Dinesh D'Souza says recent riots and political unrest could lead to 'rise of citizen militias around the country'

To try and untangle a bit, based on my own experiences and training as i worked for a Japanese company for several years...
Japanese see 'being Japanese' as being part of a race. You're born in to it, They are very proud and conservative in this view or Japanese identity. One can sort of 'convert', which is different that becoming a citizen of Japan and no-one i know of Japanese birth really would talk about 'converting' in this way, and it still wouldn't make someone truly Japanese in their eyes.

America is an Ideal (at least used to be, that is perhaps questionable at this moment), based on and espoused by the beliefs of Liberty articulated in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and BOR, and the underlying tenants of Natural Law. We are a sovereign Country but Not a Race (in traditional definition). Our identity is (used to be) based solely on these beliefs and the XIV amendment enshrines this when it says "Those born or naturalized...." Divided loyalties is a real issue and other parts of the Constitution (inclusive of amendments) acknowledge the concerns but only in placing limits on Representatives, Senators President & VP...

I get the metaphor 'Climbsinsink' was building, but there are real differences between US and Japan so it doesn't really work.
Dinesh D'Souza is an American once he declared his belief and support of Liberty and became a naturalized citizen. That doesn't mean everyone needs to fully trust in him, but i think he has consistently espoused these values in his works.

Lastly, there are plenty of others who take the steps of becoming a citizen in name only but clearly do not understand or espouse Liberty in the American definition and ideal...
Let's save our critique for them!

... Wouldn't it be amazing if Juan could come over to pick whatever for 9 months of the year - even bring his family.
ETA: "Yahbut..."
(I am singularly uninterested in paying One Red Cent of taxes towards
the health care, education, etc. of the non-working dependents
of foreign migrant laborers).
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If your parents didn't emigrate from a small subset of European countries 100+ years ago you are an American in paper only. There are some great paper Americans, but masses of them is the death of the country and ones that write books telling Americans how America should be are grifters that need to go back. This may sting but paperwork is just paperwork, it means nothing and can be changed.
You are delusional
Oh I didn't answer your SJW kafka trap gotcha question. I was born in America on land once inhabited by native Americans. Promptly after birth at only a few minutes old I used my white privilege and micro aggressions to drive them onto reservations. I have since inmigrated across state lines. Is inmigration the gotcha? In my defense I moved closer to where my ancestors parked their boat. They just fixed up the replica, you've probably seen it.
D'Sousa is a naturalized US Citizen. So for you one can only be an American if they were born in the US?
Read the chain - my assertion was that natural born are not immigrants.
The prior poster had pushed the "we're all immigrants" fallacy.

One can be an immigrant and be a citizen - my wife is both. I have zero issues with immigrants that come here legally.
Heavy on feelings, low on facts.

Pre-boomers DID pay in. They just didn't pay in a lot.

BECAUSE IT'S NOT A PAY-IN SYSTEM! It's a TAX. You tax CURRENT wage-earners to fulfill retirement benefits of CURRENT seniors.

There is nothing more than a promise to pay you later. There is no lockbox. There is no account with $ in it. There is no "investment return." It's a tax. You agree to pay the tax so that people over 65 aren't lying destitute in the gutter.

I don't say, "Well, I paid my property tax, but in 3 years I'll get to use the Senior center and I'm gonna spend the hell out of that because it's owed to me." No. They might close the senior center next year. One has zip to do with the other.

You don't get to invest in your own future because the % of Americans that WILL invest for their future is something less than 5%. Maybe only 1 or 2%. What do you do with the rest of them??? Kick them all to the curb?? Create some sort of Logan's Run system where you're eliminated at 65 if you don't have x-times your salary saved for retirement???

As bad as SSI is, for a government program that is 80-something years old, it's pretty damned successful. There aren't many 80-year-old programs that aren't completely changed or full of graft. And the REALLY funny thing is: Call SSI. They are the most helpful, well trained people you'll ever see. I think it's under some sort of reverse-curse or something. Ever call any other segment of government? Especially federal entitlement??? (Which SSI is - but that's another time I'll have you irritated). It never goes well.

SSI is no better than Obamacare. A system so good that it has to be forced upon us. If its so good it should be optional. It's theft and wealth redistribution. If you cant plan for retirement with 50+ years of advanced notice than you get what you deserve, not my problem. Anyone who relies on SSI for retirement is a
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