How much does it cost to CNC such machines?
To convert to Cnc ? Depends on the machine. Do you want it for just x and y or do you want z too.
That's the one I have . It's pretty good. If you wait for coupons you can get it for 1500$.
Add another 1k to convert it . If my dad waited we could of just gotten a Bridgeport for less.
One thing about converting a mill is you'll probably need to learn some codeine .
I can program Cnc mills at the machine in g code. You could get 3d modeling software, then get a program like master cam that will write the video for you . If the software wont let you you'll have to go in and stops for the tool changes. Ever time you go from
One tool from the next you have to stop . Swap in the tool and re zero the the z axis.
You take the chance of having your zero(bottom of the tool) a hair off. It would suck after a few tool changes you last op would be slightly off .. To deep you start over from scratch to shallow you change your zero and rerun that op.
If your not doing high volumes your money would be better spent just on tooling and other shop suppliers . Unless you have to do curves . It's do able on a manual machine but you would have to learn how to mount your part on a rotary table and have the part in the right spot . Think a I ring gasket on a square panel . You want the corners to be radius for the I ring grove. You'd cut the straight sections first then . Mount the part on a rotary table with the radius dead nuts on the pivot point.
For doing basic one off parts tho Cnc is over kill unless you have some weird angles curves that would require a lot of different setups etc . For doing a ar lower it's not needed since its basic x y z movements .
I bought two ak 80% . I didn't drill all the holes on one receiver in one shot.
I set a stop up , found my zero drilled the first hole, put the next receiver in drilled the same hole. Went to the next hole drilled it and swaped the other receiver. Doing production work on a manual mill this is how I do it. It's faster then doing one part from start to finish .