Deputy Shoots Himself at Firearms Exercise


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
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Deputy shoots himself at firearms exercise
March 8, 2006

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. --A Wood County sheriff's deputy who is a firearms instructor accidentally shot himself in the leg during a live firearms exercise at a police firing range.

The Sheriff's Department is investigating the incident, which occurred Tuesday night at the firing range near the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport.

Deputy Jeff Hamric was returning his gun to its holster after firing it when the weapon discharged, Sheriff Ken Merritt said.

"It discharged, the bullet went through the bottom of his calf, bounced off the bone and lodged in his ankle," Merritt said.

Merritt said it was not clear whether proper steps had been taken to secure the weapon.

Hamric remained hospitalized Wednesday at Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital in Parkersburg.


Information from: Todd Baucher/WTAP-TV,
Permit me to get the ritual, b.s., excuses out of the way right now:

-- It just went off.

-- My gun is broken.

-- I swear my finger wasn't on the trigger!

-- It wasn't my fault, honest!

-- I reholstered exactly the way I was trained at the Academy.

-- I told you I didn't like this retention holster.

-- I should sue the holster maker!
Cross-X said:
Permit me to get the ritual, b.s., excuses out of the way right now:

-- It just went off.

-- My gun is broken.

-- I swear my finger wasn't on the trigger!

-- It wasn't my fault, honest!

-- I reholstered exactly the way I was trained at the Academy.

-- I told you I didn't like this retention holster.

-- I should sue the holster maker!

The secured weapon statement has me though. Secured? What does that mean? Do they have a policy that the firearm cannot be holstered while loaded?
Chris said:
You forgot one Cross-X

"I wasn't properly trained."


Sadly this is also probably true! Firearms training is "not a priority" in any PD that I'm aware of in MA and I'm not sure it's that much different in the mind of the brass anywhere else!
Len, I can believe it.

Riverside is hosting an NRA LEAD Law Enforcement Handgun Instructor course in May.

As of right now, the only MA residents signed up is an Auxilliary Wayland Officer and someone associated with the Brockton PD. The majority of the attendees are from New York (including one from the NY Army National Guard), and I even have two coming up from the Library of Congress. (had a real nice chat with the woman who runs their police department - word to the wise - Don't press your luck at the Library of Congress, they are NOT a rent-a-cop outfit. Who'd of thought? She asked if we would be running a select-fire LE Instructor course any time soon. My kind of lady to be sure!)

I figured I would have seen at least several local PDs jump at the chance for an instructor level training course locally.

Heck, I'D love to take this one after seeing the sylibus, but you have to have LE credentials with arrest powers or be with an accredited Security firm. Hmm, is that NES PD thing happening? (^_^)

Seriously, if anyone knows a person in Law Enforcement that is looking for an instructor course, check out the NRA Website or contact me directly for more details. I still have a few slots open.

I couldn't get any local chiefs/officers to even come to Ron Glidden's seminar last May and that was free . . . BR&P picked up the tab for his speaking fee. We had ~150 attend, only one known chief (Avon PD, he introduced himself to me) and no FT POs that I was aware of!

I had one officer (friend and gunnie) tell me that he'd go if the chief would pay him OT to be there. I told him that he was f*'n nuts to even ask . . . getting that chief to buy ammo for qual is a supreme feat!
I've owned, carried and shot a Glock for over ten years with nary a problem.

Funny how things work - If you let the spoon fly on a frag that little fk'er goes off too!
I wanted to get my Police Officer Firearms Instructor certification from the training council. I was told that the department would sponsor me but I had to do it on my own time and the department would NOT use me.
I used 40hrs of my own vacation time and did it anyways.
Sounds like he had his finger on the trigger while reholstering.

While we may scoff at this type of accident, I think it can happen easier than we may like to admit. A similar incident happened at Front Sight a while back:

Scroll down to "incident #1"

It only takes a moments inattention for this to happen to you.
Chris said:
He who is truly wise knows there is much he does not know.

In other words, anyone who does not believe they could use a little more practice is probably a damn fool.

This has to be one of the best post's I've ever seen.
Chris said:
He who is truly wise knows there is much he does not know.

In other words, anyone who does not believe they could use a little more practice is probably a damn fool.


Edited to make it +2...I didn't see Tony's response.
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