Designer turns confiscasted guns into jewelry

Hmmm. I wonder if that is a violation of the law. After all, Once a receiver is declared a 'Gun" manufacturers have to be extremely cautious about how that part is handled in the factory. After it leaves the factory, there are all kinds of laws that govern how it can be bought or sold. There are ways to legally 'destroy' a gun, but anyone want to bet that none of the metal used was processed in such a manner. Find a serial number on anything and it seems to me that it's a violation of interstate commerce in firearms.
The way the narrator says "guns" as if it were a disease tells the whole story.

A portion of the sale goes to children's charity

How about you sell the guns and give the money to the PD. Too practical I suppose.

I had something to do with taking a gun off the street

No, you did not. The guns came from the police seizure room. They took them from criminals.

OFF TOPIC: on the subject of spelling, if you use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer there's a built in spell check!
So soon I'll need to report jewelry transfers to the government via FA-10? Awesome, now where can I find pre-ban high capacity batteries for my Casio?
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