mass State Police- no biggie, he's a hunter, saw my car and wanted to see if I was dragging anything out of the woods.

I get home, open the garage and open the safe to put the 870 away for a few days.

Here's where it gets BAD !!

My wife comes home and sees the safe open. Conversation goes something like this.

her: HOLY SHIT!! where did all the guns come from?
me: huh?
her: last time I was in the safe, I could see walls
me: walls?
her: What the hell do you need all of those for? I bet you haven't even shot all of them
me: need?
her: you know the kids are going to goto college some day, you're spending their education money on guns and ammo.
me: I thought you just said that I don't shoot them, so am I REALLY spending money on ammo?
her: 2 kids; college- smarten up
me: maybe they'll be plumbers (no offense meant to the plumbers here)

so it's been 4 hours, she's not talking to me, I had cereal for dinner, and I have a problem. . .

my buddy is looking to sell his bushmaster, and my safe is full
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OH man that sux ass!!!! I feel your pain! I've been caught with guns my wife didn't know about and she didn't talk to me for days!!! She is still pissed off years later! Just tell her that guns are like investments. You never lose money on them so if times get tough you can sell the guns. That keeps them happy for a few days.
that sucks... baddd day...

i hate how a wife/girlfriend " NEEDS " to control your life....

i have a g/f and i am gettin a condo to commute to school from and told her i was gettign a ferret (had one but had to get rid of it cause a ll sister yrs ago) and she DEMANDED i cant get one....its either the ferret or her.... wow.... i told her she didnt need to come over....i dont understand women... why cant they just let us do what we want....we let them do what they want... UNREAL...
In some respects I'm lucky. To my wife all guns look the same, as far as she knows I have one pistol and one rifle.

Never open the safe with Wife over shoulder

She is a bit confused as to why I am always cleaning the same guns though
I had this fight with my wife when we were dating. She HATES guns. She didn't want me to buy any more. As time went by, I told her I was buying another gun, (we keep no secrets) she got mad.....but came to realize this is what I love to do, shoot. Last Christmas she gave me a gift certificate to Four Seasons which allowed me to buy my first AR. I asked her what was up with this? Her reply? Because I know that would make you happy and I don't want to stop you from doing something you love. we respect each other's interests, even if they are different than our own......isn't that what it's all about?
Could be worse, a fellow hunter could have shot you in the leg and left you for the coye dog. [wink] My wife still thinks I shoot my pellet gun at the range. Although she has what would equal a BMW in Coach bags and shoes.[rolleyes]
I had this fight with my wife when we were dating. She HATES guns. She didn't want me to buy any more. As time went by, I told her I was buying another gun, (we keep no secrets) she got mad.....but came to realize this is what I love to do, shoot. Last Christmas she gave me a gift certificate to Four Seasons which allowed me to buy my first AR. I asked her what was up with this? Her reply? Because I know that would make you happy and I don't want to stop you from doing something you love. we respect each other's interests, even if they are different than our own......isn't that what it's all about?

Your wife got a sister?
ROFL....I quit hunting long ago, but otherwise, you just described my life....and my wife....At 42, one lesson I have learned: NEVER let her see the safe open - EVER! I guard it like it were a nuclear silo....[grin]

+1 [rofl]

I am in the same boat. I pile shit (old books and such) in front of the safe so it looks like I never go in there...and the trail is cold.

Yes, I have a fricking arsenal in there: The only problem is that eventually I would like to take my Son out shooting when he is older... So, somehow I need to "acquire" those within a five year span and get the Mrs. blessing... [thinking]

She was totally anti-gun for a long time, until she met me 3 years ago. So, it has been a gradual conversion, much like a glacier moves: Lots of unseen pressure, moving ever so slightly. Somehow though, I don't think she will appreciate my Bushmaster collection [rolleyes]
I had this fight with my wife when we were dating. She HATES guns. She didn't want me to buy any more. As time went by, I told her I was buying another gun, (we keep no secrets) she got mad.....but came to realize this is what I love to do, shoot. Last Christmas she gave me a gift certificate to Four Seasons which allowed me to buy my first AR. I asked her what was up with this? Her reply? Because I know that would make you happy and I don't want to stop you from doing something you love. we respect each other's interests, even if they are different than our own......isn't that what it's all about?

Yes, I discuss everything with my Wife. a real world... eh...
A man's got to know his limitations

I could argue till I am blue in the face, and would loose every time (it is The Force, that drives women). Somehow, I am going to have to rectify this, because I would like to teach my son someday.

Not looking forward to it...
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I've got a deal with Mrs. M1911 -- I won't count the shoes in her closet and she won't count the guns in the safes.
that sucks... baddd day...

i hate how a wife/girlfriend " NEEDS " to control your life....

i have a g/f and i am gettin a condo to commute to school from and told her i was gettign a ferret (had one but had to get rid of it cause a ll sister yrs ago) and she DEMANDED i cant get one....its either the ferret or her.... wow.... i told her she didnt need to come over....i dont understand women... why cant they just let us do what we want....we let them do what they want... UNREAL...

Dump her. Anyone with such control issues is bad news.
You need to understand that you marriage, your wife and your children are the important things in life and that shooting and guns come second! For the sake of your marriage you need to sell enough of your guns to make your wife happy.

Please have your wife forward me a list of all your firearms and shooting accessories. :)


My wife comes home and sees the safe open.
THAT was your first mistake... and a biggie.
At 42, one lesson I have learned: NEVER let her see the safe open - EVER!
+1!! I don't let mine see the safe open, either... she'll want to know where all those long arms came from! [smile]
My buddy is going to give me a good deal on his bushy DCM, and my safe is full!
You can keep it in mine; I still have a little room. Problem solved. [wink]
You need to understand that you marriage, your wife and your children are the important things in life and that shooting and guns come second! For the sake of your marriage you need to sell enough of your guns to make your wife happy.

Please have your wife forward me a list of all your firearms and shooting accessories.
[rofl] Ain't it great to have helpful friends?
I keep my gun cabinets in closets in places my wife doesn't usually frequent.

One day she went into a closet and saw one cabinet. "You have so many guns you need a 'safe"!??????!!! I told her the law required me to have one. Don't you want them locked away from the grandkids? (That was easy!)

Next time she went into the closet there were 2 cabinets....a small female explosion occurred. I told her the cabinet was on sale at Walmart, it was cheap, and that I needed it because I was scratching up the wood on my valuable old rifles in the other one. I got a couple of really good deals on some valuable guns and I don't want to destroy their value. They're investments.

Then I started taking her shooting, she got her permit and I got her a couple of guns.

She never said a word about the 3rd cabinet when she discovered it. When she saw the 4th cabinet appear and open, she said "I didn't know you had so many guns!"

I have a problem now. I ran out of closets and #4 cabinet is full.

She says when I get enough 'spare' cash, I should build a secure room in the basement for all my toys. I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to a place where I can hang all my guns on the wall, and have proper benches for reloading. There's nothing cooler than walking into a room and seeing the walls covered with old guns !

My wife....I think I'll keep her.
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