Dedham tree trimmer faces armed neighbor on job

They hang from ropes with chainsaws, definitely a bit unhinged to do that 😆 (I worked for a tree company throughout college). One local tree guy I know was cutting a limb and the saw kicked back and cut his rope, dropped 25-30 feet onto a stonewall and broke his back (I am sure he was not using "proper procedure"). Nowadays I think everyone uses cranes (plus bucket trucks, of course).
When I had a bunch of trees taken down for my solar install the climber used the crane to get around the canopies - bucket truck wasn't going to do it because of power lines and septic systems.
Guy was great swinging around a dense canopy taking down limbs with zero damage
A few weeks ago, tree company was cutting down trees behind the neighbor's house, crane in the driveway. Guy with chainsaw just hooked up to the crane hook (somehow) and got lifted up and over the house (and pool) to get to the offending trees. Probably 80 feet above the ground before he went over the house. I watched them do it a few times.
You missed out on a pay day. Should have taken pictures and then bribed the tree company for a small cash pay out for a new gun or you would turn them into OSHA. [rofl]
Assuming there weren't any independent witnesses, the two cases will be cross dismissed when both take the 5th. If this actually happened as claimed, it is a BS result, and only possible due to charging Cushman.
The charges against the tree worker are a bit over the top.

But he's obviously:

1. A f***ing shitty tree worker.
2. Shitty at de escalation skills.
Total fail on the home owner who's home got damaged. Tree guy should have just let the PD sort this out. Easy for me to say though, I wasn't the guy with the gun to my head. I would have ignored the scratch and asked for a couple of grand in free tree work!
Too many hotheads just itching to be the tough guy.

About a decade ago a construction guy was barreling down the street with 2 20 foot massive sewer pipes dropped them on my car crushed it. I walked down the street talked to the construction company owner and they paid me the book value of the car which was 10 times what I paid for it. No need for emotional nonsense.

Then the next morning a neighbor reported my crushed car and I almost got into a fight with the police chief.

He showed up with a tow truck and another officer and started screaming at me about my car being 'illegal' and other accusations I couldn't even get a word in so I just returned insults to the guy till he was about to throw down he suddenly froze then drove off on this Crown vic.

Met with his secretary and the deputy chief in the following days and he was apparently about to retire and was getting constant complaints from the neighbor about my car being ugly or something nothing came of it.

Lots of petty people out there I guess.
So the overall take away is don't hire guys who don't know how to drop limbs, and don't talk about da wuud chippah.

No testimony from the ground guy with the tree guy? Or was he the special soul that thinks "I can do it all by myself" which resulted in him dropping limbs on a person's home?

both sound like idiots that need to be fed to the chippah
Same reason a dog licks its balls.

Take that as a lesson - NEVER threaten to shoot when you are trying to get an aggressor to back off. Say "If you do not stop, I will deploy force to the extent authorized by state and federal law".
Unless I misread it he didn’t have a gun and didn’t threaten to shoot.
After the guy had a gun pointed to his head. You ought to be able to say whatever the hell you want to a guy that is pointing a gun at you.
Not in the modern world. Best bet is to say NOTHING and call police while recording them. Let hothead ego barbarians act stupid and get charges.

I've had property damaged before and money is the only resolution to that. Pointless chest beating is childish barbarian nonsense...
Tree guys have been active around Nashua for months. My neighbor had some taken down and then I had this pine removed. Last week, two different firms were busy in my neighborhood. My street has underground wiring but my wife and I watched a crew a street or two over do a very careful job removing a large oak and avoid power lines.

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Not in the modern world. Best bet is to say NOTHING and call police while recording them. Let hothead ego barbarians act stupid and get charges.

I've had property damaged before and money is the only resolution to that. Pointless chest beating is childish barbarian nonsense...
The hot head barbarians are the ones charging this person with a crime
The land owner next to me brought in some loggers (not an arborist) to take down some trees around his house that he was worried about. He calls me up and says "you need any tree taken down?, they will do it for free, they just want the trees"

I said "no thanks" because I have and old buddy that I grew up with that is an Arborist who is always willing to help me out.

My wife calls me at work one day and says she hears chainsaws running in the woods behind our house. I tell her I will be right home and not to confront anybody. When I got home they were gone for the day but they had felled some large Oak and Cherry trees that were clearly well over my property line. I get the loggers phone number from my neighbor and call the guy up. He claims they had no idea that the trees were on my land and they would make good for it because they were not "line jumpers".

I call my Arborist buddy to come over and inspect the carnage. He said there was probably about 10K worth of lumber lying on the ground. I call Mr. Logger back and inform him that he owes me 10K. Mr. Logger freaks out and says "take me to court". I thought about calling my attorney and going after the guy but the wife wanted to keep piece with the neighbors. And the trees were a long way from my house (if wife didn't hear the chainsaws it may of been years before I hiked back there and noticed the stumps).

20/20 hindsight tells me I should have called my attorney. But too late now.
The most striking part of this thread is that half of you have no reading comprehension skills...

Anyways, having worked in adjacent industries before, I can tell you that it's generally best to avoid being on a neighbors property when possible. It's often better to overbid the job and lift the trees over the clients house with a crane, or whatever needs to be done. But damage to a neighbors property can, and does happen, even with highly professional companies. That's what insurance is for, or if it's minor you can usually make it right without insurance.

I've also had experience with a few people have absolutely batshit crazy neighbors. There was one guy who would come outside and glare at the work crew for an hour with a crazed expression on his face, ready to scream at them if they came near the property line.
last summer similar shit happened to people just across the road. all happened while owners of the house were at work, then came back to find a hole in the roof. a lot of fun.
from what i know they did not get a penny from no one involved, all had to go from their own insurance, they tried to litigate, but i did not ask them again of the outcome.

but it is town, so houses are extremely close to one another.
my parents had roof work done, they agreed to buy some of the materials to lower the cost (plywood was one). There were 4 leftover sheets valued at $300 or so. No-hablo-engles lackies showed up for site cleanup. They went to load the plywood and my parents tried to inform them of the situation. The guys kept on loading anyway. My dad went to pull the the stuff out of the truck and one of the guys 911'ed in a "some gringo is done robs to us come does helps with us for quickly" and it went to shit real fast. The sherrif said "once it's in the truck, you can't touch it". The a**h*** tried to press charges, but the sheriff said that where they had a receipt, it was a "civil matter" and let them drive off with the plywood. A demand letter was sent, and now it's off to small claims (me personally, I'd let it go....).
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