Dedham tree trimmer faces armed neighbor on job

Hold up- Cushman could have legally killed the guy, but not threatened his life?
it won't hold up in court, but unless it's dropped, that'll be a very expensive defense. For example, if he said "put that gun away or i'll put out mine and shoot you in self defense" vs actually shooting him in self defense - one is actually the lesser of two evils. Because he was lawfully allowed to kill the guy, the possibility of threat becomes moot. Some lawyer will have to word-salad that better than I did, but any DA worth his salt will not waste his time with this.
In my business, neighbor and property line disputes are a common occurrence and just a fact of life, but 90% of them are avoidable by simply talking to the neighbor.
It should start with the neighbors. What kind of neighbor does not simply knock on the door or catch up with his neighbor doing yard work and say.. "Hey Joe, I hired a tree guy to trim some stuff so it doesn't come down in a storm and smash into your house"?

A couple of years ago, my neighbor shot me a text... "Having some trees trimmed on the property line to make it easier to back my boat into the back yard. There are couple of limbs from trees on your side I would like to have him trim." "Just wanted to ask if that was OK"
I replied " Thanks for the heads up, no problem"
Came home to the tree guy doing some needed tree work on my property for free. I tried to throw him a few hundred bucks and he wouldn't have it.

A few years before that, opposite side of the yard, a tree came down on the property line, right across my driveway. I saw it when heading out to work, but didnt have time to deal with it so just moved it off the driveway. Came home and that neighbor cut it into 18" pieces and stacked it. I sent him a text to thank him and to tell him I would pick it up after he had a chance to split it! LOL. He would also accept no cash. Both neighbors got a batch of my wife's famous Toll House cookies.

I'm surprised the tree guy was not more proactive and did not try to speak to the abutter before hand...
THIS is what you should do folks!! Be a good neighbor! Like my Nana always said "You attract more bees with honey, than vinegar."
Charges for the tree guy are bullshit.
There's a difference between saying I'm going to toss you in the chipper and saying IF you shoot me I'll throw you in the chipper.
Even more proof to not speak to police.
Who would think you would be charged for that?
Sounds like alleged gun guy is connected, they need to charge him clearly, buy they through him that charge against the other guy
(why is the guys name not in the story?)
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It's illegal to threaten a crime and he said he was gonna kill gun guy and throw him into wood chipper.
That's not exactly what was reported
He told the homeowner that IF the homeowner shot him and didn't kill him he would toss him in the chipper.

Seems silly but there is a difference between "I am" and "I will if you do"
Charges for the tree guy are bullshit.
There's a difference between saying I'm going to toss you in the chipper and saying IF you shoot me I'll throw you in the chipper.
The left doesn't need to pass gun control. They'll just destroy anyone who tries to stand up to threats, or tries to defend themselves.

I guess the tree guy should have let the crazy neighbor shoot him.
Unless we get the video tree guy says the son has then the homeowner could say the big scary guy with tattoos trashed his house then threatened to kill him and throw him in the wood chippah that's why he pulled a gun out in the video shown.
Some people are such a**h***s. I had a neighbor take down a large oak several years ago. Tree was so close to property line, I assumed it could be mine or theirs. Didn't worry too much about that tree. One day I hear chain saws. I look out. WTF some guy is taking the tree down! I go out, find out what's up. I took a look at my plot plan. The base of that tree trunk was literally 1"...yes 1" from my property line (and only 10 feet from side of my house!). So the root system, and much of the canopy was in/over my property. I was pretty pissed. Terrible neighbor. Not a knock at the door, nothing. He was lucky I didn't sue. I had no particular fondness for the tree so let it go. There were other issues with this jerk, but this was one of the bigger ones. That DB later sold, so now we have a nice, but very liberal couple next door.
It would have been nice if he knocked on the door, but honestly, he was under no obligation to do so, and he probably did you a huge favor if the tree was only 10' from your house.
You should also know that if the plot plan was the "as built" plan you got at the closing, and not an actual survey done by a licensed surveyor, it is worthless. The as builts are really just confirming that the lot is the size that the bank is shelling out a mortage for.
My neighbor and the previous owner of my house both pulled out their plot plans to try to figure out where the property line was, because my neighbor wanted to plant a line of trees. Th day I moved in, the neighbor came over to introduce himself and explain the trees were on his property. A few years later, I had a survey done because I was installing an inground swimming pool and wanted to make sure I had the proper set backs, and every one of those trees was on my property. It wasn't a big deal because the lots are big, but it turns out his garage is only 10' from the property line and he never would have put the trees there if he knew.
A few weeks ago, tree company was cutting down trees behind the neighbor's house, crane in the driveway. Guy with chainsaw just hooked up to the crane hook (somehow) and got lifted up and over the house (and pool) to get to the offending trees. Probably 80 feet above the ground before he went over the house. I watched them do it a few times.
That is how they took down my pines. Crazy to watch that.
This was one of the tops they had to swing over my house. Had to have been atleast a 25 ft section. Absolutely crazy.

Just a shout out, this was Princeton Tree Services. Very professional. Left everything clean.


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TUES, 11:00 PM news:
According to WFXT Boston 25 the LTC holder is no longer facing gun charges for the incident. Let's see if he maintains his LTC. The tree trimmer is still facing possible charges over his threat.
TUES, 11:00 PM news:
According to WFXT Boston 25 the LTC holder is no longer facing gun charges for the incident. Let's see if he maintains his LTC. The tree trimmer is still facing possible charges over his threat. it would seem there is a lot more to this story that we know about.

Does the tree trimmer in question have any legal issues in his background that may be at play here...........
In my business, neighbor and property line disputes are a common occurrence and just a fact of life, but 90% of them are avoidable by simply talking to the neighbor.
It should start with the neighbors. What kind of neighbor does not simply knock on the door or catch up with his neighbor doing yard work and say.. "Hey Joe, I hired a tree guy to trim some stuff so it doesn't come down in a storm and smash into your house"?

A couple of years ago, my neighbor shot me a text... "Having some trees trimmed on the property line to make it easier to back my boat into the back yard. There are couple of limbs from trees on your side I would like to have him trim." "Just wanted to ask if that was OK"
I replied " Thanks for the heads up, no problem"
Came home to the tree guy doing some needed tree work on my property for free. I tried to throw him a few hundred bucks and he wouldn't have it.

A few years before that, opposite side of the yard, a tree came down on the property line, right across my driveway. I saw it when heading out to work, but didnt have time to deal with it so just moved it off the driveway. Came home and that neighbor cut it into 18" pieces and stacked it. I sent him a text to thank him and to tell him I would pick it up after he had a chance to split it! LOL. He would also accept no cash. Both neighbors got a batch of my wife's famous Toll House cookies.

I'm surprised the tree guy was not more proactive and did not try to speak to the abutter before hand...
I must fall in that 10% talking to my neighbors didn’t work at all.
You can say what you will, but imagine somebody cutting down a federal registered aviation tower on your property?

It’s not over shrubs. It gets way more serious than that.

Then you win in court it doesn’t really even solve anything
This is the kind of stuff that happens when you start f***ing with me I definitely didn’t anticipate the response f***ing whack job shooting at my surveyors. IMG_2894.png it would seem there is a lot more to this story that we know about.

Does the tree trimmer in question have any legal issues in his background that may be at play here...........

It looks that way.
To be fair, it is difficult to differentiate between Nick and Nick Jr. when checking the court records.

Edit: Bro!!! $250,000 forfeited for selling THC and weed (12 pounds)! I guess you were trimming the wrong trees Jr.
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Into… the woodchipper? That’s reserved for pedophiles and is basically a meme, you can’t seriously charge lumber bro for that!

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Never underestimate what someone will do for a promotion / political gain.

Like that kid in NY charged with terrorism or some junk for throwing an empty plastic bottle that didn't hit anyone at a basketball game.

People will destroy lives, and not give a f*ck, for their own gain.
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