Dillon 650 priming issue

Oct 8, 2009
An Ebola Free zone
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So the Dillon 650 was not seating primers to the proper depth. I was able to resolve this by adjusting the gold nut directly underneath the priming stem, but there is no indication that the nut is set correctly. Has anyone had to deal with this issue before? Can it be adjusted too far up, so that you would compress/crush primers?
Sorry but you do not set primer height on a 650, that nut should be snugged up tight to the casting (not head bolt tight)
The 1050/1100 is the only Dillon I know of where you can adjust primer seating depth.
Sorry but you do not set primer height on a 650, that nut should be snugged up tight to the casting (not head bolt tight)
The 1050/1100 is the only Dillon I know of where you can adjust primer seating depth.
That's correct.

I've got two XL650s, load 9mm, .38SPCL, .357Mag, .357Sig and .45ACP on them.

The only adjustment for the primer is "squaring it up", which you typically only have to do on first assembly or if changing primer feeds, (small to large or vice versa).
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