CZ 527's anybody own one?

Feb 16, 2012
Western MA
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I bought one in .223 earlier this month. Love it! Very accurate little rifle.

If you have one, or any other center fire CZ, lets see it!

I am looking to buy one in 7.62x39.
What kind of sling you have on yours,looks pretty useful.
Thank you

It is pretty useful, adjusts quick. It's a GI M1 Garand cotton web sling. They make nylon ones now too. Ebay/Amazon has em. If you do the same, might want to remove the metal hook like I did so it doesn't wear on the stock.
I have been considering picking up a 7.62x39. How do you guys like yours? It looks like a really fun rifle.
I have been considering picking up a 7.62x39. How do you guys like yours? It looks like a really fun rifle.

Will you guys who want x39 be reloading for it...
I had a remington mini mauser in x39 years ago and the availability of accurate factory ammo was nil.
Sold it before starting to reload.
I have 2 527 in 7.62x39 and my experience with them is this if you plan to reload the chambers are cut to CIP dimensions which can cause problems with reloads. To reduce the likelihood of misfires with both factory ammo and reloads replace the firing pin spring. They are very easy to change out and can be had from JP enterprises for $16.
Any issues with shooting factory steel ammo out of the x39 version? I have no intentions of reloading or buying brass!
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