What this is, me being inconvenienced having to unpack shit I did not order.
What this is, me being inconvenienced having to find room to store shit I did not order.
What this is, me being inconvenienced having to breakdown and disposes of three times the cardboard waste, taking up almost all of my bi-weekly allotment.
What this is, me being within the law on whose responsibility it is to proactively resolve this matter if they so choose.
What this is, me being amused by moralizing sophistry in response to a funny story.
I’ll sleep just fine at night knowing I’m not engaging in that fruitless effort, and since I’ve already promised the extra storage containers—which I don’t want in the first place—to a high school robotics club for storing their gear.
They have very limited funding and my friend, their adult adviser, will pick the containers up this weekend.