
I think I might purchase three Stag arms lowers, two for me one for some other poor soul. Worse comes to worse I can sell them for what I paid, seems like good risk management to me. What is the best place to get them from? I emailed Carl and to see what they will charge, waiting for a response.
Dear Mr. Mayor,

How many instances of criminal use of the AR-15 rifle, by licensed individuals, have their been in the Commonwealth of MA over the last two decades?

How many instances of criminal use of illegally obtained firearms have their been in your city alone over that same time period?

How many kids have accidentally died from injuries inflicted by the accidental/negligent use of an AR-15 rifle in MA over the last two decades?

How many kids have accidentally drowned in swimming pools over that same time period?

Cite ONE example, if you can, where legislation banning the possession of an object or substance has resulted in the eradication of the use or possession of said substance or object?

What represents the greater threat to society? An unarmed drug-dealing gang member roaming the streets, or a law-baiding citizen with an AR-15 in his gun safe?

What is the ratio of the number of violent crimes committed by licensed gun owners compared to incidents of violent crime committed by the rest of the population?

Last question - how can you look at yourself in the mirror, knowing how much your efforts are eroding the personal liberties of your fellow Americans?

Sincerely go f*** yourself,

I think I might purchase three Stag arms lowers, two for me one for some other poor soul. Worse comes to worse I can sell them for what I paid, seems like good risk management to me. What is the best place to get them from? I emailed Carl and to see what they will charge, waiting for a response.

AR15 sales for stripped RRA lower,Pete is a licensed FFL and distributor for Rock River.Seriously,I would imagine if FS has any stripped lowers they are on consignment and he will be charging a lot more than they are worth.
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Do NOT bet on it... CA & NJ both got bent over that way, and in both states now possessing something that you LEGALLY POSSESSED before the ban puts you in jail now.

Greg is right...

CA had an amnesty/registration window after
roberti-roos was signed into law. As long as you
registered your existing AWs during that window,
posession thereafter is legal.

There's also still a loophole for LEOs that can get a
brass signoff to register a new AW, I believe. Of
course in CA that's not likely to occur in any of the bigger

That's not true in CA,not sure about NJ.

CA grandfathered in all the AW's,you had to register them with the state prior to a certain date.

Now in CA,it is illegal to engage in the sale/transfer of any assault weapon unless you are a licensed AW dealer.
In NJ, if you didn't register it by the deadline you're now a criminal if you still have it. I'll have to check with my buddy in NJ to see if the confiscations have started or not.
That's not true in CA,not sure about NJ.

CA grandfathered in all the AW's,you had to register them with the state prior to a certain date.

Then how is it Front Sight and similar facilities did such a booming business storing all those lawfully grandfathered California "assault weapons" out of state?
Then how is it Front Sight and similar facilities did such a booming business storing all those lawfully grandfathered California "assault weapons" out of state?

No idea(although I think you might already know the answer),did they sell them to lowly civilians,or where they just storing them offsite after the ban ? What I can recall is a lot of people bought lowers in anticipation of a ban,not really knowing what the state was going to ban.They basically made the ban all encompassing and left a lot of people with "illegal" lowers.

I might be somewhat wrong,but I didn't really get into all the circumstances because I don't live there anymore.

That is why CA has the abomination of an AR called a FAB10.
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AR15 sales for stripped RRA lower,Pete is a licensed FFL and distributor for Rock River.Seriously,I would imagine if FS has any stripped lowers they are on consignment and he will be charging a lot more than they are worth.
I was hoping to purchase a Stag Arms lower for $130, I know other people have found them at that price and they are supposed to be just as good. 150 is still not a bad price, but it might mean buying only two lowers.
Here are some stripped lowers for $100,I don't know anyone that owns one,so I can't testify to the quality of them.Just throwing out some options.

Stag stripped lowers $105 shipped.

Stag lowers with LPK installed$147.00

If I was looking at getting a lower only,I would just go to Pete in NH,save the tax and transfer fee you will be charged when it is shipped from another FFL out of state.
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Greg is right...

CA had an amnesty/registration window after
roberti-roos was signed into law. As long as you
registered your existing AWs during that window,
posession thereafter is legal.

There's also still a loophole for LEOs that can get a
brass signoff to register a new AW, I believe. Of
course in CA that's not likely to occur in any of the bigger


Silveira .vs Lockyer...

Not the loophole you mentioned WRT the sign-off for active duty officers, but
even though the plaintiff lost his case, the court ruled that retired LEOs weren't entitled to extra privileges denied to ordinary citizens...

Gorski did win one point in the Ninth Circuit opinion; the California law exempted retired police officers from the gun prohibition. The court ruled that this exemption was an irrational violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection guarantee, and removed the exemption from the statute. This ruling is helpful to gun rights, because it means that, in the Ninth Circuit at least, future gun bans which are enacted will also apply to retired police; accordingly, gun bans will be harder to enact. (Such bans will not be impossible however; they will simply need to invent some connection between the retired officer and the gun he wishes to posses; for example, the officer has received police training in use of roughly similar types of guns.)

IIRC, it was either Lockyer or a CA assemblyman, that wasn't too happy about that ruling and pulled some stunt that basically amounted to a small fine for retired LEOs who were in possession of any 'assault weapons"
Might I suggest that since the dip$hit Mayor is talking to some legislator, that we ALL write to our own Reps telling them it's not a good idea?????? THEN you can all run out and buy your AR's. Just a thought...
When I started the other thread about buying an AR before Deval was sworn in, It never even daawned on me that they might make POSESSION of a legally owned AR illegal.

I just thought they would have a Grandfather Clause like they have always had with other things (Not counting machine guns in the Gun Act of 1934)

That might have slowed me down yesterday when I layed my money down on the new DPMS I'm getting. $879 could buy a couple of real nice used Smith & Wesson pistols, which are my favorite.

In any case, I'm going to still pick mine up when the NICS check goes through. I'll take my chances that they won't make possession illegal. Cross my fingers, but after I write some letters and call my state reps and senator.

mAss would you like to "borrow" a brand new DPMS carbine for the duration of any ban in Massachusetts. If you treated it like your own, I know it would be well cared for, and maybe someday my new baby could come home.
"Pete is a licensed FFL and distributor for Rock River.Seriously,I would imagine if FS has any stripped lowers they are on consignment and he will be charging a lot more than they are worth."

So, who is Pete? Not familiar with him.
Could we send it???

Dear Mr. Mayor,

How many instances of criminal use of the AR-15 rifle, by licensed individuals, have their been in the Commonwealth of MA over the last two decades?

How many instances of criminal use of illegally obtained firearms have their been in your city alone over that same time period?

How many kids have accidentally died from injuries inflicted by the accidental/negligent use of an AR-15 rifle in MA over the last two decades?

How many kids have accidentally drowned in swimming pools over that same time period?

Cite ONE example, if you can, where legislation banning the possession of an object or substance has resulted in the eradication of the use or possession of said substance or object?

What represents the greater threat to society? An unarmed drug-dealing gang member roaming the streets, or a law-baiding citizen with an AR-15 in his gun safe?

What is the ratio of the number of violent crimes committed by licensed gun owners compared to incidents of violent crime committed by the rest of the population?

Last question - how can you look at yourself in the mirror, knowing how much your efforts are eroding the personal liberties of your fellow Americans?

Sincerely go f*** yourself,


Should we? Could we?
For better or worse... I think we can expect to see a lot more new acquisitions posted in the "Gun Gallery" in the coming months. [thinking]
Ya know I actually considered inviting the mayor to go shooting at one of the nearby ranges here. I have a feeling if I did, every time I'd pull out a rifle and explain to him how it works and how to shoot it, he'd be writting the info down for more ban ideas.[rolleyes]
Does anyone have any Massachusetts high power league links that we can send him?
My AR is my least favorite rifle in my collection but that doesnt mean I dont love owning it..... I was actually thinking about dumping it a while back but now there is no way I would since it is more of an investment then anything

Bushmaster XM-15 purchased in June of 2005 from Ware Gun Room.. She is a flame thrower with cheap Wolf ammo yet smooth as silk.[grin]

Any potential laws banning them or an AK-type rifle would have a grandfathering clause in it, after all the state accepted the grandfathering clause back in 1994 with the federal AWB so what would be so different here? No politician would dare to make already legally owned firearms illegal as it would be political suicide IMHO especially for a nice young African American Gov with any possible intention of running for bigger and better positions down the road....................

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Well, I tried

I was on WRKO on the way into work with that idiot Barrios. He's trying to spin what he's attempting to do with his gun banning. It's hard to talk to these guys without resources at your fingertips, but I tried to make the point that more laws aren't going to do anything, what we need to do is enforce what's already in place, and what difference does it make what this guy used to kill people, if he'd used a shotgun would Barrios try to ban shotguns? Of course he would [wink] I think they just liked having a woman with an AR call in. [rolleyes]
I was on WRKO on the way into work with that idiot Barrios. He's trying to spin what he's attempting to do with his gun banning. It's hard to talk to these guys without resources at your fingertips, but I tried to make the point that more laws aren't going to do anything, what we need to do is enforce what's already in place, and what difference does it make what this guy used to kill people, if he'd used a shotgun would Barrios try to ban shotguns? Of course he would [wink] I think they just liked having a woman with an AR call in. [rolleyes]

I heard you this morning Ann and I think you presented yourself well.
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