Desperately looking for public range in ME

Oct 2, 2005
Brunswick, ME
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I guess I was just lucky to get used to the walk-in hourly gun ranges in MD and PA. Now that I'm in Maine I am finding nothing but private clubs. I'm not knocking clubs or anything but I never know where I am going to be month to month so membership anywhere is not an option, and yes I am even looking for friends with tons of land. lol Apparently the only interesting people in maine either own apartments or have houses in the suburbs. Any help would be appreciated.
None in the southern area that I'm aware of. last one closed up years ago. Check some of the larger clubs as they occasionally open for non-member use. Or just find a club member as go together.
BlkHawk73 said:
None in the southern area that I'm aware of. last one closed up years ago. Check some of the larger clubs as they occasionally open for non-member use. Or just find a club member as go together.

Yeah I was kind of fearing that. I asked a buddy of mine who is a cop and he told me Topsham just closed not too long ago. I am trying to get a few of my cop friends to get me into a private club in Augusta. City shooting or something along those lines.

Thanks for the help anyways.
Grifter said:
Yeah I was kind of fearing that. I asked a buddy of mine who is a cop and he told me Topsham just closed not too long ago. I am trying to get a few of my cop friends to get me into a private club in Augusta. City shooting or something along those lines.

Thanks for the help anyways.

That would be Capital City. Know a shooter that goes up there now and then. Have occasional CASS shoots there too. Nice place.
Do what I did when I lived in Maine, jsut find a gravel pit that isn't posted!

The best way to find if it's cool is look for the strong sedimentary layer of spent brass!


-Weer'd Beard
Yeah I tried going to a gravel pit up north and honestly think I would have been arrested except for the fact the cop knows me from where I work. I'll keep lookin for other gravel pits though. Thanks
if it's not posted, and not in use (most are abandoned) nobody will care. and in yer neck of the woods there are no "no discharge of firearms" ordinances.

And like I said, if there's enugh brass in the gravel, that you can't tell if you're standing on gravle or brass you have a good defence, so worst case scenario Sheriff Andy will just ask you to go home.


-Weer'd Beard

Maine does not have many, if any, public ranges. The state may but I am not aware of where they are. Contact the Pine Tree State Rifle and Pistol Assoc at or Maine Gun Owners Assoc. at

The problem today is the cost of liability insurance. Most clubs are required to carry at least a $1 million insurance policy and that cost several thousand dollars. Most can't afford to let just anyone in for fear of an incident.

The last public indoor range was in Saco and it was closed due to a divorce settlement. Most Maine people don't have the money it would cost to use a private owned public range. The cost of such has skyrocketed in recent years because of litigation. Face it, the antis are still working to close every range.
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