Deals and steals

Ass Pro has been running 10% off Monday's for the last month or two.

Its kept the gun counter busy as prices with the 10% off aren't all that bad......the process...well....that sucks and it might be worth spending the extra at the gun shop or getting it online.

Honestly the gun counter guys are good where I am....if you pick a time that's not busy.....its fine. I have complained a few times to the company about the managers not being present for their stupid 3X paperwork cross checks and sign offs that can only be done by a manager.
There a metric shit ton of places that offer a 10.5 inch barreled pistol upper. Grid defense, Bear Creek, Anderson.....etc.

That is still a real good price and palmetto is good to go......
I should have said, " a price I'm willing to pay."

My last build was PSA. They offer some great deals.
I should have said, " a price I'm willing to pay."

My last build was PSA. They offer some great deals.
I see. Yeah...I agree. Mine as well...and they are absolutely fine and run great for what I use them for.

Only BCA is cheaper pretty much........and their side charger interesting. But I haven't tried it...but if I go 350 Legend for some reason I will try it. Especially since it would see only limited rounds for hunting only pretty much.

BCA for me is like Turk guns, I really don't care what anyone says that doesn't have them, its what I see when actually using them. If its crap...well, so what, its not expensive crap.
^^^that F&S RSC was 600 bucks at dicks about a decade ago. 200 is fair, 400, I'd put it toward something a little nicer. I know someone with one and the build quality is cheap. the fire proof seal comes off frequently and needed to be glued back on. he also remarked that the dial works within about 2-3 numbers right or left of the actual combo numbers.
For anybody looking to try sous-vide cooking, Wal*Mart has the Anova Mini for $20. For kind of money it's almost worth it just to try.

Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Mini Lite, 800 Watts, Black, App Enabled, 2024 Model -

I was about to buy this sous-vide device because it might be fun to play with, and for $20, who cares if it works out.

But I read the reviews for a minute, and the reviews say you need a subscription app to get full functionality from the unit. Apparently, it has limited functionality that you can use for free with just bluetooth from your phone. Some reviewers report that the unit is quite usable with just bluetooth, but other reviewers report that the bluetooth is insufficient, or just won't work.

All of this was enough for me not to buy it. I would spend $20 to play with a cooking device that I might not like, or that might not work for recipes I want. But I am not willing to start the cooking project with a phones, apps, and subscriptions project. I can do all that stuff, but it sucks the fun out of things for me.

So obviously, I have not tried this unit, and I will be interested to hear results from anyone who does. But I just wanted to put this note, because for $20 I almost clicked "buy now" without reading anything, and I am glad I didn't.
I was about to buy this sous-vide device because it might be fun to play with, and for $20, who cares if it works out.

But I read the reviews for a minute, and the reviews say you need a subscription app to get full functionality from the unit. Apparently, it has limited functionality that you can use for free with just bluetooth from your phone. Some reviewers report that the unit is quite usable with just bluetooth, but other reviewers report that the bluetooth is insufficient, or just won't work.

All of this was enough for me not to buy it. I would spend $20 to play with a cooking device that I might not like, or that might not work for recipes I want. But I am not willing to start the cooking project with a phones, apps, and subscriptions project. I can do all that stuff, but it sucks the fun out of things for me.

So obviously, I have not tried this unit, and I will be interested to hear results from anyone who does. But I just wanted to put this note, because for $20 I almost clicked "buy now" without reading anything, and I am glad I didn't.
I've got one. So far, no problems with Bluetooth. Obviously, your mileage may vary.

According to the app, the features you lose are "Push Notifications", "Save custom cooks", "guided cooking", "recipes", "cook history", and "multi device support". At least for me, none of those matter. I'm more of a "set the temperature and walk away" kind of guy. I'm going to look up a recipe with Google before I start, and don't really understand what a "guided cook" or a "custom cook" would be, since there's no benefit to changing the temp while it's cooking. The only one I can see caring about is being able to run more than 1 if I wanted to do 2 things at a time, but if you're that level of cook you're probably not going to care about the subscription price anyway. Of course, none of that matters if you're one of the ones with Bluetooth problems.
I was about to buy this sous-vide device because it might be fun to play with, and for $20, who cares if it works out.

But I read the reviews for a minute, and the reviews say you need a subscription app to get full functionality from the unit. Apparently, it has limited functionality that you can use for free with just bluetooth from your phone. Some reviewers report that the unit is quite usable with just bluetooth, but other reviewers report that the bluetooth is insufficient, or just won't work.

All of this was enough for me not to buy it. I would spend $20 to play with a cooking device that I might not like, or that might not work for recipes I want. But I am not willing to start the cooking project with a phones, apps, and subscriptions project. I can do all that stuff, but it sucks the fun out of things for me.

So obviously, I have not tried this unit, and I will be interested to hear results from anyone who does. But I just wanted to put this note, because for $20 I almost clicked "buy now" without reading anything, and I am glad I didn't.
Meh, I don't know.
I have one, then bigger one. I don't pay for a subscription. Everything can also be done from the unit.

Sous Vide is awesome.

I throw some sirloin steak tips for 2.5hrs at 129, go to the gym, come back, shower, cook some veggies and have awesome medium rare meat.

I made some Venison steaks last night and will be cooking corn tomorrow.

I love it.

I bought one for my parents and they love it.
I have one. They need better pads, otherwise they’re good to go.
I have one. They need better pads, otherwise they’re good to go.
Site is Chinese-registered. You sure?
I have one. They need better pads, otherwise they’re good to go.

Level IV??? I'm calling shenanigans
I have one. They need better pads, otherwise they’re good to go.

Site is Chinese-registered. You sure?

LEVEL 4 Fast Cut at ACH weight (or another one at 2.3#)?

Not happening at any price right now, nevermind $130 minus 30% off. 😅

At best they are selling unknown quality knockoffs. If budget is limited - there are better vendors for Chinese armor.

Level IV??? I'm calling shenanigans
If you are just wearing it around town it might be ok.

Just avoid a shootout.
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