Demented Biden Threatens Gun Owners at Anti-2A Event: ‘They Need F-16s to Take on Government’ - Same Day Hunter Biden Convicted - Proves Need for AR's

Meh, I think that's what he told the Taliban just before he left a bazillion dollars worth of arms that taxpayers paid for, and US gun owners outnumber the Taliban considerably.
Old Joe lost his fastball a long time ago.
Saw that a little while ago. The guy is nothing but a f**k'n piece of excrement. HEY BIDEN......Your piece of excrement kid got one just by lying on the form. F**k your background checks and MOAR LAWS.
Did you ever, in your wildest dreams imagine a President openly threaten a certain segment of the population with military action multiple times?
Did this happen again or is this his speech from last year? Didn't read the article.

He's even trying to nerf civilian fighter jets. We need f35s not f16s a**h***
His brain is so fried doesnt remember that they have F35s now. He remembers the 80s tho.
He likes the F16s. Big fan of the Iron Eagle movies.
He's a moron who hasn't thought the issue through. You don't need F-16's. Hell, you don't need M-16's. Your assumption is that YOU'RE the good guy and the "rebels" are the bad guys. That's not how it goes down, Joltin Joe. You get overthrown when you've corrupted yourself beyond all comprehension. Then, NO ONE is on your side. There IS no Army to defend you. M-16??? How about baseball bats and broomsticks, you moron?
Air power didn't seem to win:


Those combatants essentially took on america and won, you could count more of you added in UN missions and the "war on drugs".

I'm honestly more worried about drone warfare than the F16. F16s have pilots, drones dont need to.
Air power didn't seem to win:


Those combatants essentially took on america and won, you could count more of you added in UN missions and the "war on drugs".

I'm honestly more worried about drone warfare than the F16. F16s have pilots, drones dont need to.
Oh, drones have pilots. They're just harder to find.
Oh, drones have pilots. They're just harder to find.

Today drones sit in surveillance patterns and are hot seated for missions flown out of some bunker in the middle of the country. They only have to land for maintenance as many can be fueled in air.

F18's have human beings and those pilots eventually have to sleep.
Today drones sit in surveillance patterns and are hot seated for missions flown out of some bunker in the middle of the country. They only have to land for maintenance as many can be fueled in air.

F18's have human beings and those pilots eventually have to sleep.
And what did you think I meant by harder to find?? We appear to be in violent agreement with each other.
He's a moron who hasn't thought the issue through. You don't need F-16's. Hell, you don't need M-16's. Your assumption is that YOU'RE the good guy and the "rebels" are the bad guys. That's not how it goes down, Joltin Joe. You get overthrown when you've corrupted yourself beyond all comprehension. Then, NO ONE is on your side. There IS no Army to defend you. M-16??? How about baseball bats and broomsticks, you moron?
All it takes is another Saint Floyd and they’d be abandoning cities…. You don’t need an AR 15 or a fighter jet you just need some upset blacks. And 30 million illegals.
Theyre already low on munitions....
Once theyre out whos going to show up for work to make more ifvthe shooting starts?
Theyd have to import them. Who are they going to get them from? Who else makes a missle that an F35 can launch?
We need someone else to arm us?
(He says turning his head to look at his collection.)
Because the 'cache' most people have will go very quickly. The 'stockpile' will last a couple days to a week longer. I've got an entire bedroom with more ammo than furniture in it, but even if I started training up to take competition seriously, it would dwindle pretty quickly.

In theory, you'd be restocking from the field, but assuming at least a portion of the .mil didn't side with the 'other side', software is going to get scarce pretty quickly.
Because the 'cache' most people have will go very quickly. The 'stockpile' will last a couple days to a week longer. I've got an entire bedroom with more ammo than furniture in it, but even if I started training up to take competition seriously, it would dwindle pretty quickly.

In theory, you'd be restocking from the field, but assuming at least a portion of the .mil didn't side with the 'other side', software is going to get scarce pretty quickly.
Anyone who actually plans on surviving through a crap scenario isn't going to be out getting into prolonged gunfights. They're going to be taking single shots at bad guys from cover and then getting the hell out of dodge. Now, if you happen to end up in a shitty situation where groups of people are coming to try and take your shit, that's a different scenario - but one to be avoided.
again. still.

We do not need AR-15s to go against our military.

We may need AR-15s to go against tyrants in government, their friends, family, and enablers in mainstream media and big tech.

in which case ARs are about perfect
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