CX4 or Sub2000 or...other 9mm carbine


Mar 3, 2005
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I know this has been brought up before but I wanted to revisit the issue just for me. [smile]

Please, before you guys start in on the Uzi Uzi Uzi chant, my caveats and goals for this post:

1 - Shoots 9mm
2 - Takes magazines I already own (Beretta, Glock, Ruger, others) Not binding, but I usually go mag crazy and this time want to minimize expense
3 - Is not freakishly expensive (well under 1K)
4 - Is not necessarily a SHTF gun, just something fun, cheap, and rifle'ish...thus does not have to be 120% reliable
5 - Is actually obtainable

So with that out of the way, let me also say this. I really am not interested in a 9mm AR unless someone has the whole package ready to go (upper, mags, etc). I'd love to get an Uzi or Calico M900, but...see caveat #3 and #5. Also, as much as I want an FS2000, I want to get away from stuff that shoots evil [rolleyes] and potentially unobtainable rounds. I've already have a Spikes .22lr kit for my ARs so I'm not shooting much .223 anymore.

From what I can see, my limited choices are the following and in no particular order:

Beretta CX4 (Leaning this way because I like the futuristic feel and I'm a Beretta fan)
Kel-Tec Sub2000
Hi-Point 995
Ruger PC9

From the people that know...sell me on one vs another. I'm feeling blue and a great way to get me up is buying a gun. [grin]
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sub2000 because it folds up

I had a PC9, but it was so big and heavy and had such a horrible trigger, I realized that an M1 carbine beat it out
in every way.
My wife has had the Beretta in 9mm for a few years now. It is a really fun and reliable gun. I put a Bushnell Trophy red dot on it and she loves it. The recoil feels about like a .22. She easily pops eggs at 50 yards with it. A great gun.
Well....after looking at pictures of all the aforementioned firearms, watching some youtube videos, and just plain thinking, I think I've got my heart set on a CX4. There is no particular reason. It's like when you go to a huge car dealership and see the one.

Unless someone can convince me not to get one, I'm officially on the hunt.
[angry] I was waiting for you to drop the Uzi comment. [wink]

Believe me, I've thought about it. I don't know. I'm in seek and mode so anything can happen.
[angry] I was waiting for you to drop the Uzi comment. [wink]

Believe me, I've thought about it. I don't know. I'm in seek and mode so anything can happen.

I just couldn't help meself...The money you'll save buying mags is enough to make up for what you'll spend on the carbine. I just got 4 beautiful, new in the wrap 32rd IMI mags for $45.00 and 4 25rd IMI mags for $40.00...Ooops did I highlight mag capacities again...silly me...[wink]
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