Deals and steals

Not a deal but these are the best shorts you will find...

Retail Price: $159.00

What is this? La Perla for NES? [rolleyes]
What is the difference? Does it even really matter?
Not much difference. Nickel boron makes the BCG inherently slicker (self-lubed) and easier to clean. They also stand out cosmetically. In reality, the nitrided BCGs function exactly the same (except gloss black). Then there's the old school phosphate (aka parkerized) which has the proven mil-spec coating. As long as the gas key is staked well, I honestly think a $100 BCG will be indistinguishable from a $200+ one.

  1. a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.
    "the proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions"
    • a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present.
      "the paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction"
    • the statement of a position opposite to one already made.
      "the second sentence appears to be in flat contradiction of the first"

Busted lol
Especially when I can get 3 pairs of tactical leather shorts for that same price.
View attachment 458705
I just don’t understand how some people think that a BCG is a good place to save a couple buxx. It’s the heart of your rifle. It’s what makes it or breaks it. There are only a few companies I’d actually buy a BCG from. My go to is actually BCM, but I wouldn’t hesitate using a sandcutte, an LMT, surefire or Geissele.
I just don’t understand how some people think that a BCG is a good place to save a couple buxx. It’s the heart of your rifle. It’s what makes it or breaks it. There are only a few companies I’d actually buy a BCG from. My go to is actually BCM, but I wouldn’t hesitate using a sandcutte, an LMT, surefire or Geissele.

Could be worse: You could save money on sights and optics. You know, like free iron sights. I bet those hold zero well.
Sweet thanks for the reassurance! In for 1k. We shall see how long that takes to fulfill.... At the rate I'm shooting I'm going to go broke..
Not everyone is on top of this stuff.

I am thinking of asking the local building inspector to let me know if someone is overhauling a kitchen. Would love a set of solid old wood kitchen cabinets that is still functional for the garage and/or cellar. Usually, the older stuff is more solid than the new.
Have someone mill some oak for you , Whitmanville Farm in Westminster Ma will mill whatever you want , and their prices are more than reasonable
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